All Star Tower Defense is one of the most popular games available on Roblox. In this tower defense game, instead of your typical towers and weapons, you will be using some of the most popular anime characters, ranging from One Piece to Attack on Titan. One of the best ways to progress and become stronger is by acquiring various currency items, such as gems and stardust. In this article, we will provide you with a list of codes to obtain a ton of these currencies, along with a step-by-step guide on how to redeem them!

Active All Star Tower Defense Codes
Here is a list of the latest active All Star Tower Defense Codes for January 2024:
- happyholidays2 – 200 Stardust and 5,000 Gems
- happyholidays1 – 200 Stardust and 5,000 Gems
- PreChriistmas2023 – 150 Stardust and 2,750 Gems
- newstarpass69 – 150 Stardust
Keep in mind that these codes usually expire very quickly, so redeem them as soon as you can!
Expired All Star Tower Defense Codes
Many All Star Tower Defense codes have expired throughout the last few months. Below is a list of all recently expired codes:
- happy3yearanniversary
- srry4delay
- happyspookymonth
- newupdatecode
- NewWorld2
- UniverseReset
- TheDrumsOfLiberation2
- TheDrumsOfLiberation
- 6billionvists
- july4threalupdate
- sorryfordelayupdate2
- abouttimesnowrbx2023
- NavyXFlameOtherCode
- navyxflamelate200kcodeomg
- happylatemothersday
- rolerewardcode
- Chainsmoke91
- Blamsdefnotlate300kcode
- ASTDEggOpenedFinally
- melonmen1
- youtubekingluffy350kdone
- newupdcode3
- newupdcode2
- blamsponge
- navyxflame170kyoutubereal
- diablo12
- maintenacecode15
- sorryforlongdelay
- thankyoufor5bvisits
- delayp
- lvlreqny
- happyholidays

How to Redeem All Star Tower Defense Codes:
Redeeming All Star Tower Defense codes is only going to take a couple of minutes of your time. Make sure to check all of the codes we have listed above, so you don't miss any rewards. Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can activate them in Roblox:
- Launch All Star Tower Defense.
- Tap the three-dot 'settings' symbol at the bottom right.
- Input your All Star Tower Defense code into the box.
- Enjoy your free rewards!
Thank you for checking out our list of active codes for All Star Tower Defense in Roblox. Make sure to use these codes during January for a ton of free in-game rewards. Also keep this page bookmarked, as we will do our best to keep it up-to-date!