A fresh update to Clash of Clans includes Town Hall 16, the new Blacksmith building, new ore resources and, the topic of this article, merged defenses. Let's cover all you need to know to build the Multi-Archer Tower and the Ricochet Cannon with TH16 to sure-up your defenses like never before!
COC Merged Defenses:

The Multi-Archer Tower is capable of targetting up to 3 different attacking enemies at once but will fire all 3 arrows at a single target if only one target is available. It has a range of 10 tiles and can target both ground and air units.
The Ricochet Cannon deals more than double the damage of a regular level 21 Cannon. As an added bonus, the Ricochet Cannon's shots will bounce from its original target to deal additional damage to a second nearby enemy. It has a range of 9 tiles, though can only target ground-based enemies.
How to Merge Your Defenses in Clash of Clans:

Multi-Archer Tower Requirements:
- You must have Town Hall 16
- You must own 2 Archer Towers at level 21
Ricochet Cannon Requirements:
- You must have Town Hall 16
- You must own 2 Cannons at level 21
Once these requirements are met, head into the shop and drop 20,000,000 gold on your building merge of choice!
When you build either the Ricochet Cannon or the Multi-Archer Tower, be warned that your 2 closest level 21 Archer Towers or Cannons will be consumed in order to begin construction on your new merged defense! This may leave you defensively vulnerable during the 14-day build time.
You additionally cannot undo the merging process, meaning there is no way to recover your 2 Archer Towers or Cannons once the merge has begun.