Looking to snag the latest All Star Tower Defense codes for some free gems and more? All Star Tower Defense is a super popular Roblox game where the towers are characters from famous anime shows.
Getting gems in the game helps you summon new characters. The easiest way? All Star Tower Defense codes. Each code on our list below gives you heaps of gems for free. Use them to summon lots of new and powerful characters.
Active All Star Tower Defense Codes
At the moment of writing, there is only one active code, and we will update the list as soon as new codes pop up.
- newstarpass69 – 150 stardust (must be level 30+ and play for 20 minutes)
Expired All Star Tower Defense Codes
- happy3yearanniversary
- srry4delay
- happyspookymonth
- newupdatecode
- NewWorld2
- UniverseReset
- TheDrumsOfLiberation2
- TheDrumsOfLiberation
- 6billionvists
- july4threalupdate
- sorryfordelayupdate2
- abouttimesnowrbx2023
- NavyXFlameOtherCode
- navyxflamelate200kcodeomg
- happylatemothersday
- rolerewardcode
- Chainsmoke91
- Blamsdefnotlate300kcode
- ASTDEggOpenedFinally
- melonmen1
- youtubekingluffy350kdone
- newupdcode3
- newupdcode2
- blamsponge
- navyxflame170kyoutubereal
- diablo12
- maintenacecode15
- sorryforlongdelay
- thankyoufor5bvisits
- delayp
- lvlreqny
- happyholidays
- mbshutdown
- world3ishere
- winterguy19
- bigwinterupdatesoon
- 2milfavoriteup
- 2yearanniversaryduo
- 2yearanniversary
- SubscribeToBlamSpotOnYoutube200k
- newstarcode
- Halloween2022
- timechamberfix
- stardustupdate
- ASTDDragonoidBakugan
- 1millikes
- summerwoo2022
- Hooray50k
- owouch
- changesjune
- ticketupdate
- NavyXFlame130kNoLeak
- newaprilupdate
- astd1millikes
- allstarspring
- ultramove
- congratulations2kingluffy300ksubscribersonyoutube300k
- superwoop
- 1mgroupmembers
- themadao
- -ASTDDevs
- world2ishere
- world2comingsoon
- astdx2022
- winterbreakwhen
- KingLuffyFan200k
- december2021
- eatlotsonthanksgiving
- thecityofangels
- novemberupdate
- igot2look
- 100ksubnavyxflame
- starshipway
- NavyxFlame80Ksubs
- anniversaryastd
- fruit100k
- robloxyay
- happyhalloween2021
- 4partyrocking
- longwait
- wowshutdown
- goldgemgold
- NavyxFlameYT60K
- thursdayfun
- tacotuesday
- 2bcodeswagmodeblazeit
- shutdownagaincode21
- nooshutdown
- septemberupdate21
- specialkingluffy100k
- illbewatchingyou
- gamebreakingvisits101
- nowherescoredeal
- minishutdown
- theotheronecode
- mrworldwide
- morecodeforyouxd
- codeofprisma
- codeoflight
- listentothemusic132
- howareyoutodaymyfriendo
- fruitysubmore
- 4thofjulyupdate
- lesgolesgoyuuh
- supertime
- biggerthanlife1
- fruitgame
- 600klikes
- updatejune2021
- fruit
- 2021memorialday2021x
- Update53021
- lovetobrazil
- addnewunitstobannerfix
- diamondnowina
- ohmahgawdskill
- yellowsix
- tysmfor1mfavorite
- smoothcriminal2
- jahajha
- quickshut
- shotofmemories
- lieawake
- freedom
- likeapartyonthelist
- helloworld2021
- 1bvisit1b
- eastercoda21
How to Redeem All Star Tower Defense Codes:
- Open All Star Tower Defense.
- Tap the three-dot ‘settings’ symbol in the bottom right.
- Enter your All Star Tower Defense code into the box.
- Enjoy your rewards!

That's the rundown on All Star Tower Defense codes! Grab those active ones for free gems and power up your game. Keep an eye out for more codes to make your tower defense journey even better!