Apex Legends is a competitive free-to-play shooter in the midst of season 20. Each season sees adjustments to weapons and characters, constantly changing how we play the game. Here are three of the best Legend combos to dominate this season.
Determining how you play the game will help figure out what Legend combo you want to choose, and to make that easier for you, we will split the playstyles into three. The three main playstyles are Edge, Zone, and Hybrid. We will go into detail about what they mean as we go.
Apex Legends Best Legend Combos
Apex Legends Season 20: Best Edge Legend Combo
The Edge playstyle is super aggressive and is a great fit for you if you constantly search out fights. You will aim to push forward and take down as many opponents as you can.
Mad Maggie - Bloodhound - Conduit

Mad Maggie
This season Mad Maggie's new perks make her extremely aggressive. Her Riot Drill has become more effective. Following up after using the Wrecking Ball is a surefire way to get some kills and take down enemy teams. Put a decent shotgun in her hands and watch as she dominates in battle. She is a perfect Entry Fragger for your Edge combo this season.
Bloodhound is still the go-to scan character that fits perfectly into the Secondary Fragger role. While this Legend did get some nerfs this season, he still is an aggressive character who can use his Tactical to change the flow of the fight. Given the amount of information Bloodhound can gather, he works well with Mad Maggie.
To round the team off, you will need Conduit. She is the go-to aggressive Support in the meta. Using her Tactical stops your opponent from capitalizing on any damage they managed to cause you. Conduit ensures you can keep up the pressure and deal serious damage if used well.
Apex Legends Season 20: Best Zone Legend Combo
When playing Zone, you want to figure out where the ring is going and get there as fast as you can. When there, you will lock down a building and wait for the endgame.
Valkyrie - Crypto - Wattson

You can switch Wattson to Caustic if you prefer but Wattson is more meta right now.
Valkyrie's perks this season have brought her back up to a solid spot in the meta. Despite Respawn nerfing her in past seasons, she can now do her job, and that is getting you to where you need to go fast. When you know where the ring is going to end up, Valkyrie can get you there.
When you get to your destination, Crypto can come into play. His best skill is gathering information. You can use his drone and scout the area, know where enemies are fighting, and make a plan. Whether you want to cause some chaos with your EMP or prepare for whatever is coming, you can do it all in the safety of whatever position you are holding.
Wattson or Caustic
Now that you are in a good position, you want to make sure enemies can't push you. For your defensive line, you can use Wattson or Caustic.
Caustic has been a powerhouse in defense the last few seasons, using his gas to make it difficult for opponents to rush in and kill you. Being able to heal while in the gas is a bonus and can help guarantee you stay in position.
Wattson can now place two generators down making it impossible for enemies to throw grenades and push. Holding the other squads at a distance can keep the pressure off you while you fight back.
Apex Legends Season 20: Best Hybrid Legend Combo
This playstyle is for players that want to go with the flow. You might be okay setting up in a building but you don't mind if you get in multiple fights. If your style is doing whatever you want then Hybrid is for you. For this, you will need a balanced Legend combo.
Wraith - Horizon - Newcastle

Wraith is a solid Entry Fragger. It doesn't matter what your playstyle is, she holds up well in any situation. She can play aggressively, relocate your whole team if the fight gets too hot, and hold down a position well. Wraith also has a great buff to her perks, letting you know if an enemy team is approaching.
Another powerful Legend to have in this combo is Horizon. If used well, her Ultimate can wipe out enemies by itself. This character has so many options at her disposal that it doesn't matter what situation you end up in. You can even use her Tactical to block off doors or to relocate if needed.
Newcastle is a strong Support who, when given the chance, seems to prove himself over and over. He always has a defendable position with his Tactical. If enemies try and push, he can use his Ultimate, recover, and find a new standpoint. Throw in his Revive Shield and you have an extremely diverse Support.
Apex Legends Season 20: Best Legend Combos Summary
And there you have it, three Legend combos that will help you dominate in battle. Figuring out your playstyle and then learning the best combinations of Legends to work well for you can be a challenge. Learn to adapt and try out these Legend combos.
Legend Combo |
Playstyle |
Edge |
Zone |
Hybrid |