The latest update brings a ton of adjustments to Battlegrounds and the new Duos mode. The devs made changes focused on enhancing diversity and balance. Underperforming strategies are being buffed, while notable outliers like Greymane's Champion and Gem Smuggler are being nerfed. Below, you will find all changes to cards, heroes, and spells coming with 29.2.2.
Table of Contents
Hero Changes
We saw a lot of new heroes and hero changes last patch. This time we only have 1 Hero Power being changed. Guff has felt way too weak, so the Devs are giving him some love.
Guff Runetotem

- [2 Gold] Give a friendly minion of each Tier +2/+2. -> [1 Gold] Give a friendly minion of each Tier +2/+1.
- 10 Armor ->20 Armor
Card Changes
Even after the significant balance patch that accompanied the start of the new season, we're witnessing another substantial number of playable cards being buffed or nerfed. This move by Blizzard aims to keep the new season fresh, but without introducing many major shakeups. These changes mainly consist of stat and number adjustments to minions and spells.

- Rylak Metalhead - 3/4. Taunt. Deathrattle: Trigger the Battlecries of adjacent minions. -> 5/3. Taunt. Deathrattle: Trigger the Battlecry of the minion to the left of this
- Goldshell Warden - 3/4. Battlecry: Give your other Beasts +1/+4. -> 2/4. Battlecry: Give your other Beasts +2/+4.
- Iridescent Skyblazer - [Tier 4] 2/5 -> [Tier 5] 3/8
- Trigore the Lasher - [Tier 5] 6/2. Whenever another friendly Beast takes damage, gain +2 Health permanently. -> [Tier 4] 8/3. Whenever another friendly Beast takes damage, gain +1 Health permanently.
- Mechanized Gift Horse - [Tier 5] -> [Tier 4]
- Spiked Savior - 12/4. Taunt. Deathrattle: Deal 1 damage to your minions and give them +1 Health. -> 8/2. Taunt. Reborn. Deathrattle: Give your minions +1 Health and deal 1 damage to them.
- Octosari, Wrap God - 5/6. Deathrattle: Summon a 2/2 Tentacle. (It gains +2/+2 permanently after you summon a minion in combat!) -> 8/8. Deathrattle: Summon a 8/8 Tentacle. (It gains +2/+2 permanently after you summon a minion in combat!)
- Goldrinn, the Great Wolf - 3/3. Deathrattle: For the rest of this combat, your Beasts have +3/+3. -> 4/4. Deathrattle: For the rest of this combat, your Beasts have +4/+4.
- Fiery Felblood - 4/3. Deathrattle: Minions in the Tavern have +3 Attack this game. -> 3/2. Deathrattle: Minions in the Tavern have +2 Attack this game.
- Backstage Security - 4/4 -> 4/5
- Wrath Weaver - 1/4 -> 1/3
- Crafty Aranasi - 1/8 -> 3/10
- False Implicator - 1/2 -> 1/1
- Misfit Dragonling - 1/2 -> 2/1
- Blazing Skyfin - 1/3 -> 2/4
- Electric Synthesizer - [Tier 4] 4/3 -> [Tier 3] 3/3
- Draconic Deathscale - [Tier 4] 6/3 -> [Tier 5] 8/3
- Kalecgos, Arcane Aspect - 2/10 -> 4/12
- Molten Rock - 3/1 -> 3/2
- Party Elemental - 3/2 -> 4/2
- Crackling Cyclone - 3/1 -> 4/1
- Wildfire Elemental - [Tier 4] 8/4 -> [Tier 3] 6/3
- Recycling Wraith - [Tier 3] 4/2 -> [Tier 4] 5/4
- Land Lubber - 4/5 -> 5/7
- Zilliax (All Modules) - 4/3 -> 3/4
- Scrap Scraper - 6/5. Deathrattle: Get a random Magnetic Mech. -> 5/5. Battlecry and Deathrattle: Get a random Magnetic Mech.
- Utility Drone - 3/4. At the end of your turn, give your minions +1/+1 for each Magnetization they have. -> 4/4. At the end of your turn, give your minions +2/+1 for each Magnetization they have.
- Augmented Laborer - 1/6 -> 3/8
- Charging Czarina - 4/2. Divine Shield. Whenever you cast a Tavern spell, give your minions with Divine Shield +3 Attack. -> 5/3. Divine Shield. Whenever you cast a Tavern spell, give your minions with Divine Shield +2 Attack.
- Very Hungry Winterfinner - Taunt. Whenever this takes damage, give a minion in your hand +1/+1. -> Taunt. Whenever this takes damage, give a minion in your hand +2/+1.

- Murgl Mk II - 2/4. Avenge (3): Give minions in your hand and board +1/+1 permanently. -> 2/4. Avenge (4): Give minions in your hand and board +1/+1 permanently.
- Bream Counter - 6/6. While this is in your hand, after you play a Murloc, gain +2/+2. -> 5/5. While this is in your hand, after you play a Murloc, gain +3/+2.
- Magmaloc - [Tier 5] -> [Tier 4]
- Primalfin Lookout - [Tier 4] -> [Tier 5]
- The Glad-iator - 1/1 -> 3/3
- Deep Blue Crooner - [Tier 4] 2/2 -> [Tier 3] 4/4
- Zesty Shaker - [Tier 3] 3/4 -> [Tier 4] 6/6
- Defiant Shipwright - 2/4 -> 2/5
- Timecap’n Hooktail - 1/5. Whenever you cast a Tavern spell, give your other minions +1 Attack. -> 2/5. Whenever you cast a Tavern spell, give your minions +1 Attack.
- Record Smuggler - 5/4. At the start of your turn, gain 1 Gold. Repeat for each other Pirate. -> 6/6. At the start of your turn, gain 2 Gold. If you control at least three Pirates, gain 2 more.
- Gem Smuggler - [Tier 5] 4/3. Battlecry: Play 2 Blood Gems on all your other minions. -> [Tier 4] 3/4. Battlecry: Play a Blood Gem on all your other minions.
- Harmless Bonehead - 0/2 -> 1/1
- Hateful Hag - 4/2 -> 6/2
- Hungering Abomination - 3/4 -> 6/7
- Moroes, Steward of Death - 5/2. Reborn. Deathrattle: Give your Undead +2/+5. -> 4/2 Reborn. Deathrattle: Give your Undead +2/+4.
- Fire Dancer - 4/2 -> 5/2
- Winged Chimera - 3/6. Whenever this takes damage, give a friendly minion of each type +2/+1. -> 1/5. Whenever this takes damage, give a friendly minion of each type +1/+1 permanently. (3 times per combat.)
- Ensorcelled Fungus - Has +1/+2 for each Tavern spell you’ve cast this game (wherever this is). -> Has +2/+2 for each Tavern spell you’ve cast this game (wherever this is).
- Unforgiving Treant - 2/12. Taunt. Whenever this takes damage, give your minions +1 Attack permanently. -> 3/12. Taunt. Whenever this takes damage, give your minions +2 Attack permanently.
- Nalaa the Redeemer - 5/7. Whenever you cast a Tavern spell, give a friendly minion of each type +2/+1. -> 5/6. Whenever you cast a Tavern spell, give a friendly minion of each type +2/+2.
- Greymane’s Champion - 6/5. After you play an even-Tiered card, give your other even-Tier minions +2/+2. -> 6/6. After you play an even-Tiered card, give your even-Tier minions +1/+1.
- Mooneater’s Champion - 7/8. After you play an odd-Tier card, give your other odd-Tier minions +1/+1. -> 5/5. After you play an odd-Tier card, give your odd-Tier minions +1/+1.
- Corrupted Cupcakes - [3 Gold] -> [4 Gold]
- Them Apples - Give minions in the Tavern +1/+3. -> Give minions in the Tavern +1/+2.
- Boon of Beetles - [Tier 3] When you have space during combat, summon a 3/3 Beetle. (3 left!) -> [Tier 4] When you have space during combat, summon a 3/3 Beetle with Taunt. (4 left!)
- Suspicious Stimulant - [Tier 3, 3 Gold] -> [Tier 4, 4 Gold]
- Scavenge for Parts - [4 Gold] -> [2 Gold]
- Cloning Conch - Get a copy of a non-Golden Murloc in your hand. -> Get a random Murloc and a copy of it.
Card Changes (Duos Only)
After the introduction of Duos last patch, players got to experience this brand new way to play Battlegrounds. Through playtesting, some cards turned out to be problematic or poorly balanced. This patch aims to address these issues and smooth out the gameplay experience.

- Passenger - 2/3. The first time your team Passes each turn, gain +2/+2. -> 2/2. The first time your team Passes each turn, gain +1/+2.
- Generous Geomancer - 2/1 -> 1/1
- Orc-estra Conductor - 2/2. Battlecry: Give a minion +2/+2. Improve your team’s future Orc-estra Conductors. -> 4/2. Battlecry: Give a minion +2/+1. (Upgraded for each Orc-estra Conductor your team has played this game)
- Magnanimoose - No text change. Now only summons up to one copy of each of your teammate’s minions.
- Puddle Prancer - 3/3. After this is Passed, gain +3/+3. -> 4/4. After this is Passed, gain +4/+4.
- Man’ari Messenger - 7/4. Battlecry: Minions in your team’s Taverns have +2/+1 this game. -> 8/5. Battlecry: Minions in your team’s Taverns have +1/+1 this game.
- Catch - Give your minions +3 Attack. (Upgrades by +3 Attack after this is Passed!) -> Give your minions +2 Attack. (Upgrades by +2 Attack after this is Passed!)
Card Pool Changes
- The Uninvited Guest
- Sacred Gift
- Thorncaller
- Humming Bird
- Prophet of the Boar
- Scarlet Skull
- Sister Deathwhisper
- Cloning Conch
Bug Fixes and Game Improvements
- Recruitment Program: Fixed an issue where Recruitment Program could triple in your hand before the recruit is passed to your teammate in Duos.
- Millhouse Manastorm: Resolved a bug where Millhouse Manastorm's Tavern Refresh cost of 2 Gold would also affect your teammate if he beat both opponents in Duos.
- Plunder Pal: Addressed a bug where Plunder Pal didn’t grant your teammate Gold in Duos.
- Suspicious Stimulant and Jandice Barov: Fixed an error where using Suspicious Stimulant on a minion caused issues with Jandice Barov’s Hero Power.
- Felboar: Fixed a bug where Felboar would consume a minion in the Tavern before the Tavern Spell takes effect.
- Magnetized Minions: Corrected an issue where Magnetized enchantments on a Magnetic minion wouldn't carry over if the minion was tripled.
Try out the newly changed card in your decks! Make sure to check our website for more useful and interesting Hearthstone content!