With tens of millions of die-hard fans, Call of Duty Mobile ranks among the premiere first-person shooters on mobile for adrenaline-fueled action. However, excelling at competitive multiplayer requires more than quick reflexes alone. Configuring your settings appropriately helps cement buttery smooth performance tailored to your style. Read on to find the best Call of Duty Mobile Settings.
- Call of Duty Mobile Best Settings: Weapon
- Call of Duty Mobile Best Settings: Basic
- Call of Duty Mobile Best Settings: Graphics
- Call of Duty Mobile Best Settings: Audio
- Call of Duty Mobile Best Settings: Sensitivity
- Summary: Best Call of Duty Mobile Settings
Call of Duty Mobile Best Settings: Weapon
The Controls tab allows granular selections on how you aim down sights and hip fire for each weapon class. Match accordingly to playstyle:
- Assault Rifles – ADS helps land shots at most ranges
- SMGs – ADS for stability or hip fire spraying up close
- Shotguns – Pure hip fire for CQB, ADS can be cumbersome
- LMGs – ADS for sustained firing accuracy
- Snipers – ADS for long-distance sharpshooting
- Pistols – ADS for better stability
Surprising enemies by bursting SMGs or remaining stealthier without shotgun ADS prove viable alternatives as well.
Call of Duty Mobile Best Settings: Basic
The Basics feature simple toggles severely impacting movement and response. Enable these for fluidity:
- Aim Assist – Helps newer players adjust aim onto targets
- Quick Run – Stand up faster from prone
- Auto Sprint – Continually sprints without holding forward
- Fixed Fire Button – Retains fire input even while aiming down sights
- Release Fire (Shotguns) – Disables auto shotgun switching from ADS to hip
- Tap to ADS – Quickly aims rather than holding to enter
- Slide Preference – Tap crouch while sprinting to slide smoothly
Tweak additional sliders until the overall feel “clicks” what works best!
Call of Duty Mobile Best Settings: Graphics
At first glance, graphics may seem cosmetic, but adjusting options helps visibility:
- Quality – Low settings maximize fluid frame rates
- Frame Rate Max – Up to 90/120 FPS depending on the phone
- Shadows – Disable to easily spot enemies with no dark shading
- Depth of Field – Disable for clearer models at all distances
- Bloom – Disable for less distracting effects
- Anti-Aliasing – Performance-intensive with little visual improvement, disable
- BR Graphic Style – Dynamic offers more vivid colors distinguishing targets
With clutter removed and frames maximized, targets appear clearer motivating quicker reactions!
Call of Duty Mobile Best Settings: Audio
Music – Optional, but lowering music makes hearing nearby player movement easier
Call of Duty Mobile Best Settings: Sensitivity
Sensitivity requires gradual experimentation to find your optimal aim control and reaction time feel:
- Rotation Mode Fixed Speed – Maintains uniform look mechanics
- Standard – 90-100 for most phones
- ADS 130-150 for stability aiming down sights
- Sniper Scope 50-70 for high precision adjustments under high magnification
- Tactical Scope 90-120 offers flexibility between short and mid-range zooms
The gyroscope helps refine adjustments through minute hand motions:
- Standard 130-160
- ADS 60-85
- Sniper Scope 40-70
Practice in shoot house modes tuning muscle memory on weapons handling - don’t just copy other’s settings!
Summary: Best Call of Duty Mobile Settings

Section | Setting | Recommendation |
Controls | AR Firing | ADS |
Controls | Shotgun Firing | Hip Fire |
Basic | Aim Assist | On |
Basic | Quick Run | On |
Basic | Auto Sprint | On |
Basic | Fixed Fire Button | On |
Basic | Release Fire (Shotguns) | Off |
Graphics | Quality | Low |
Graphics | Frame Rate | Maximum |
Graphics | Shadows | Off |
Graphics | Bloom | Off |
Graphics | Anti-Aliasing | Off |
Audio | Music | Off |
Sensitivity | Standard | 90-100 |
Sensitivity | ADS | 130-150 |
Sensitivity | Sniper | 50-70 |
Sensitivity | Gyro | 130-160 |
Sensitivity | Gyro ADS | 60-85 |
Sensitivity | Gyro Sniper | 40-70 |
Review this expanded Call of Duty Mobile settings guide when configuring your game for peak performance. Over time, evolve your settings catering to strengths while compensating for weaknesses all while perfecting reflexes. These comprehensive tips set the stage to truly master weapons with enhancements making even veterans jealous of capabilities!