Aether Gazer Version 2.0 brought a lot of new content to Aether Gazer with it. The most interesting part of the version, however, has to be the two new Modifiers: Lingguang and Jinwu.
Both of them are part of the Tian Yuan Gen-zone and bring a lot of new opportunities to Aether Gazer. Below we’ll break down everything about Lingguang from her skills, her best sigils, her best Functors, best codes and much more. So stay with us if you want to build your Lingguang right!
List of Contents:
- Who is Lingguang
- Lingguang Skills
- Lingguang Best Sigils
- Lingguang Best Functors
- Lingguang Best Codes
- Summary
Who is Lingguang

Untainted Heart - Lingguang is the newest Limited Modifier that was just released in Aether Gazer Version 2.0. Lingguang is part of the Tian Yuan Gen-zone alongside Jinwu, and is the best new support character to come to Aether Gazer. Her banner runs from January 9th to January 29th, giving players enough time to gather the needed currency to pull for her! She brings a lot to the table in terms of playstyle and this is how you build her!
Lingguang Skills
Below you can see the full breakdown of Lingguang’s abilities, and what each of her skills does. She may seem hard to understand at first, but after reading her skills and getting a feel for her in-game you’ll be able to pick her up quickly!

Lingguang Skills

skill 1
Undying Flames
- This skill has three modes in battle.
- Start mode: Dashes at the enemy and attacks them with the folding fans, dealing Fire DMG.
- Ignite Mode: Makes a sudden dash and attacks enemies along the way, dealing Fire DMG.
- Aflame mode: Expends Traces, dealing Fire DMG to surrounding enemies. Skill cast grants all team members Shining Armor.
- Shining Armor: Grants a shield of value equal to a certain percentage of Zhuque - Lingguang's Max HP to all team members.
- *Traces: Grants Trace when a hit is landed in either Start mode or Ignite mode.

skill 2
Rising Splendor
- This skill has three modes in battle.
- Start mode: Attacks the enemy ahead with the folding fans, dealing Fire DMG.
- Ignite mode: Takes a leap to the back, leaving behind spinning fans that attack the enemy, dealing Fire DMG.
- Aflame mode: Expends Traces, dealing Fire DMG to surrounding enemies. Skill cast grants all team members Burning Ember.
- Burning Ember: When HP is lower than a certain value, the lower the HP, the higher the Non-DoT DMG.
- *Traces: Grants Trace when a hit is landed in either Start mode or Ignite mode.

skill 3
Hexagram Auspicious
- This skill has three modes in battle.
- Start mode: Swings the folding fans while lunging to attacks enemies in a large area ahead, dealing Fire DMG. Skill switches to Ignite mode upon enemy hit.
- Ignite mode: Cross-swings the folding fans to strike at enemies in a large area ahead, dealing Fire DMG. Skill switches to Start mode upon enemy hit.
- Aflame mode: Expends Traces, dealing Fire DMG to surrounding enemies. Skill cast grants all team members Fire Brilliant.
- Fire Brilliant: When HP is higher than a certain value, the higher the HP, the higher the Non-DoT DMG.
- *Traces: Grants Trace when a hit is landed in either Start mode or Ignite mode.

Vermilion Starlight
- Grants all team members Burning Sun when any skill is cast in Aflame mode. Also grants all team members Blazing Sun when Mod's Ultimate Skill is cast. Burning Sun bonuses do not apply when the Mod also has Blazing Sun.
- Blazing Sun: Increases the Independent Non-DoT DMG based on a certain probability.
- Blazing Sun: Increases the Independent Non-DoT DMG based on an even higher probability. Grants Ultimate Skill charge when Mod or a teammate crits.
Lingguang Best Sigils
Lingguang does best with support Sigil sets, as such we recommend using Immortal Blackbird and Ambush of the Owl on her. This is how you would put them in Positions.

Lingguang Sigils

Immortal Blackbird
- Effect: Increases Max HP by 20%.
- When the Mod has a Shield active, increases Crit Rate by 5%.
- When the Mod grants a Shield to a teammate or to themself, increases the ATK of the Mod granted with the Shield by 15%, as well as their Normal Attack DMG by 20%, for 10s.
- Effects from multiple Sigils do not stack.
- Positions:
- I
- II

Ambush of the Owl
- Effect: Increases Melee DMG by 10%
- When hitting an enemy with a normal attack, increases Skill DMG by 5% for 7s (triggers only once every 10s).
- When landing a skill hit or an Ultimate Skill hit on the enemy, increases Normal ATK DMG by 15% for 7s (triggers only once every 10s).
- Positions:
- IV
- V
- VI
Lingguang Best Functors
As most Modifiers in Aether Gazer, Lingguang’s best functor is her Signature one Otherworlder - Huang, however, if you do not have it, or don’t have the wishes for it, there is another great 5-star free to play alternative. You can see both of them here below:

Lingguang Functors
Best Functor:

Otherworlder - Huang
- A skill cast in Aflame mode increases the [Crit Rate] and [Attribute DMG] of all team members. Increases the chance of [Burning Sun]. Extends the duration of [Blazing Sun]. Shortens the duration of [Afire]. Extends the duration of [Alight].
Second Best Functor:

Otherworlder - Zheng
- Increases normal attack DMG when the Modifying Level is not lower than B; Increases Skill DMG when the Modifying Level is not lower than A; Increases Ultimate Skill DMG when the Modifying Level is not lower than S; Further increases all of the effects above when the Modifying Level is at OMEGA.
Lingguang Best Codes
When it comes to Codes, the Red path is by far the best one you can take on Lingguang and the one that will bring out her potential the most as a support. If you want to go for a DPS build, however, then Yellow is by far the best choice to go for!
Yellow - DPS Lingguang:
Red - Support Lingguang:

Lingguang is one of best new support units to be added to Aether Gazer, her ability to do everything from dealing damage, to healing, to shielding, to increasing damage make her a great choice for almost any team, and she’s a power-house when used with other Fire units, such as Jinwu for example.
Given that support units are one of the harder to power creep in almost any game, even more so for gacha games, Lingguang is certainly a Modifier that will be worth your wishes!
If you wish to check out some other Aether Gazer content you can use the links below to navigate to some of our other articles:
- Aether Gazer Jinwu Best Build Guide
- Aether Gazer Free Jinwu Copy
- Aether Gazer Version 2.0 - Lingguang Reveal
- Aether Gazer Version 2.0 - Jinwu Reveal
- Aether Gazer Version 2.0 - Release Date & More
- Aether Gazer Version 2.0 Banner Schedule
- Aether Gazer - Tier List