Today, we're diving into the diverse characters, known as legends, to understand their strengths and weaknesses. We'll unravel how recent changes affect their rankings for Season 19.
D Tier:
These legends are struggling, making it very hard to suggest them to anyone except the most devoted fans.
Mirage struggles to find a specific role in a team. He can take on any role, but he doesn't excel in them, leaving gaps in a team composition.
He's not the top choice for a legend you'd typically rely on. While some find him fun to play, he's not considered a powerful legend in Season 19.
Seer took a heavy hit from the nerfs. He used to be a must-have legend on a team, but now he's become almost useless. In fights, he doesn't contribute much and lacks the information he once provided to his team. Whether Respawn went too far with the nerfs is debatable, but we need to admit they were needed as Seer was extremely overpowered.
Among the three legends, Lifeline is definitely the strongest because of her D.O.C. Heal Drone and her passive ability. Lifeline's Care Package offers items that complement what your squad already carries. Despite this improvement, there are more potent and viable support legends to consider in Apex Legends.
C Tier:
These legends have their uses and can aid teams in certain situations, but they could benefit from significant improvements to match up with more superior legends.
Octane wouldn't be considered a strong legend. His strength relies on the player's skill in executing movement. If you are good with movement techniques, Octane can be a powerful legend for you. However, only a very small fraction of players can truly utilize Octane's movement abilities. In team play, he tends to be self-focused, which doesn't align well with the current meta, placing him as a C tier legend.
Rampart finds herself in C tier as she's useful only in certain situations. Her walls can be powerful if no one disturbs you while you're behind them. But when facing opponents who know how to deal with her walls, it's easy to overcome her. A simple grenade can destroy her walls, making it easy for enemies to attack. There are many ways to counterplay her.
B Tier:
These legends can be really helpful in certain situations, especially when used by skilled players. However, they don't offer the same level of usefulness to be strongly recommended.
Ash is doing even worse in the current metas and continues to fall in the rankings. Her tether and portal abilities need improvements before she can become a top-tier legend. Currently, Wraith's portals outshine hers, and Revenant offers a better off-angling option, making Ashe less favorable. Unfortunately, she fits into the B tier for now.
Ballistic, positioned in B tier. He lacks many strengths, but he shines by buffing his team with infinite ammo, a speed boost, and equipping himself with a gold gun. Having infinite ammo in fights, especially towards the end of the game, can be crucial if you've been defending your position or running low. Ballistic shows potential in such situations, placing him as a solid B tier legend.
Catalyst, a once powerful legend, has been heavily affected by recent nerfs. She used to be a dominant force in the meta, but Respawn had to nerf her.
Now, she's quite different. Her abilities don't reach as far, and her ultimate isn't as strong as it used to be. Her Q abilities are now limited in range. She's less agile and less effective in spontaneous battles, leading to her placement in the B tier.
Fuse has seen increased play in the current meta. His style, revolving around the 'death ball' strategy—rushing enemies and utilizing knuckle clusters and grenades—fits him well.
However, this tactic can also work against him. When opponents charge at you in a 'death ball,' using grenades and knuckle clusters becomes less effective. Fuse aims to disrupt opponents' positions in fights. He intends to discourage opponents from staying in one place by using his tactical abilities and grenades.
Yet, the current trend in fights involves constant movement, favoring a 'death ball' style. While it seemingly forces opponents to stay in one spot, many legends have built-in abilities to escape it.
Even for those without such abilities, fast movement allows them to escape the flames before activation. His 'Motherload' ultimate requires improvements to become more impactful and potentially elevate him in the tiers. As of now, he stands as a B tier legend.
Vantage is among the few legends that received a buff in Season 19. Her sniper rifle gained an additional bullet, enhancing her abilities.
She excels in team fights due to her ultimate, empowering teammates to inflict more damage while providing valuable enemy location information. With her passive abilities, she gathers abundant information and possesses a strong relocation tool using 'Echo.' However, a couple of challenges keep Vantage in the B tier.
Firstly, her large hitbox, without fortified defense her size, is a drawback. Secondly, she struggles to fit into a specific role. Although technically a support legend favoring the backline and anchoring, she lacks support tools apart from her ultimate.
A slight enhancement to her kit, such as fortified abilities or quicker activation of the echo jump, could propel her to a higher tier, possibly making her a formidable legend. For now, she stands as a solid B-tier pick in S19.
A Tier:
These legends excel in their roles, but they might have a couple of downsides preventing them from being the absolute best.
He excels at performing the necessary tasks. He can maneuver your team to a favorable end-game spot. If your strategy involves playing for hard zones, he's the ideal pick. He adeptly controls buildings, making it challenging for opposing teams to breach. Once an area is secured, it becomes a tough task for others to initiate an attack. In the end-game scenarios, he becomes more of a 'set and forget' asset. His barrels efficiently restrict a significant amount of space from other teams.
Wattson is effective because she can set up a generator to protect from grenades. However, she needs to physically place her fence, limiting her ability to disrupt other teams as she has to be beside the fence during placement.
Gibraltar, a legend who is now re-emerging in the meta. He stands out as the best poking support legend due to his gun shield. He provides your team with a strategic spot, especially in endgame scenarios when everyone around you is fighting, offering a protective dome.
His Ultimate recently received a cooldown reduction, making it more potent with shorter downtime. With few counters in the current meta, only a couple, such as Mad Maggie and Crypto, remain, but their usage has decreased. As a result, Gibraltar makes a solid comeback into the A tier.
Horizon received multiple nerfs, now feels more balanced. Her gravity lift isn't as overpowering as before, yet it remains an effective height taking tool.
Although her ultimate isn't as devastating as it was previously, it still serves as a strong way to conclude a fight independently. This ability excels in swiftly ending fights, making Horizon a valuable addition to your team, especially in fast-paced metas. The only drawback is that she's no longer excessively powerful, positioning her as a strong A tier legend.
Mad Maggie
Mad Maggie enjoys being in the thick of the fight, utilizing her ultimate to control the area with her team. She disrupts opponents from claiming strategic spots. Moreover, if someone tries the same tactic against her, she's not afraid. If an opponent charges at you, simply throw your ball to block their path, stun them, and gain the upper hand in the fight. Maggie proves to be a dependable legend.
Pathfinder, another legend who received a buff, now can scan the care packages after your team has scanned them to reduce his cooldowns, which greatly benefits him. However, he still have the same two significant issues as before. His cooldowns remain excessively long, especially his grapple cooldown, causing a major setback for him. Additionally, his massive hitbox continues to hold him back.
Valkyrie has settled into a solid position in the A tier. While not a necessity for every team, she provides a fair amount of support. However, the arrival of redeploy balloons has lessened her previous value. Although not as powerful as Valkyrie's ultimate, these balloons serve as a decent alternative, providing rotation options for teams without Valkyrie's ultimate. Valkyrie's biggest asset is undoubtedly her jetpack, offering exceptional mobility and control.
SB Tier:
Secretly Broken Tier
Crypto emerges as one of the most powerful legends when utilized effectively, particularly thriving in zone-based gameplay, which is the current meta focus. He gathers valuable information for your team without risking himself. In the closing circles, Crypto's EMP ability offers a chance for free cleanup kills. Additionally, he received a silent buff: when respawning teammates, they now return with their armor and weapons, allowing for safe distance respawns.
S Tier:
These legends are extremely valuable in any team and don't have many notable weaknesses.
Bangalore remains a formidable legend, although not as dominant as before. With effective cooldown management, she remains an incredibly powerful character. She maintains her excellence in all aspects and continues to perform exceptionally well, solidifying her position as an S tier legend.
Bloodhound is the primary scanning character to rely on. If you enjoy gathering information for your team and prefer an aggressive playstyle, Bloodhound excels at that. When using their ultimate ability during fights, Bloodhound becomes an unstoppable force, expert at securing numerous kills.
Loba stands out as one of the top legends for solo kills, serving as a reliable secondary fragger capable of taking aggressive off-angles. Not only can she secure gear and meds for her team, but despite being a secondary fragger, she is also a support Her ability to craft teammates' banners and revive them with armor and gear, due to this season's buff, makes her a valuable support in the game if you need to escape from a fight.
Newcastle remains very strong, and there was a buff for him in Season 19. His ultimate ability, already the best among support characters, received a further boost, making it even stronger. If you prefer playing a support character positioned in the backline, Newcastle is the ideal choice for you.
Revenant has secured his place in the S tier. He's a highly aggressive off-angle fragger who thrives on timing his attacks perfectly. His ultimate ability provides him with an exceptional amount of shield, making him a formidable threat in team fights.
Wraith creates portals, safely transporting her team from point A to point B. She adeptly performs her tasks without risking safety, and her passive ability has improved this season, becoming more consistent.
Conduit is impressive. She's a scrappy support who actively engages in fights, unlike most other support characters who typically stay in the backline. Her passive ability grants a speed boost, enabling her to keep pace with the entry fragger. With a tactical that provides a shield and an ultimate that secures areas, she can either channel enemy teams or prevent them from pushing your position.
In the world of Apex Legends, each legend brings unique strengths and capabilities to the game. Some, like Wraith and Bangalore, excel in providing safe team movement and effective cooldown management, while others such as Gibraltar and Bloodhound possess impressive offensive abilities, making them formidable forces during combat. Legends like Loba and Valkyrie shine in facilitating both solo kills and supporting the team, whereas Crypto's scanning prowess provides invaluable information and aids aggressive gameplay.
Certain legends have faced changes, whether buffs or nerfs, impacting their positions in the tier lists. Season 19 introduced adjustments to various legends, like the improvement in Newcastle's ultimate ability and the balancing of Revenant, while others faced challenges due to altered mechanics, as observed with Pathfinder's extended cooldowns.
Overall, the diverse strengths and abilities of each legend contribute to a dynamic and competitive landscape in Apex Legends, with certain legends carving out their spots in higher tiers due to their consistent performance, adaptability, and unique skill sets.