Every year, Apex Legends hosts an event to celebrate Golden Week, a period in Japan with several national holidays that begin on April 29 and end at the beginning of May. For this occasion, Respawn is releasing new Japanese-themed skins and sales that have all players excited.
The Golden Week 2024 Event will begin on April 30. Here's what you can expect when it drops!
Apex Legends Golden Week 2024: Legendary Skins
There are three Golden Week bundles that include amazing Legendary skins. Each of the skins will be available for purchase separately. The bundles will sell for 2500 to 3000 Apex Coins.
Ballistic + R-301 Bundle

Ballistic's new skin has the best design patterns out of the new skins. Both skins are very well-made and are definitely worth your Apex Coins. Fans theorize that the new Ballistic skin is a reference to Heihachi, a famous character from the Japanese game Tekken.
Revenant + Flatline Bundle

Revenant has a very futuristic appearance that appears to be inspired by the famous Japanese Gundam robots. The details on this skin, as well as the color palette, make it very polished and outstanding.
Caustic + Nemesis Bundle

Caustic's new skin is amazing and has everything you would want from a Japanese-themed skin. One of the best features in this bundle is the Oni mask that Caustic is wearing, which is also used as a detail on Nemesis.
Apex Legends Golden Week 2024: New Cosmetics
The three new Legendary bundles won't be the only things you'll see in the newly updated store. As part of the Golden Week Event, there will be a huge sale on many previous skins and items. Here are some of the bundles/cosmetics that will be available for purchase:
- Lifeline Healing Huntress Bundle
- Seer Envious Attitude
- Octane Hothead Bundle
- Wraith Unseen Void
- Gibraltar Court Executioner Bundle
Stay tuned and play Apex during Golden Week to see the rest of the items on sale. Check our website for more interesting and useful Apex Legends content!