Traps are a constant threat in Baldur’s Gate III, but with the right knowledge and skills, you can navigate through them unscathed. This guide from Gameleap will walk you through three distinct methods for safely disarming traps, ensuring your party remains intact. Remember, before attempting to disarm a trap, you must first succeed at a Perception roll to detect it. Read on for comprehensive tips and strategies on disarming traps.
Method 1: Trap Disarm Kit
The primary method for disarming traps in Baldur’s Gate III involves using a Trap Disarm Kit. Simply right-click on the trap, and if you possess a sufficient Sleight of Hand skill, you can disable it successfully. Should you fail, be prepared for an explosive consequence. It's wise to keep your party at a safe distance from the trap until it's disarmed.

Method 2: Trigger the Trap Safely
While not the most elegant approach, triggering a trap intentionally can work in certain situations. Use an arrow, spell, or an expendable item to set off the trap from a distance, preventing it from harming your party. Be cautious when using this method near valuable loot, as the trap may inadvertently destroy containers.
Bonus Tip: Utilize Jumping
Consider employing the jumping action to bypass traps like tripwires. In some instances, a well-timed jump can help you avoid triggering the trap altogether.

Method 3: Rearrange Nearby Objects
Drawing inspiration from Divinity: Original Sin 2, you can manipulate objects in Baldur’s Gate III. Click and drag furniture to relocate it, taking advantage of your character's strength. Placing items like barrels on top of traps can potentially render them harmless. Notably, this method is effective with specific traps, such as the oil grates in the Dank Crypt Chapel. Traps like these won’t dispense oil if obstructed by any objects.

By mastering these trap-disarming techniques, you'll safeguard your party from unexpected and perilous surprises throughout your adventure in Baldur’s Gate III. Happy exploring!