Jinwu is the newest DPS character in Aether Gazer and is also an S-Rank functor that players will be getting for free from the Version 2.0 events. Given that many players will have her, it is only natural that everyone will want to build her to be part of their teams. And don’t worry because we’ve got you covered with the best build guide for Jinwu. Stay with us to find out all you need to know!
List of Contents:
Who is Jinwu

Jinwu is a DPS character from the Tian Yuan Gen-zone. She is only one of two characters from this zone, with the other being the other new character in Aether Gazer Version 2.0 - Lingguang.
Jinwu uses Divine Grace to deal her damage and her skills allow her to stack Marks to increase her damage. Here is how you build her!
Jinwu Skills
Below you can see a full breakdown of Jinwu’s skills!

Jinwu Skills

skill 1
Demon Slayer
- Swings the Tenblaze and slashes continuously at the enemy, dealing Fire DMG. When the Mod has Blazefire Marks, every hit landed with a slash attack expends Blazefire Mark and grants Firefeather, which increases the Mod's Skill DMG. When Mod has enough Blazefire Marks, skill cast will expend all the Marks and grant corresponding stacks of Firefeather, as well as deal additional Fire DMG. When in Sunfade state, Demon Slayer is replaced by Crow's Scorch.
- Crow's Scorch: Brandishes the Tenblaze in the air to attack the enemy, expending Blazefire Marks to deal Fire DMG.

skill 2
Evil Crusher
- Unleashes blaze blades on the enemy multiple times to deal Fire DMG. Every hit landed on the enemy grants Blaze Mark. When Evil Crusher is in CD, it is replaced by Evil Incineration.
- Evil Incineration: Expends Blaze Marks to unleash blaze blades on the enemy, dealing Fire DMG. Skill cast does not interrupt ongoing actions and every hit landed on the enemy grants Blaze Mark. When in Sunfade state, Evil Crusher is replaced by Crow's Fire.
- Crow's Fire: Expends all Divine Grace to generate a circle at the target location, inflicting Shackle on all enemies within the circle as well as reducing their Physical, Wind, and Fire RES based on the expended Divine Grace and then deals Fire DMG.

skill 3
Sun Chaser
- Expends all Divine Grace and deals Fire DMG to surrounding enemies, then jumps into the air to enter Sunfade state.
- Sunfade: Grants Unyielding effect. Increases Fire DMG based on the Divine Grace expended. Casting of skills or Dodge during this time will extend the duration of Sunfade until the end of casting, at which point the CD starts. When in Sunfade state, Sun Chaser is replaced by Crow's Burn, and the form of the Penglai Swordplay attack changes.
- Penglai Swordplay: A skill attack unleashes blaze blades on the enemy, dealing Fire DMG. Gains Blazefire Mark based on the number of hits on the enemy.
- Crow's Burn: Swoops down on the locked-on enemy and expends all Blazefire Marks, dealing Fire DMG. Increases this skill's Base DMG based on the expended Blazefire Marks.

Tenblaze Incandescent
- May be cast only when Mod is not in Sunfade state. Unleashes the Mod's power, dealing Fire DMG. The Mod grants Divine Grace based on the amount of Blazefire Marks owned. Grants Ultimate Skill charge when Mod or a teammate casts the Ultimate Skill.
Jinwu Best Sigils
Jinwu does best with a mix of 3-pieces of Philosopher’s Fantasies and 3 pieces of Primordial Sun Sigil lets. Here is the best division per position!

Jinwu Sigils

Philosopher's Fantasies
- Effect: Increases Divine Grace Mods' Skill DMG by 10%
- Gain 1 Divine Grace every second.
- Positions:
- II
- IV
- VI

Primordial Sun
- Effect: Increases Fire DMG by 10%
- Also increases Non-DoT Crit DMG by 30% when a Fire attack hits.
- Positions:
- I
- V
Jinwu Best Functors

Jinwu’s best functor is by far her signature, however, not everyone has a lot of wishes to spend to get her signature functor, if that is the case you do not need to worry as there is one more great choice that she can use. You can see everything you need to know in the table below!

Jinwu Functor
Best Functor:

Otherworlder Bifang
- Grants [Blazefire Mark] when Mod Jumps into the air or returns to the ground. Reduces the number of enemy hits needed to obtain the [Blazefire Mark] while casting [Pengiai Swordplay] in [Sunfade] state. Casting [Evil Incineration] no longer expends [Blazefire Mark]. Each time the Mark stack is maxed out, increases Mod's [Crit Rate], [Max Divine Grace] and [Divine Grace] recharge rate.
Second Best Functor:

Otherworlder - Zheng
- Increases normal attack DMG when the Modifying Level is not lower than B; Increases Skill DMG when the Modifying Level is not lower than A; Increases Ultimate Skill DMG when the Modifying Level is not lower than S; Further increases all of the effects above when the Modifying Level is at OMEGA.
Jinwu Best Codes
Jinwu, unlike other Modifiers in Aether Gazer, doesn’t do that well when she maxes out one of her code paths as she ends up reducing her team’s overall damage. For this we suggest that you go with 2 points in Yellow and 1 point in either Blue/Red. This will help her dish out the most damage she can without hurting your other teammates.
Best Codes to Pick:
- Yellow:
- Sunset
- The Chase
- Blue:
- Scorch

Overall, Jinwu is an interesting addition to the Aether Gazer roster and is sure to bring a lot of interesting gameplay diversity to your sessions. Given that she is given for free to players will allow a huge amount of people to get her and test her out. She fits well in almost any Fire team and she pairs well with the other new character in Aether Gazer Version 2.0 - Lingguang!
For more Aether Gazer content you can use the links below to check out our other articles:
- Aether Gazer Free Jinwu Copy
- Aether Gazer Version 2.0 - Lingguang Reveal
- Aether Gazer Version 2.0 - Jinwu Reveal
- Aether Gazer Version 2.0 - Release Date & More
- Aether Gazer Version 2.0 Banner Schedule
- Aether Gazer - Tier List