Fortunately, every class has its strengths and there aren't any real 'unplayable' picks. All of them are perfectly capable of making it through the entire game. However, some choices are much stronger than others. So getting right into it, we have ranked every class starting from the worst (D Tier) and going all the way up to the best (S Tier):
D tier (Trash) |
C + B tier (Average) |
A Tier (Strong) |
S tier (BROKEN) |
Rangers in the game have many abilities like Favoured Enemy, Natural Explorer, and Fighting Style. However, these features are mostly minor and don't stand out much. For those looking for standout abilities, Rangers might not be the top choice.
Best Ranger subclass: Beastmaster
Barbarians are like Fighters but with a narrow focus, sacrificing versatility. They excel in direct combat, using their Raging ability for bonuses. But, they don't have many backup skills for other situations. Still, their high durability lets them withstand a lot of damage. Playing aggressively suits Barbarians best.
Best Barbarian subclass: Berserker
In Baldur's Gate 3, Fighters are a versatile choice for any weapon and armor combo you want. Start by choosing either Strength or Dexterity and build around that. Fighters are reliable in battles, with the helpful Action Surge ability. However, outside combat, they might not contribute as much.
Best Fighter subclass: Battle Master
Druids have two main abilities: casting spells and the Wild Shape, which allows them to turn into animals. This power is versatile. When in animal form, if they get knocked out, they simply return to their human form without losing health.
Best Druid subclass: Circle of the Moon
Rogues have high mobility with Cunning Action, but their sneak attack isn't as powerful as before. They can move quickly but are vulnerable due to low health and armor. While they're skilled at scouting, it's risky to separate them from the group.
Best Rogue subclass: Thief
Warlocks are versatile magic users, similar to Rogues. They have average armor, health, weapons, and diverse spells. Their fewer spell slots refresh quickly. With their charisma, they're good at negotiating. Pick some Invocations, and they can do well alone or in a group.
Best Warlock subclass: The Fiend
Paladins are versatile, similar to Clerics. They're frontline fighters, can heal, support, and defeat enemies with magic. Plus, with their charisma, they can charm outside of battles.
Best Paladin subclass: Oath of the Ancients
Sorcerers have power from their bloodline, making them different from Wizards. They use charisma for spells, letting them also be the group's spokesperson. With Metamagic, they enhance their spells. But, they have low health, no armor, and use only basic weapons.
Best Sorcerer subclass: Draconic Bloodline
Wizards are versatile magic users, similar to Fighters with gear. While they're fragile like Sorcerers, they have a broader spell list and can regenerate spell slots with Arcane Recovery. They can also learn new spells from scrolls, a big advantage in the game.
Best Wizard subclass: School of Evocation
The Monk is the latest class. They prefer planned attacks over raw power. Like Rogues, they're best up close with surprise attacks. Though they lack strong ranged abilities, they can use their ki for distant targets. Wood half-elves are good as Monks due to their speed and agility.
Best subclass: Way of the Four Elements
Bards are versatile and charming. They cast supportive and controlling spells. With better armor and health than sorcerers, they're safer in battles. While they lack strong damage spells, they can avoid fights using charm and intelligence. Choose their background wisely, as it greatly impacts these skill-centered characters.
Best Bard subclass: College of Valour
In Baldur's Gate 3, Clerics are powerful just like in D&D 5E. They're top healers with great attack skills. They can wear medium armor and shields, making them strong overall. The Guidance cantrip is one of the best spells, boosting actions outside battles.
Best Cleric subclass: Life Domain
Now that you know what the best classes and subclasses are in Baldur's Gate 3, you're ready to start dominating. But remember, play what's most enjoyable to you, as the game can be finished with any class, even as the supposedly worst Ranger. :)