Switching companions in and out of your party is a breeze in Baldur's Gate III, and our guide will walk you through the process. Whether you're looking to recruit new companions or temporarily part ways with some of your current party members, we've got you covered. Plus, if you're delving into the world of multiplayer, we'll show you how to decide who controls each character. Read on for a detailed explanation.
Changing Your Party in Baldur’s Gate III
If you find yourself in a situation where you need to add or remove companions from your party, fear not. We've got a simple process to guide you. Here's what to do:
Rest at Camp: When you encounter a new companion, but your party is already full with four members, you can ask the new companion to rest at your campsite temporarily
Visit Your Campsite: To access your campsite, you can either fast travel or use a waypoint. Look for the small wing button located near the mini-map at the top-right of your screen (the fifth button from the top when moving down the buttons on the right side of the mini-map). Click on the Camp location/waypoint to travel there.

Manage Your Companions: Once you're at your campsite, you'll find all the companions you've recruited so far, including those currently in your party.
Remove a Companion: Talk to a companion in your party whom you'd like to remove temporarily because your party is full. You should find an option to ask them to stay at the camp for now. They'll ask for confirmation, and accepting won't have any negative consequences for your reputation or anything else.

Recruit a New Companion: Now that you have an open slot in your party, talk to the companion you'd like to recruit instead. You should find an option to ask them to join your party, and they'll gladly accept.

Switching Characters for Multiplayer
In a multiplayer session with other players, you have the flexibility to decide who controls which companions. This is especially useful when you don't have a full group of four players and want to ensure everyone has the character they prefer. Here's how to do it:
Host's Control: As the host, press the "Escape" key and click on "Session."
Adjust Companions: In the session menu, you'll see options to move companions between players. Use the small arrows below and above each character to assign them to different players as needed.

With these simple steps, you can easily manage your party composition and ensure a smooth gameplay experience in Baldur's Gate III.