Larian Studios has announced Baldur’s Gate 3 Hotfix #13. The update offers a fix to some issues which were introduced in previous patches, such as gold and trading bugs. The Hotfix rolled out just when BG3 won award of the year and the game was released to Xbox! This article will delve into the details of Baldur's Gate 3 Hotfix 13.

As evident from the notes below, BG3 has been diligently addressing exploits and 'hacks' within the game to enhance the overall gaming experience by curbing unrealistic advantages. Players are no longer able to manipulate the system by purchasing items from a trader with only 1 gold and a container. Additionally, several fixes have been implemented concerning vendors and trading for a more balanced gameplay environment.
Hello everyone,
We have another hotfix for you today, taking aim at a few crashes, bugs, and glitches. Traders across Faerûn have been coming to us, claiming that enterprising adventurers have been ‘pulling a fast one on them’ - we’ve had a word with their guild, and made them aware of your tricks. We continue to work on future hotfixes and updates taking care of issues already reported to us.
- The Hotfix targets a possible crash upon leaving Act II.
- Larian fixed an exploit that lets players buy out a trader with only 1 gold and a container.
- There's a fix applied to total price on tooltips within containers not updating when the contents change while trading.
- Fixed balancing offers when bartering not working properly when there is a container in the offer with gold in it.
- Empty bags sold to vendors will no longer cost the equivalent of the items that were stored in that bag.
- The performance in Baldur's Gate after peacefully resolving the Knights of the Shield situation on PS5 has been improved.