Clash Royale content creators receive special codes known as Creator Codes. Unlike regular redeem codes, Creator Codes won't grant players free in-game items or currency.
Instead, when you make in-game purchases in Clash Royale using a Creator Code, a portion of the proceeds supports the content creator associated with that code. It's a simple way to show your appreciation for your favorite content creators within the Clash Royale community.
Here's the list of Clash Royale Creator Codes available in December 2023, and we've included instructions on how to use them:
Active Clash Royale Creator Codes
Creator Code | Content Creator |
alvaro845 | Alvaro845 |
amie | AmieNicole |
anikilo | Anikilo |
zmot | Anon Moose |
ark | Ark |
artube | Artube Clash |
cwa | Clash with Ash |
ashbs | Ash Brawl Stars |
ashtax | Ashtax |
atchiin | AtchiinWu |
aurelcoc | Aurel COC |
aurum | AuRuM TV |
axael | Axael TV |
bangskot | BangSkot |
bbok | BBok TV |
beak | Beaker’s Lab |
bt1 | BenTimm1 |
bigspin | BigSpin |
bisect | Bisectatron Gaming |
brad | B-rad |
brocast | BroCast |
brunoclash | Bruno Clash |
buf | Bufarete |
cptnben | Captain Ben |
carbonfin | CarbonFin Gaming |
chicken | Chicken Brawl |
pat | Chief Pat |
chiefavalon | ChiefAvalon eSports and Gaming |
bash | Clash Bashing |
clash champs | Clash Champs |
adda | Clashing Adda |
nery | Clash com Nery |
ninja | Clash Ninja |
cos | Clash of Stats |
clashdicas | Clash Royale Dicas |
cwc | Clash with Cory |
eric | Clash with Eric – OneHive |
clashgames | ClashGames |
avi | ClashPlayhouse |
shane | CLASHwithSHANE |
cory | Coach Cory |
coltonw83 | Coltonw83 |
consty | Consty |
corrupt | CorruptYT |
cosmo | CosmicDuo |
wikibarbar | DarkBarbarian |
davidk | DavidK |
deckshop | Deck Shop |
decow | Decow do Canal |
doluk | doluk_ |
dougie | DougieD |
drekzenn | DrekzeNN |
echo | ECHO Gaming |
elchiki | Elchiki |
erikuh | erikuh |
maxi | eVe MAXi |
ewe | Ewelina |
ferre | Ferre |
flobby | FlobbyCr |
fullfrontage | FullFrontage |
galadon | Galadon Gaming |
noc | Gaming with Noc |
gizmo | GizmoSpike |
godson | GODSON – Gaming |
gouloulou | gouloulou |
grax | Grax |
guzzo | Guzzo games |
heybrother | Hey! Brother |
itzu | iTzu |
jojans | Jo Jonas |
joe | Joe McDonalds |
jsgod | JS GodSaveTheFish |
judo | Judo Sloth Gaming |
june | JUNE |
kairos | KairosTime Gaming |
kash | Kashman |
clashjo | Kenny Jo |
kfc | KFC Clash |
kio | kiokio |
klus | Klus |
klaus | Klaus Gaming |
ladyb | Ladyb |
landi | Landi |
ray | Legendaray |
lex | Lex |
lightpollux | Light Pollux |
lukas | Lukas – Brawl Stars |
malcaide | Malcaide |
garotas | Marcinha |
molight | Mohamed Light |
molt | MOLT |
morten | MortenRoyale |
mbf | MrMobilefanboy |
shane | Namh Sak |
nana | Nana |
nat | Nat |
naxiva | NaxivaGaming |
nyte | nickatnyte |
noobs | Noobs IMTV |
owl | NyteOwl |
oj | Orange Juice Gaming |
ouah | Ouah Leouff |
oyungemisi | Oyun Gemisi |
pitbullfera | PitBullFera |
crux | Pixel Crux |
puuki | puuki |
radical | Radical Rosh |
rey | Rey |
romain | Romain Dot Live |
royaleapi | RoyaleAPI |
rozetmen | Rozetmen |
rurglou | Ruusskov |
shelbi | SHELBI |
sidekick | Sidekick |
moose | Sir Moose Gaming |
sirtag | SirTagCR |
sitrox | Sitr0x Games |
skullcrusher | SkullCrusher Boom Beach |
soking | sokingrcq |
spanser | spAnser |
spiuk | Spiuk Gaming |
starlist | StarList |
stats | Stats Royale |
sumit007 | Sumit 007 |
sun | Sunnyenough |
surgicalgoblin | Surgical Goblin |
suzie | Suzie |
chicken2 | The Chicken 2 |
huntah | TheGameHuntah |
trymacs | Trymacs |
vinho | Vinho |
cauemp | Well Played |
withzack | WithZack |
wonderbrad | Wonderbrad |
yde | Yde |
yosoyrick | YoSoyRick |
zsomac | Zsomac |
Expired Clash Royale Creator Codes
There are currently no expired Clash Royale creator codes.
How to use Clash Royale creator codes:
- Launch Clash Royale.
- Go to the in-game Shop.
- Scroll to the bottom of the menu to find the Creator Boost menu.
- Paste the Creator Code into the 'Enter Code' box.
- Click OK to activate the Creator Code in Clash Royale.

Now you know how to support your favorite Clash Royale creators with Creator Codes. Go ahead, use them, and show some love!