The newest Apex Legends Patch Notes were released in preparation for Breakout's launch and brought a lot of notable changes. In this article, we will look into all of the legend and weapon updates, as well as map changes that we are about to see in Apex Season 20. Read below so you are fully prepared for your upcoming Apex games.
Apex Legends: Breakout Patch Notes
- Weapon Changes in Apex Legends Breakout Patch Notes
- Legend Changes in Apex Legends Breakout Patch Notes
- Map Updates in Apex Legends Breakout Patch Notes
Weapon Changes in Apex Legends Breakout Patch Notes
A lot of weapons are receiving changes in this patch. Check out the new best picks and which ones you might want to avoid in Season 20.

- Base damage reduced to 39 (was 42)
- Ammo capacity
- Base capacity unchanged (6)
- White Magazine reduced to 7 (was 8)
- Blue Magazine reduced to 8 (was 10)
- Purple & Gold Magazine reduced to 10 (was 12)
- Skullpiercer headshot multiplier reduced to 2.0 (was 2.1)
- Dual Loader removed as an integrated Hop-Up, now only loads 1 shell per reload
- Marksman Stock reload speed bonus normalized to match other sniper weapons
- Reloading 3 shells in a row now increases reload speed by 20% for the remainder of the reload

EVA-8 [Care Package]
- Damage reduced to 6 (was 7)
- Fire rate increased to 3 (was 2.4)
- Recoil reduced to better match the much faster fire rate
- Hammer Points: 20% damage increase against flesh (+1 damage)
- Gold Shotgun Bolt: shells reloaded on slide increased to 2 (was 1)
- Note: this change only affects the Care Package EVA-8

- Damage reduced to 20 (was 21)
- Hipfire spread increased
- Spread delay increased to 0.28 (was 0.21)

- Can no longer equip Barrel Attachments

Prowler [Floor]
- Reverted to non-Care Package version
- Damage decreased to 15 (was 16)
- Select Fire Hop-Up removed
- Burst delay increased to 0.28 (was 0.24)
- Spread delay increased to 0.28 (was 0.15)

- ADS vertical and horizontal recoil increased

- Hipfire spread reduced
Additional Changes
All SMGs are being nerfed in the new Patch Notes. Hopefully, they will get balanced later in Season 20.
SMG Ballistics
- Projectile gravity increased across all SMGs
- Projectile launch speed reduced across most SMGs (Prowler unchanged)
1x Digital Threat
- Can no longer be equipped to SMGs
- Spawn rates reduced by 20%
Laser Sights
- Spread multipliers reduced
- White Laser Sight adjusted to x0.9 (was x0.8)
- Blue Laser Sight adjusted to x0.8 (was x0.6)
- Purple Laser Sight adjusted to x0.7 (was x0.4)
Legend Changes in Apex Legends Breakout Patch Notes
Heavy-Rig Legends (Gibraltar, Caustic, Pathfinder, Newcastle, Revenant)
- Now use medium-rig first-person movement animations
- Actual game speeds have not changed, these Legends will feel less sluggish when running
Support Legends
- Extended Supply Bin contents have been improved

Ballistic received some major buffs. Increasing his ult Tempest to 90m range is a huge advantage that will definitely make him better this season.
- Sling: Sling Weapons now have all White attachments while equipped
- Tempest: effect radius for ally range has been increased to 90m (was 13m)

- Tracker: Raven scan’s Ult Charge is now gated behind the Hunting Ravens upgrade

Catalyst gets her Veil's length and duration significantly nerfed which will affect negatively her early game.
- Dark Veil:
- lifetime decreased to 15s (was 25s)
- length decreased to 40m (was 55m)

Conduit's nerfs were definitely called for but are not nearly enough.
- Radiant Flash
- Cooldown increased to 26s (was 21s)
- Temporary Shield generation rate decreased to 15HP/s (was 20HP/s)
- Temporary Shield generation time increased to 9s (was 8s)
- Energy Barricade
- Mine duration reduced to 45s (was 60s)
- Mine HP reduced to 200HP (was 250HP)
- The distance at which mines are removed when deployed too close to one another has been increased by ~100%

- Surveillance Drone
- Speed of drone recall has been increased slightly
- Transitions going in and out of drone are now faster

Horizon also got nerfed which could easily be fixed with her perks but still puts her at a disadvantage in the early game.
- Gravity Lift: cooldown increased to 25s (was 20s)

- In modes with Upgrade Cores enabled, Lifeline's Care Package now has a 50/50 chance to drop an extra piece of smart equipment (vs. large consumable) instead of an Armor

Mad Maggie
Maggie's ultimate was significantly buffed in this patch. Wrecking Ball will now have great destructive power and higher resistance that will make Mad Maggie a lot stronger in game.
- Wrecking Ball
- Will no longer be destroyed on first enemy hit
- Instead, the Wrecking Ball will trigger an explosion then keep going, allowing for a second explosion to trigger later
- The same player cannot be hit again by the ball for 2s after first impact
- Players can only be affected by the shellshock and knockback effects once
- Will now bounce through devices it hits and destroys
- Will no longer be destroyed on first enemy hit

- Jump Pad: audio falloff of double-jump has been adjusted to be slightly less audible from long distances

- Insider Knowledge
- Scanning Care Packages now awards 50% Ult Charge (was 100%) and 15s Ult Cooldown (was 10s)
- This also applies to Ring Console or Survey Beacon scans
Map Updates in Apex Legends Breakout Patch Notes

Feel the energy as the crowd comes alive in our first custom Mixtape map!
- Immerse yourself in the action of a focused 3-lane multiplayer map, designed for fast-paced gameplay
- Playable for all mixtape game modes: Team Deathmatch, Gun Run, and Control
- Get hyped listening to the cheers from the crowd in the arena stands

Breakout Map Rotation
The following maps will be available in Trios and Duos for the season:
- Olympus
- Storm Point
- World’s Edge
Apex Legends' Breakout Patch Notes applied a lot of changes to many weapons and legends. We are yet to see how they are going to affect Season 20. We presented to you the most significant updates of the new Breakout Patch.
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