Apex Legends recently entered season 20, and with the buffs and nerfs to the weapons, it's time to talk about new gun combos. Without a great loadout, you will suffer going into any game. Don't forget to take the time and get used to the new weapon capabilities before perfecting your new loadout. Everyone has their own play style but we have come up with the three best combos for each role in the squad.
Apex Legends Season 20: Best Entry Fragger Gun Combo
Just as the name suggests, the Entry Fragger will be the first into a fight. You will need to push, dealing as much damage as you can while taking fire from the enemy as they try to support their position. To do this, you will need an extremely aggressive style loadout that will get you up close with your opponent and make sure you survive.
Best Entry Fragger Loadout

Instead of the Peacekeeper, you can also try using the Mastiff. Both are equally good shotguns. The Mastiff is more consistent but the Peacekeeper packs a bigger punch.
We recommend a shotgun on a layout like this because after the Digital Threat scopes were removed from the SMGs, they aren't as effective at close quarters. If you come up against any smoke or gas, it's good to know you can put a Digital Threat on a shotgun and you should be okay.
Even though the Volt is an SMG, it plays almost like an assault rifle. It is easy to use and is diverse enough to tackle any situation. Up close, it may not beat other SMGs in damage but we have the shotgun for those scenarios. It's best used at medium range to weaken enemy positions, then you switch to the Peacekeeper or Mastiff and create some chaos.
Apex Legends Season 20: Best Secondary Fragger Gun Combo
The Secondary Fragger is, quite simply, the second into the fight. It's your job to help the Entry Fragger by dealing some damage, covering their backs as they push forward then moving up with them. You will need an aggressive style loadout as well.
Best Secondary Fragger Loadout

These two guns are the best for your role because you will have to deal with multiple situations. The C.A.R. has become the most popular SMG this season, outperforming the Volt in close combat. The bonus to the C.A.R. is how diverse it is when comes to ammo types and attachments.
The Hemlok has been nerfed this season but that in no way puts it out of the running as one of the best assault rifles. This gun is useful at picking at people's weaknesses and even if you aren't comfortable using a burst-fire weapon at long range, you can switch to single fire and conserve ammo.
Apex Legends Season 20: Best Support Gun Combo
In the Support role, you will be in the back, helping your teammates from afar. You will protect your squad, revive them when they are down, and resupply them when needed. It's not the easiest role but it is vital to the team's effort.
Best Support Loadout

Any marksman rifle would be a good fit here, you don't have to go with the 30-30.
The Prowler is one of the most powerful SMGs in season 20. The only downside is some players aren't comfortable playing with a burst-fire weapon but if you take the time to learn how to use it, it will pay off. While it's more common to use a Mastiff or a Peacekeeper in a Support role, the Prowler can compete against most shotguns.
Only use the Prowler in close combat. For medium-to-long range you will need a marksman rifle, perfect for picking off enemies, creating an opening for your team, and defending positions when needed. If you prefer to use the Triple Take, that's fine, but the G7 Scout or the 30-30 are doing better this season.
Apex Legends Season 20: Best Gun Combos Summary
Role | Primary Weapon | Secondary Weapon |
Entry Fragger | Volt SMG | Peacekeeper or Mastiff |
Secondary Fragger | Hemlok Burst AR | C.A.R. SMG |
Support | Any Marksman Rifle | Prowler Burst PDW |
As said above, every player is different, and you must play around with each combination to perfect your game style. With the fights this season being fast and up-close, you need to prepare for all types of combat. Using marksman or assault rifles to weaken enemy positions before hitting them with a good shotgun or SMG seems to work for now, but who knows how the season will evolve.
Check out our Season 20 Weapons Tier List and Legends Tier List for Season 20.