Apex Legends Season 20 is almost here, and some of the biggest changes to the game are going to arrive with it. Not only is there a new Legend upgrading system added to the game, but there will also be a ton of changes to how matchmaking works, as well as new content such as modes and maps. The armor system in the game is also going to be reworked, which is going to drastically impact the optimal way of playing during Season 20. In this article, we are going to be going over all of the armor and crafting adjustments that are going to be made at the launch of Apex Legends Season 20.

Apex Legends Season 20 Armor Changes
A staggering amount of changes are going to be coming to Apex Legends at the start of Season 20. Not only are players going to be able to level up and upgrade the abilities of their Legends, but a ton of adjustments are being made to the armor system of the game. Armor will no longer be a lootable object, and the only way to upgrade your armor will be through the Evo system.
This change will make it so there will be a lot less variance and randomness in the game, particularly at the earlier stages of a match. This system is also tied to the new upgrade mechanics, as both of them progress in the same 'tree,' so to speak. Doing damage, exploring areas, and using Evo harvesters is going to both upgrade your armor and allow you to modify the abilities of your Legend.

Shield harvesters are also receiving some changes. If you pick up a shield harvester while your shield is low, you will partially recharge your shield. If you pick up a shield harvester that exceeds the amount of armor you have, you will be granted an 'overshield' which will go above your maximum amount. Taking damage and dropping below your maximum will remove the overshield, and you will be back to normal. These changes are definitely going to shake up how the game works, especially in the earlier stages of the match.
Apex Legends Season 20 Crafting Changes
The crafting system in Apex Legends is also receiving a rework during Season 20. Crafting materials will be removed from the game, and replicators are going to be free to use. Replicators are going to offer a very small number of options now, mainly medkits and shield batteries. They will also be limited to a one-time use and will be a lot quicker to use during the match. More changes to the crafting system are likely to come in the future, as it is going to be largely stripped down for Season 20.

That is everything you need to know about the new armor and crafting changes coming to Apex Legends in Season 20. With so many adjustments to the core gameplay, there will definitely be a large shakeup to how the game is going to be played. For more Apex Legends news and guides, make sure to check out the rest of our website!