With the release of the 999 Reroll 10-pull that came with the release of the Lotus on December 25th, now is the perfect time to reroll for Lotus.
List of Contents:
Who is Lotus

Lotus is a Debuffer Technique character and is one of the most sought out characters in Black Clover M. His abilities make him the best character to have when running the Red Gear dungeon, and honestly he can’t be replaced by anyone at the current stage of the game. In this guide we’ll go over all you need to build him to get him ready for farming!
Lotus Skills
Below you can see a full breakdown of Lotus’ Skills:

Lotus Skills
Emit Smoke
- Throws a plume of smoke, dealing damage to all enemies.
- 50% chance to inflict 15% [Reduced Mobility] on an enemy.
Smoke Explosion
- Causes a smoke explosion, dealing damage to an enemy.
- Inflicts [Extend Debuff Duration] by one 1 turn(s) on an enemy.
- Inflicts [Reduced DMG RES Lv. 3] on an enemy for 2 turn(s).
Prison of the Fallen King
- Surrounds all enemies with a smoke tornado, dealing damage.
- Inflicts [Incapacitate Lv. 3] on all enemies for 2 turn(s).
- 50% chance to remove all [Buffs] from an enemy.
- 50% chance to inflict [Reduced SPD Lv. 3] on an enemy for 2 turn(s).
Combined Attack
- Performs a combined attack with partnered mage, dealing damage to all enemies.
- 60% chance to inflict 20% [Reduced Mobility] on an enemy.
Lotus Best Gears
Lotus has two ways to go when it comes to Gears. For PvE he does well with a mixture of 3 2-piece sets, while for PvP he does the best with 1 2-piece and 1 4-piece set. Below you can see the full breakdown:

Lotus Gear Sets
Lotus PvE Gear Sets:

Attack Set
- 2-Piece
- Main Stats: MATK

Speed Set
- 2-Piece
- Main Stats: ANY

HP Set
- 2-Piece
- Main Stats: ANY
Lotus PvP Gear Sets:

Attack Set
- 2-Piece
- Main Stats: MATK

Speed Set
- 4-Piece
- Main Stats: ANY
Lotus Best Talents
The following talents will help draw out the most out of your Lotus:

Lotus Talents
Attack Talents:
- Increased MATK - [MATK] +7%
- Battle Frenzy - Grants 2.5% [Increased CRIT Rate] at the start of a wave. (Stacks up to 5 times)
Defense Talents:
- Increased DEF - [DEF] +20%
- Endurance - Grants [DEF] +4% and [CRIT RES] +2% at the start of a wave. (Stacks up to 5 times.)
Support Talents:
- Swiftness - Grants a [SP+1] buff upon having less than 2 SP(s) at the start of a turn.
- Increased DMG RES - [DMG RES] +10%
Lotus Best Skill Pages
Below you can see a full breakdown of Lotus' best skill pages!

Lotus Skill Pages
Lotus has a good pick of a lot of Skill Pages and generally does good with any Debuffer skill page. His Signature is by far the best, but if you do not have it, you don't need to worry!
Top SSR Picks

Cunning Commander
- Has a 25% chance to apply 2/10% [SPD Reduction] to an enemy for 1 turn(s) upon attacking.

Blooming Talent
- Has a 60% chance of applying 10/20% [DEF Reduction] to a random enemy for 2 turn(s) upon using a "Special Skill."

Breath of Darkness
- Applies 10/20% [Increased All ATK] to yourself.
Top SR Picks

Backlight of a Leaf
- Grants immunity to [Stun] to yourself for 1 turn(s) at the start of battle and applies 6/12% [HP Recovery] to yourself upon being [Stunned].
You should be able to get Lotus up and running and include him in your teams for content farming of any kind by following the instructions in this guide. He is undoubtedly one of Black Clover M's strongest units, and any account will benefit greatly from having him!
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