A few weeks into Overwatch 2's Season 7, players are eager to settle on which heroes dominate in the current meta. In this guide, we'll be ranking every hero based on the analysis of KarQ, a community veteran who is among the most skilled and respected players in Overwatch 2. Learn which heroes to main for some easy ranked wins as well as those you should avoid if you value your sanity!
D Tier Heroes
Biding his time
Roadhog is a solid damage-absorbing tank who works well in tandem with Mei, even if his one-shot skill has been less reliable recently due to nerfs. Additionally, he has shown himself to be a useful counter to the growing number of Doomfists in ranked. Pending an upcoming rework however, Roadhog struggles to control space and withstand enemy DPS at the same level as his tanking rivals.
C Tier Heroes
Bastion's ult battery
Winston isn't a common dive choice in the current meta, mostly due to difficulties against Bastion. He also requires more coordination and shot-calling than any other tank in the game in order to be effective, making him a poor fit for most players. That said, he is not a poor hero either. Were the meta to shift away from Bastion, Monkey would be one of the first heroes to skyrocket up the tier list.
Wrecking ball
This season, Ball got a minor boost to his ability Quad Cannons as his 'Number of shots to reach max spread increased from 20 >>> 30.' That boosted his efficiency from mid-range. He also benefits from the most recent Sombra rework, which makes that matchup more tolerable. This is a B-tier hero for dedicated Ball players, but for everyone else, particularly when healing creep is present, he is below average and belongs in the C-tier.
B Tier Heroes
A challenging kit
Echo has always been a good choice for players of higher skill, her varied abilities and great damage output making her one of the highest skill-ceiling heroes in all of Overwatch. However, she does rely heavily on a Mercy pocket and requires a degree of mastery in order to reach her full potential. Because of the difficulty of her kit, she is a good choice for players of higher ranks, though may be best avoided at Gold and below.
Queen of poke
In a meta where healing creep is prevalent, her steady poke damage and railgun's capacity for large burst are quite beneficial. But in lower levels, her effectiveness is diminished by the longer time needed to build up to the railgun and the less reliable rail shots. For a number of seasons, there has been a continuous pattern of good performance in high ranks and poorer success in low ranks.
Skill gap
Players with excellent technical skills can increase Tracer's damage output while lowering risks thanks to her evasive abilities, making her a powerful pick for those with insane mechanics. She is most effective in chaotic environments, applying constant pressure to enemy backlines and interfering with their coordination. Tracer's kit has ever proven difficult for most players in lower rankings to master. Her tough playstyle and high skill requirements can severely limit her effectiveness, placing her in the B-tier.
A glass-cannon DPS
Her headshot capability makes her a continuous danger to opposing squishy heroes, and she can provide pick opportunities for her team. Because of her glass-cannon nature and restricted close-quarters powers, Widowmaker is not as forgiving to less experienced players. Because of her vulnerability against flankers and more aggressive playstyles in lower tiers, she can find it difficult to establish herself and is therefore ranked in the B-tier.
Given the present state of the game and the arrival of the new Sombra, Zenyatta's effectiveness has taken a dip. He is not equipped to repel dangerous flankers such as Sombra. Discord Orb has also become harder to apply and maintain since the fairly recent nerfs. There has been a drop in Zenyatta players as a result of Illari's dominance over Zenyatta in terms of both damage dealing and healing output. Zen remains a strong hero, but one that has definitely seen better days.
B+ Tier Heroes
The perfect all-rounder
A fantastic pick for season 7, striking an effective balance between strength and fairness. D.Va rewards tank players that pride themselves on their awareness, and is especially useful on maps like Blizzard World and Numbani that require expert handling of both high and low terrain.
Junker Queen
Standing strong in the meta
She's doing great, especially after Zarya's nerfs. Her matchups can be a little difficult, particularly when she is up against Ana, however since Ana's pick rate has been declining in favor of Illari-Baptiste support duos, Junker Queen continues to be a menace in brawl setups!
High DPS
Ashe is still a solid choice for DPS because of her strong burst damage. Given Baptiste's notoriety, her ability to throw Dynamite through his Window is very powerful. She maintains her strength in both low and high ranked gameplay. A buff to Bob, her ultimate, would see Ashe attain new heights in terms of power level, however for now she remains a solid B-tier pick.
A meta mismatch
This season, Cassidy has developed as a reliable close-range damage dealer. Since the damage reduction component of Combat Roll got increased 50% >>> 70% he now totes significant resilience against large bursts of damage. That said, he's merely decent in the current high-level meta that favors long-range battles with Sigma. Compared to heroes like Mei, Symmetra, or Bastion, he's not the greatest option for close-quarters fighting, but he could be very effective against less meta heroes like Ball, Winston, or Doomfist.
Genji's standing in the community is up for debate. Some think that the healing overload makes him a bad hero, but others maintain he's good for counterattacking Bastions with well-timed deflections, sniping isolated enemies, and even taking out badly positioned Illaris. Our advice? Leave Genji to the one-tricks in higher ELOs, but have fun stomping with him in the lower brackets.
She applies useful pressure, but Pharah finds it difficult to find meaningful value given the dominance of hitscan supports, Baptiste and Illari. Unlike Echo, Pharah has a consistent flight pattern, making her easier to target. Pharah is no longer as popular against decent opposition; Echo is now the go-to flying hero, particularly when paired with Mercy.
A stable pick
Her efficiency changes according to the meta, though this season she has seen a spike, especially after her Whip Shot damage was increased 70 >>> 80. She may not be the best option in full brawl compositions, but she does well against dive and Winston. Regardless of the meta, her rating is unlikely to drop too sharply, making her a reliable choice to master.
An all-round support
Because of her capacity for crowd control and vertical mobility, Kiriko excels at all levels of play and in almost every composition. She is still a solid option at lower rankings as well for her solo kill potential and the carry potential of her ultimate, Kitsune Rush. A solid pick for any support main looking for an alternative to Illari and Baptiste.
A high ELO player's choice
He receives a B-tier placement because of his crucial contribution to brawl compositions, which makes him a top choice for higher ELO play! But for everyone else, particularly players at Gold and below, the impact of his speed boost is less noticeable, and he frequently plays a more supporting role.
A Tier Heroes
Uppercutting up the ladder
He was able to boost his self-sustain in Season 6 since a decrease to his Seismic Slam cooldown. Additionally, in Season 7, his Barrier has been modified to 'protect from explosive' damage like Tracer's Pulse Bomb, Roadhog's Scrap Gun, Ana's Biotic Grenade, and Echo's Sticky Bombs.
Unexpectedly good
Ramattra was recently upgraded. His Nemesis Form has a 'decreased cooldown 8 >>> 7' seconds, which makes him a strong choice in the A tier in Season 7, especially when facing weaker lineups that heavily rely on Reinhardt.
The rising star
With other tanks like Zarya and Orisa being nerfed, Sigma stands out as the dominant tank of this patch. In higher ranks, he's unbeatable, but even at lower ELOs, he's still a solid option that is respectable but not overpowered.
Do not under-estimate
Some of Zarya's bubble bonuses were reverted after multiple adjustments in Season 6. Still, Blizzard kept the bubble cooldown bonus, although it was reduced from 10 >>> 8 seconds. This corresponds to a noteworthy 20% decrease, which explains her continued excellent performance. For both low and high ranks, she stays in the A-tier.
Never second best
Hanzo's one-shot power is an essential tool in a meta where healing dominates. His sniper ability from a distance is perfect for fighting Bastions and finding picks in the Sigma poke meta, and his Dragon remains an ever-valuable combo tool and zoning weapon.
Surprisingly powerful
With the prevalence of high healing this season, Junkrat is surprisingly effective. His burst damage potential and effectiveness with RIP-Tire allow him to find picks with about the same consistency as Hanzo. His capacity for spamming bunkers and trapping flankers ensures victories and matches his irritating character nicely.
Back in the game
With the 100 DPS beam, Mei has become her former self and is now a mainstay in brawl configurations. Additionally, she has established herself as a versatile DPS in Sigma poke comps. Her effective wall placement can also result in surprise pickoffs, especially at lower ranks.
Zarya's favorite partner
Context defines how successful Reaper is. He can be very effective in a coordinated Zarya bubble composition. However, his one-dimensional and sometimes boring playstyle limits his general popularity. He provides more value at lower ranks, especially with his 250 HP and the impressive solo survivability that comes with Wraith Form.
Low scourge of low ELO
As to Aaron Keller's blog post, Sombra's rework has improved her performance at lower ranks and made her more enjoyable to play. She does, however, remain a fairly niche pick at higher ranks in favor of 'spam DPS' picks.
Sigma's bane
In the current meta, Symmetra is performing well. Her role in brawl configurations is huge, as she effectively presses opposing Sigma players into dropping their shields. Symmetra is a good option for a variety of playstyles thanks to the power of her secondary fire, dealing 100 damage every shot, and the cheesy strategies achievable through her Teleporter.
A-tier mainstay
Ana is now well-designed and doesn't have too many issues. Even when she is not playing in the ideal meta composition, she usually fits in well and maintains her strength. She's a solid A-tier pick at all levels of play!
A DPS player's favorite support
Due to her excellent damage output and distinctive Pylon ability, Illari, a versatile support hero, has emerged as a key player in high-level games. Thanks to her mechanics, she has become a powerful damage-dealing support choice for DPS-minded players. During stressful fights, Illari's Pylon can autonomously heal surrounding allies. Although her Solar Rifle's Secondary fire healing per second was decreased from 120 to 105, she still offers vital burst heals when necessary.
Holding strong
Mercy's limitations on movement, particularly when executing Guardian Angel movements, have earned her mixed ratings from Mercy mains. She still maintains her impact, though, especially when combined with effective compositions like a Bastion setup. Mercy players are still winning a lot of games; they're winning more than Zenyatta.
A+ Tier Heroes
Weakened in high ranks
This season, Orisa suffered a mild nerf. Her Fortify damage reduction decreased from 50% to 45%, and that clashed with Illari's single-target healing nerf. She is still quite strong at A+. Not as strong as the previous season, but still a good option. This, along with Mei's return to her old form, has made the brawl scene a little trickier.
The king of brawl
Because opponents do not appreciate Reinhardt's close-up prowess, he excels in lower skill levels but needs further buffs to dominate in higher ranks. Though he might be frustrated by some tank matchups, Reinhardt excels in brawl scenarios, earning his spot on the A-tier with relative ease.
Tried and true
A dependable DPS with better than anticipated performance at high level play. Helix Rockets help him do burst damage, and his adaptability makes him a formidable opponent in a variety of scenarios and map types. Soldier excels in lower ranks when there are more Mercys, Biotic Field's self-sustain gets more value, and Tac Visor's usefulness is maximized against players who employ less natural cover.
Solid in every comp?
In the current Overwatch 2 meta, Torbjörn has firmly established his presence as a formidable pick. His kit offers a versatile mix of abilities, featuring a boisterous turret and commendable effectiveness at both close and long ranges.
A pick for the mechanically gifted
While facing a slight regen burst nerf during season 6, Baptiste remains a prominent figure in the heal-creep landscape of Overwatch 2. Whether you find yourself in the thick of a brawl or navigating through a poke-heavy composition, Baptiste stands out as a pivotal selection. It's important to note that his mechanical complexity might prove challenging for lower-ranked players to master, but his impact and utility warrant him a commendable A+ rating.
Blossoming at last
After a stunning return, Lifeweaver is now seen as a solid fit for his particular function. He is quite good at raw healing due to his tremendous healing output and enhanced personal survivability. With 275 HP, he is difficult for flankers to take out, and his floating platform shields him from some opposing ultimates. While Lifeweaver remains a viable option, versatile support heroes such as Baptiste and Illari are often chosen ahead of him at higher ranks.
Situationally powerful
The main factor influencing Moira's function in high-rank gameplay is Moira one-tricks. She can work well in most compositions, although her worth isn't as widely accepted as that of some other supports. In some circumstances, such as when D.Va consumes her orbs or when she is struck by anti-healing powers, her effectiveness can be neutralized. Situational, but powerful overall.
S Tier Heroes
Bane of all tanks
The recent improvements to Bastion provoked debates. He is effective because of his extraordinary support and ability to sustain himself. Because of this, he is a powerful opponent and, despite minor nerfs, most players still consider him to be S-tier.
In conclusion, players in all roles are confronted by Overwatch's dynamic meta, and must adapt their picks based on rank, map, team comp, and personal mastery. Being adaptive and flexible is essential for success in the fast-paced playing field of ranked Overwatch.
Check out a full breakdown of the tier list below!
Tier | Heroes |
S Tier |
A+ Tier |
A Tier |
B+ Tier |
B Tier |
C Tier |
D Tier |
For a more detailed analysis of the Season 7 meta, check out KarQ's video here!