Players, are you ready to embark on new adventures in the world of Aether Gazer? Well you better be, because Aether Gazer's official Twitter (X) page just announced that they would be raising the max level cap for Admin Levels from 80 to 90! Now is the time to hop back into the game if you were away, or simply continue playing to try an reach those new levels. Here is all you need to know!

Aether Gazer Level Cap Increase

Admin Level or you account level in Aether Gazer is the backbone of your Aether Gazer account and the thing that both increases your stamina, allowing you to do even more content in the game.
Yostar Games just announced that they would be increasing the max level cap for the Admin from 80 to 90 right after thir maintenance on:
January 9, 2024
After this players will be able to log on in Aether Gazer and once again begin their experience grind to reach the new max level cap of 90.
What is Admin Level

Admin Level is the account level that all players have in Aether Gazer, it allows players to unlock new content, while also allowing them to raise their Characters and weapons. Character and weapon levels in Aether Gazer are locked behind Admin Levels and until you reach a certain Admin Level you will be capped. As such it is important to focus on raising your Admin Levels in the beginning.
We still do not know what this new level increase will bring, and although the max level cap is increasing from 80 to 90 right now we can only assume that this will come with an increase in max stamina, and that charcaters and their weapons will not be getting any further level increases. However, if new information does surface we will be sure to keep you up to date!