Apex Legends has recently announced the Revenant Uprising limited-time mode, set to be exclusively available during weekends. This event guarantees thrilling, action-packed battles for players who choose to participate. The Revenant Uprising mode is a key feature of the Uprising Collection Event. Here you will find more information about the Uprising Collection Event. Let's delve into the details.

About Revenant Uprising Mode:
The Revenant Uprising Mode is scheduled exclusively for weekends. Apex enthusiasts can enjoy an Account Level XP boost during their playtime in the LTM. Additionally, a 1.5X damage boost will be applied towards the Prestige Skin challenge when equipped with a Prestige Skin.
In this mode, Apex Legends introduces a 30v30 battle where Legends must reach the Evac point, all while contending with the formidable Revenant Army aiming to thwart their progress. Should a team be wiped out, they join the simulacrum horde. The Revenant Army comprises a player-controlled Red-Eyed Revenant, spawning with high-tier loot such as red shields and weapons.
Schedule - When Will the Mode be Available?
The Revenant Uprising Mode is time-limited and won't be consistently available in Apex Legends. Here's the schedule for joining in on the fun:
- December 5th - December 11th: 11:00 am - 10:00 am PT
- December 15th - December 18th: 11:00 am - 10:00 am PT
- December 22nd - December 25th: 11:00 am - 10:00 am PT
- December 29th - January 1st: 11:00 am - 10:00 am PT
Duration - How Long Will Revenant Uprising Mode Last?
The Revenant Uprising Mode will be available on Apex Legends every weekend from December 5th, 2023, to January 1st, 2024.