This is the complete guide to the Cupboards and Drawers DLC of A Little to the Left!
This DLC features a total of 25 gripping puzzles that incorporate all the coziness and mind-stimulating aspects of A Little to the Left. The levels focus on the fan favorites - organizing shelves, cupboards, and drawers.
Whether you are simply looking for the solution to a level you cannot figure out or aiming to obtain all the stars and achievements, this guide is perfect for you.
Check out our full walkthrough of all levels of A Little to the Left.
A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers:
A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers All Levels Solutions
Level 1: Clock Cupboard

Place the clocks on the shelves where they fit perfectly.
- Arrange the 4 small clocks so their hands form a square.
Level 2: Craft Supplies

Organize all crafting tools to fit perfectly in each compartment of the drawers.
- Put the pencil shavings and the sharpener together. Make sure to arrange the pencil sharpeners neatly so that no empty space is left.
- Arrange the paint tubes so that the colored patterns on them are connected.
Level 3: Fountain Pens

Match the caps to their pens. You can organize the pens in 4 different ways.
- By the number of gold lines on the pens.

- By the size of the caps. Organize them from the smallest to the biggest.

- By the position of the pen cap clip. Start from the one that is completely on the left of the cap and move to the one that is positioned on the right.

- By the sharpness of the pen caps. Start with the most square-shaped one and end with the sharpest cap.
Level 4: Pressed Flowers

Put the flowers in the spots that match their shapes.
- Be careful because some flowers are separated into different pieces that you will have to assemble.
Level 5: Toilet Cabinet

Put all of the objects in place so that they fit in the cabinet and their sides align with each other.
- The tricky part is to place the toilet rolls in the correct order. Follow the placement of the verticle line.
- Put the sweeper on top of the dustpan.
Level 6: Cat in the Sink

You only have to pet the cat with your mouse.
Level 7: Lunch

Arrange the food so that it perfectly fills the lunch tray.
- The dark green part of the celery pieces should be in the middle.
Level 8: Kitchen Equipment

Hang up all of the tools in the cabinet. The shapes of most of them fit each other.
Level 9: Kitchen Drawers

Be careful, there is another drawer underneath the first one!

- Make sure to arrange the sauce packets so that the stickers on their packaging align.
- You also have to align the three white strings.
Level 10: Tea Cups

Open the cabins and put all of the objects inside properly.
- Pay attention to the designs/patterns on the jars with birds on them, the tea cups, and the two small jars.
- Put all cupcakes on the cupcake stand.
Level 11: Kitchen Equipment 2

Hang up all of the tools in the cabinet. The shapes of most of them fit each other.
Level 12: Food Storage

Neatly arrange all the objects on the shelves.
- Place the potatoes and apples in the baskets.
- Put the white bowl in the mixer.
- Organize the pasta jars based on the amount of pasta inside them.
- The trickiest part is the cans stacked on top of each other. Pay attention to their length and how much space they leave on top of the shelf. Arrange the cans in order by their length starting with the tallest ones - the fish cans.
Level 13: Cat on a Shelf

Again you just have to pet the cat. Wait until it breaks the glass cup.
Level 14: Junk Drawer 2

Neatly put the objects in the different compartments.
- Put the cards in their rank order. Start with the ace and end with the 10.
Level 15: Files

Put the files in order by the placement of the white note inside of them.

Put the files in order by the placement of their tabs.

Organize the files by color starting with blue and ending with yellow. Look at the color of the scribbles on their tabs which will show you the order of the colors.
Level 16: Fossils

Assemble the scattered pieces into fossils.
- Some of the pieces might be in the second cabinet.

Level 17: Games

Organize the game cases so that their tags create a triangular shape.
Make sure that the Rubik's cubes and the discs create a gradient.
- Click on the square button on the console to start using it. Move the circle to the center of the screen and use the button again to turn it into a square. This action will earn you an achievement.
Level 18: Game Pieces

Put the game pieces on top of the drawer and the remaining items inside the drawers.
- Some of the items are underneath the drawers.
- Put the dice in order by their numbers.
- Arrange the dominoes so that their sides match each other.
Level 19: Fishing Lures

Find suitable compartments for all fishing tools.
- Arrange the small fish so that their pattern align.
- Organize the bugs in order of the number of body parts they have.
Level 20: Cat in a Bowl

You just have to pet the cat again.
Level 21: Coins 3

Put the coins in the places that match their shapes.

Sort the coins by color.

Group the coins in the following categories: with holes, undecorated, and engraved. Put each group in one of the three rows.
Level 22: Sewing Kit

- There are two small additional drawers. Make sure to open them and arrange items inside them too.
- Sort the small thread rolls so that they create a gradient with their colors.
- Follow the pink thread to arrange the big thread rolls.
Level 23: Treasures

The additional drawers open only after you complete a certain puzzle.
- Begin by putting the rings in order. Arrange them with the one with the least edges on top and the one with the most edges on the bottom.
- Next, place the clocks in the main compartment so that their hands align, with the clock featuring owl eyes in the middle.
- After that, organize the golden jewelry in the small drawer.
- Once done, assemble the gold bars as a puzzle; they should fit perfectly.
- Open the pendent on the necklace by clicking on it and place the cat photo inside.
- In the next drawer, organize the owl pictures.
- Finally, organize the white treasures so that their sides are complete with each other.
Level 24: Cat in a Drawer

Another level where you just have to caress the cat.
Level 25: Swords

To open the box you need to move it.
- Some of the drawers are very long so you need to move the box to make enough space to open them.
- Place the swords in their corresponding drawers.
- Close all compartments to pass the level.
Level 26: Trophies

You need to put all trophies in the cabinets that match their shape.
- The easiest way to do it is by opening all of the cabinets first and taking out all of the trophies. This action will also get you an achievement.
Level 27: Cat Figurines

Put all of the wooden containers inside the compartments until the cabinet is fully arranged. Then place the cat figurines in the containers where they fit.
Level 28: Peanut

Open all of the drawers one by one until you see the smallest drawer with a red bottom. Put the peanut inside.
Level 29: Cupboards

The final level begins with this cupboard. You can put the key underneath it in any of the four holes.

First, you have to put this table in order. There is nothing tricky here.

In the second part of the level, you have to park the cars so that the ones with matching colors are behind each other.
- Make sure the cars are parked truck to truck.

Next, you will have to move the fields so they fit perfectly between their surroundings.

Put the final key in the fourth lock to finish the level.

With this, you have finished A Little to the Left's DLC: Cupboards and Drawers.
A Little to the Left: Cupboards and Drawers Achievements
There is a total of 8 achievements in the DLC. All of them are very easy to acquire.
You might have difficulty achieving some of them because they might glitch. If that happens, restart the game and try again!

The Other Side
You get this achievement automatically after passing all levels of the Cupboards and Drawers DLC.
- For this achievement, you do not need to have all stars.

Everything Put Away
For this achievement, you must pass all levels with a perfect score, meaning you need to acquire all 36 stars.
Most levels have only one star, except for levels 3, 15, and 21, which have multiple stars.

Where Is My Cap?
Every cap has a new owner, but no two owners traded their caps.

For this achievement, you have to arrange all of the pen caps in Level 3 so that there are not two pens with swapped caps. All of them should be completely mixed up.

A Balanced Meal
All you can eat.

Put everything on top of one another.
- The easiest way to achieve this is by placing all the food in separate compartments, as you did to pass the level. Then, stack the compartments. Some items might fall when stacked; retrieve them and place them on top until it's complete.
- While some players may earn the achievement by putting the apple pieces in the circle and then stacking everything on top, this method didn't work for me. In that case, take the apples and put them on top of everything else as well.

In No Rush
Sit with the cat for a while.
To achieve this, open any of the levels where you had to pet the cat—Level 6, Level 13, Level 20, Level 24.
Don't do anything, just wait until you receive the achievement.

Can do Altitude
That's one epic stack.

You need to stack all of the cans on top of each other.
- Since the stack will be too long and will extend above the screen you have to be strategic. Put cans in 3 different stacks and then stack them. As you can see in the picture I left a little space between my can stack and the end of the monitor so I could drag the other stack on top of it.

Show Off
Be proud of your accomplishments.

Take all the trophies out of the cabinets and place them in front.
- This will help you pass the level more easily as well.

Now You're Playing With Power
A blast to the past.

To unlock this achievement, simply turn on the orange console, move the circle to the box, and then change the shape of the circle to a square.
Congratulations! If you've followed the guide thus far, it means you have already passed all levels and earned all achievements!