This guide will cover everything you need to know about S2 Charmy, a Technique Healer and a great addition to any team that requires a bit more sustain.
List of Contents:
- Who is Swimsuit (S2) Charmy
- Swimsuit Charmy Skills
- Swimsuit Charmy Best Gears
- Swimsuit Charmy Best Talents
- Swimsuit Charmy Best Skill Pages
- Summary
Who is Swimsuit Charmy

Swimsuit Charmy is one of the newest characters in Black Clover M. She comes with two other characters in the Season 2 banner, and is the second best pick after Swimsuit Noelle, if you are following the meta that is. Swimsuit Charmy is part of the Black Bulls and is a staple in the manga and anime. In Black Clover M she takes on the role of a healer, sustaining your team and getting you through tough content. Here is how you build her.
Swimsuit Charmy Skills
Swimsuit Charmy is one of the best healers in the game and her kit beautifully reflects that. All of her skills focus on [Continuous HP Recovery] and offering other buffs to her teammates. Below is the full breakdown.

Swimsuit Charmy Skills
- Summons massive fleecy clouds, dealing damage to an enemy.
- Grants the ally with the lowest HP [Continuous HP Recovery] equal to 6% of max HP for 2 turn(s).
- 45% chance to grant a recovered ally [Increased Special Points] +1
Shaved Ice
- The "sheep cooks" prepare shaved ice for all allies, granting them HP Recovery.
- Grants all allies [Continuous HP Recovery] equal to 4.5% of max HP for 2 turn(s).
- Applies [Dispel DoT] x1 to all allies.
Barbecue Party!
- The "sheep cooks" prepare a barbecue for all allies, granting them HP Recovery.
- Grants all allies [Continuous HP Recovery] equal to 10% of max HP for 2 turn(s).
- Grants all allies [Increased DEF Lv. 3] for 2 turn(s).
- 45% chance to grant all allies [Increased Special Points] +1.
Combined Attack
- Applies a buff to your partner.
- Grants [Increased MATK Lv. 5] to the partnered mage's attack.
- 50% chance to grant the partner [Increased Special Points] +1.
Swimsuit Charmy Best Gears
Swimsuit Charmy’s healing capability is dependent on her max HP, so that is that stat you want to go towards the most. She does best with 3 2-piece sets. Here is the full breakdown.

Swimsuit Charmy Gear Sets
Swimsuit Charmy Gear Sets:

Attack Set
- 2-Piece
- Main Stats: HP

Speed Set
- 2-Piece
- Main Stats: HP

- 2-Piece
- Main Stats: HP
Sub Stats:
Swimsuit Charmy Best Talents
Swimsuit Charmy’s best talents are as follows. These will help bring the most out of her potential, however you are always free to experiment on your own.

Swimsuit Charmy Talents
Attack Talents:
- Increased MATK - [MATK] +7%
- Battle Frenzy - Grants 2.5% [Increased CRIT Rate] at the start of a wave. (Stacks up to 5 times)
Defense Talents:
- Increased DEF - [DEF] +20%
- Endurance - Grants [DEF] +4% and [CRIT RES] +2% at the start of a wave. (Stacks up to 5 times.)
Support Talents:
- Swiftness - Grants a [SP+1] buff upon having less than 2 SP(s) at the start of a turn.
- Increased DMG RES - [DMG RES] +10%
Swimsuit Charmy Best Skill Pages
Swimsuit Charmy doesn’t have a really broad range of Skill Pages that she can use, given that there aren’t that many dedicated healers in the game as of yet, however, she does have 3 choices that work well on her.

Swimsuit Charmy Skill Pages
Top SSR Picks

A Feast at the Beach
- Grants 10/25% [Reduced DMG Taken] if HP is equal to 90% or higher.

Adventurer's Journal
- Applies 10/20% [Increased Max. HP] to yourself.
Top SR Picks

Meat Enthusiat
- Applies 7/15% [Increased Max. HP] to yourself.
Overall Swimsuit Charmy is a really solid healer and a character that can certainly help you survive through the number of difficult content that we have in the game. She is currently the only SSR healer in the game that you can get, and if you miss her you might not get a chance to get another good healer anytime soon, as such, trying to pull for her and building her might not be such a bad choice for your account.
Look below for more Black Clover M Character guides to help boost your account!
- Black Clover M: Julius Guide
- Black Clover M: Swimsuit Noelle Guide
- Black Clover M: Lotus Guide
- Black Clover M: Mars Guide