Patch 13.15 has brought forth a dynamic meta where mastery over a select few champions can lead to unparalleled success. Today, we delve into the heart of this patch, uncovering the three most broken champions for each role. From the ruthless AD carries to the cunning junglers, and the versatile mid laners to the unyielding top laners, we explore the gameplay nuances and strategies behind their dominance.
AD Carries:

In patch 13.15, Kai'Sa is seeing some changes. The AP iteration of this champion is getting nerfed, but the AD version remains untouched. While AP Kai'Sa has been immensely popular, even appearing in close to 50% of High ELO games, the AD Kai'Sa has been quietly performing even better. Players are discovering the potential of attack damage Kai'Sa with a focus on attack speed and Lethal Tempo. With the engage meta thriving in the bot lane, Kai'Sa synergizes incredibly well with the best supports, making her a top pick. However, it's important to note that blind-picking Kai'Sa can be risky due to unfavorable matchups against champions like Lucian, Aphelios, or Jinx. To maximize success, pair her with a strong support and take advantage of her scaling potential.

As one of the strongest AD carries, Draven remains relevant with multiple build paths. Whether players go Trinity Force into Infinity Edge or opt for a lethality build with Duskblade and Ghostblade, Draven's damage output is formidable. His kit allows him to abuse many of the game's strong items better than other ADCs. However, similar to Kai'Sa, Draven can be a risky blind pick due to certain champions countering him effectively. Caitlyn and Ashe, for instance, can give him a hard time in lane. But when picked into the right matchups, Draven's raw damage potential can carry games.

Undoubtedly one of the most reliable AD carries, Ashe is currently a top contender in the bot lane. With the Kraken Slayer and Trinity Force combo, she reaches new heights of power. Adding Fleet Footwork with Cheap Shot in the runes enhances her damage output significantly. Her enhanced damage due to Cheap Shot's synergy with Frost Shot makes her oppressive in trades and all-ins. Moreover, recent buffs to her passive have bolstered her performance in all ELOs, solidifying her position as one of the best ADCs in the current meta. Ashe's scaling potential, utility, and strong laning phase make her a must-pick for those looking for consistent success.

Known for his versatility and playmaking potential, Thresh is a force to be reckoned with in the bot lane. While he might be challenging to master, players of all skill levels can find success with him. In 13.15, Thresh's strength persists even in lower ELOs, making him an attractive pick for players looking to climb. He excels at both engage and disengage, depending on the situation, and can be a reliable blind pick support. However, be cautious when facing a Blitzcrank as Thresh struggles against the pure tank's all-ins. Overall, Thresh remains a top support choice due to his utility and impact on the game.

As a highly versatile support, Rakan brings a lot to the table. His ability to jump into the enemy team and chain CC opponents makes him a formidable playmaker. Rakan's W, though potent, can be countered by champions like Alistar or Draven's E, requiring players to be mindful of the matchups. Nonetheless, Rakan can peel for his ADC and set up kills for his team with his powerful engage tools. He synergizes well with champions like Janna or Leona, who can appreciate a champion jumping into them. Rakan's mobility and engage potential ensure his place as one of the strongest supports in the current meta.

Despite receiving some nerfs in patch 13.14, Rell remains a potent support option in 13.15. Her CC capabilities are unparalleled, providing immense value in team fights. Rell's chaining abilities and crowd control make her a dominant force in the bot lane. Even with the nerfs, her win rates continue to shine across all ELOs. Pairing her with the right ADC can lead to a devastating laning phase and snowball potential. If you're looking for a support that can disrupt and control the battlefield, Rell is a top choice for your roster.
Mid Laners:

Patch 13.14 brought significant buffs to Lissandra, making her a top-three mid laner. The increased slow on her Q and additional HP on her ultimate make her tougher to deal with in trades and skirmishes. Lissandra excels against assassins who like to dive in, as her W and ultimate provide excellent crowd control and self-peel. Although she has climbed the ranks, Lissandra can be risky to blind pick due to unfavorable matchups against certain mid laners. Choosing her into the right team composition and facing the right opponents is crucial for success.

As a well-rounded mid laner, Viego remains one of the most reliable picks in the current meta. With no nerfs in sight, his performance remains consistent across all ELOs. Viego's kit allows him to adapt to various situations, making him an attractive pick for players of all playstyles. Whether you prefer a PTA Kraken Slayer build or a Conqueror Black Cleaver path, Viego's all-around power and versatility make him a top-tier mid laner. His potential to outplay opponents and his ability to scale into the late game make him a formidable force on the Rift.

Known for his annoying and frustrating playstyle, Sylas has retained his dominance even after the nerfs in 13.14. The electrocute damage nerf and wave clear adjustments did little to deter this champion. Playing Sylas with Fleet Footwork and a Kraken Slayer rush provides a highly obnoxious laning phase. His damage output feels uncountable and relentless in the hands of skilled players. While some opponents may struggle to utilize Sylas's full potential, in the right hands, he can become a nightmare to deal with. Expect potential nerfs to this potent champion in future patches, given his current state.

Despite the recent nerfs in patch 13.14, Rengar's power remains strong in the jungle. With Stridebreaker and a lethality build, he can continue to one-shot enemies with ease. Alternatively, Essence Reaver and crit builds offer excellent burst potential. Players can opt for different item paths depending on the playstyle and matchup, ensuring Rengar remains a top-tier jungle pick. His versatility and ability to adapt make him an attractive choice for jungle enthusiasts.

Thriving in the current meta, Rek'Sai excels against popular junglers like Rengar and Kha'Zix. Her strong synergy with Stridebreaker and the versatility of her builds contribute to her dominance. Although her recent E change to total attack damage slightly affects her, Rek'Sai continues to perform exceptionally well. Going for a more bruiser-oriented build with Black Cleaver after Stridebreaker maximizes her potential in team fights. Her chain CC and mobility make her a consistent and powerful jungle pick.

Despite the Q nerfs in patch 13.14, Kindred's power remains unchanged with her Trinity Force build. Players can still opt for the Kraken Slayer and PTA build, or go for the Conqueror Black Cleaver path if facing tanky opponents. Her immense damage output and scaling potential make her a strong pick across all ELOs. Kindred's dominance in the jungle is evident, making her one of the most reliable jungle champions in the current meta.
Top Laners:

Thanks to the buffs on Ghost and Undertow approach velocity, Olaf has become an intimidating force in the top lane. With an extended Ghost duration, players can easily catch opponents or escape ganks, making Olaf highly effective in 1v1s. The changes enable Olaf to win trades and skirmishes with ease, regardless of ELO. As a top-tier pick, Olaf can decimate opponents and pave the way to victory.

The new Trinity Force has breathed new life into Fiora, making her an even more formidable top laner. Players can now experiment with Divine Sunderer into tanky matchups or go for Goredrinker and Stridebreaker for a bruiser build. With various options and powerful dueling potential, Fiora continues to excel against most top lane opponents. Her ability to split push and apply pressure on the map is unmatched, solidifying her position as a top-tier top laner.

Despite the Q AD ratio nerfs in 13.15, Aatrox's recent buffs to minion damage and other abilities have compensated for it, keeping him at the top of the top lane tier list. A versatile bruiser, Aatrox can engage and peel for his team with ease. His strong performance against most matchups and ability to blind pick him safely make him a reliable top lane choice. With his high skill ceiling, players who master Aatrox can dominate the top lane and secure victories.