In Baldur's Gate III, similar to companions, you can recruit Hirelings to join your party and aid you on your journey. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the 12 available Hirelings, where to find them, and how to recruit them to your party.
What Are Hirelings?
Hirelings are characters you can hire to become part of your party. Withers summons them to lend their aid when needed. According to Withers, these individuals are spirits of fallen adventurers who were once cult members of the Absolute. There are 12 Hirelings to choose from, one for each class. Below is an overview of all the available Hirelings in Baldur's Gate 3:
Name | Race | Class | Background | Description |
Eldra Luthrinn | Gold Dwarf | Barbarian | Outlander | Eldra Luthrinn, slayer of people, monsters, and cups of sweet pear tea, was shown a watery grave when hunting Absolutists in the valleys of the Chionthar. |
Brinna Brightsong | Lightfoot Halfling | Bard | Entertainer | Brinna Brightsong’s bawdy crooning was silenced by an Absolute bloodbutcher after a controversial performance in a Triel tavern. |
Zenith Feur'sel | High Elf | Cleric | Acolyte | Zenith, once an optimistic Evereskan Graycloak, journeyed to Faerûn in search of a new sunrise. An Absolute warband proved his dour father right: Zenith was doomed! |
Danton | Mephistopheles Tiefling | Druid | Folk Hero | Danton was a refined druid and rearer of peacocks - until he thought transforming into one would help him escape Absolutist marauders. He was wrong. |
Varanna Sunblossom | Wood Half-Elf | Fighter | Soldier | Once a battle-worn veteran fighting for the Absolute, Varanna learned that loyalty to the would-be god did not protect you from the murderous whims of jealous generals. |
Sina'zith | Githyanki | Monk | Outlander | Sina’zith’s monastic preferences marked her a misfit among her kin - as did the illithid tadpole an Absolutist forced in her mind. For this, the githyanki slew her as an aberration. |
Kerz | Half-Orc | Paladin | Noble | Kerz lived many years as a paladin and mercenary, years which took a hard toll on them. Befriending a group of pleasant ogres, they laid down their weapon and taught a rudimentary etiquette class, before the ogres were attacked one night, and Kerz once more took up their steel. |
Ver'yll Wenkiir | Seldarine Drow | Ranger | Criminal | Ver’yll spent his twilights scribbling odes to leafy canopies, bushels, and the merits of the noble hedgehog. When he refused to join the Absolute, its forces tore his forest and body apart. |
Maddala Deadeye | Human | Rogue | Urchin | Madalla’s blindness was cured by another True Soul passing through her village - so they could watch it being burnt to the ground around them. Such was the price of refusing the Absolute. |
Jacelyn | High Half-Elf | Sorcerer | Guild Artisan | Jacelyn was born a sorcerer, the seventh son of a seventh son. The agent of the Absolute that killed him knew this, and is rumored to have remarked, ‘Probably should’ve left it at six.’ |
Kree Derryck | Duergar | Warlock | Charlatan | Kree’s penchant for killing folk with a mere whisper was prized in the Absolute’s ranks, but the utter devotion to her patron was met with lethal disapproval. |
Sir Fuzzalump | Rock Gnome | Wizard | Sage | Sir Fuzzalump was much mocked amongst his playful kind for his dour demeanor and single-minded devotion to the magical investigation of cave moss. He claims not to have giggled in over a decade, and has never frolicked. |
Unlocking Hirelings
To unlock Hirelings, you need to find Withers in the Dank Crypt. He will stay in your camp, where you can interact with him to access various services, including hiring Hirelings.

Recruiting Hirelings
Note: To recruit a Hireling, you must have an open slot in your party. Even if you've unlocked Withers, you won't be able to recruit a Hireling until you have an available spot for them.
Follow these steps to recruit a Hireling:
- Speak with Withers in your camp for the first time.
- Choose the following dialogue options when prompted:
- "You were sorting something before. What were you doing?"
- "Impressive. Are there other ways you can help us?"
- "I would like to talk about hirelings."
Now, you'll have the option to recruit a Hireling for 100 gold or dismiss a Hireling if you already have one in your party.

Dismissing Hirelings
To dismiss Hirelings, speak with Withers again in camp. You can dismiss multiple Hirelings if you have more than one in your party. Follow these steps:
- Talk to Withers.
- Choose the following options:
- "I would like to talk about hirelings."
- Dismiss a hireling.

Respeccing Hirelings
Similar to your companions and other party members, you can respec your Hirelings from Level 1 and even multiclass starting from Level 2 and beyond. To respec a Hireling:
- Take control of the Hireling you want to respec.
- Have that character speak with Withers.
- Choose the option ‘Can you help me change my class?’ It costs 100 gold.
That's all you need to know about hirelings in Baldur's Gate 3! Make sure to check out our other guides on the website!