Embark on a journey in the vast open world of Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, filled with numerous secrets waiting to be discovered. While there's plenty to see, walking everywhere can be time-consuming. Luckily, the developers have introduced a feature to make your travels more efficient – fast travel.
How to Use Fast Travel:
To utilize fast travel in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, you must first discover or unlock the desired location. Once accomplished, follow these steps:
Highlight the Location:
- Use your mouse or controller to highlight the area you want to travel to.
Activate Fast Travel:
- The Fast Travel option will appear, allowing you to teleport instantly to the selected location.

Be mindful that using Fast Travel comes at a cost – each use depletes 20% of your energy. Reserve this feature for essential situations. You can replenish your energy efficiently by consuming food. Each game area provides common ingredients that you can gather to craft energy-boosting meals.

How To Fast Travel Without Using Energy
Discovering an efficient way to fast travel without expending energy is possible in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. When you reach the third area of the game and finish the quests tied to the Zeswa clan, you can obtain the ancient skill for free fast travel.
However, before unlocking this skill, the smart use of food remains the top choice for fast travel in the world of Avatar Frontiers of Pandora.
And that concludes our guide on fast travel in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. Whether you're teleporting to key locations or unlocking the free fast travel skill, use these tips to make your journey more enjoyable.