Call of Duty: Warzone will be releasing a small batch of changes and fixes on March 13th. Activision introduces updates to weapons and gameplay in CoD Warzone Season 2. The devs also address bugs in the game. In this article, we will take a look at all of the changes in the most recent CoD Warzone Season 2 Patch Notes.
Table of Contents

CoD will discover some adjustments to Hogler 556, FR 5.56, Rival-9, Haymaker, and Longbow. Cluster Mines and Black Site have also been updated. Below you will find the full patch notes. Make sure you check them out before your next gameplay. Don't forget to take a look at the Multiplayer and Zombies changes as well.
Assault Rifle Adjustments
Holger 556
- Ascent Lord Stock:
- Revised Attachment description to better reflect its true statistics.
- This heavy stock provides better accuracy and recoil control.
- Revised Attachment description to better reflect its true statistics.
FR 5.56
- FR Sprinter & Recon Stock Pad Stocks
- Replaced Sprint Speed with Tactical Sprint Speed in the list of Pros to align with the true statistics.
Submachine Gun Adjustments
- Trebuchet Brake Muzzle
- Replaced duplicate JAK BFB with the correct name and description.
- This heavily vented brake is designed to mitigate vertical recoil and is especially effective on burst weapons.
- Replaced duplicate JAK BFB with the correct name and description.
Shotgun Adjustments
- JAK Maglift Kit
- Increased minimum hipfire spread to 4.9deg/s, up from 3.5deg/s.
- Increased maximum hipfire spread to 6.2deg/s, up from 4.4deg/s.
- Increased tactical stance spread to 4.2deg/s, up from 3deg/s.
Sniper Rifle Adjustments
- JAK Tyrant 762 Kit
- Removed 30% hipfire spread benefit.
- Increased aim down sight time to 470ms, up from 390ms.
Gameplay Changes
- You will need 2 mines from a Cluster Mine to down a full-plated Player.
- A CoD Player with no plates can be downed by just 1 mine from a Cluster Mine.
- The drop rate of Black Site keys has been increased from 1% to 5%.
- Fixed an issue causing the Bunker Buster to fire from the incorrect position when on a moving platform.
- Fixed a collision issue on Fortune’s Keep allowing Players to exploit under the map.
- Fixed a collision issue that caused the Geiger Counter to be irretrievable.
CoD Multiplayer Changes
Bug Fixes
Improved performance while scrolling in the Calling Cards menu.
Tracked Prestige Challenges will no longer disappear from the Calling Cards menu.
Seasonal content in offline mode will now match the available content in online mode.
Saving a Custom Mod in the Gunsmith will no longer remove certain Camos.
Gilded Mastery Challenge for the SOA Subverter now displays the correct requirements.
Priceless Camo Challenge for the SOA Subverter is now properly tracked.
One of many factors in spawn selection is to avoid a spawn trap. When a player dies soon after respawning, that spawn point is temporarily deprioritized. If there are not enough safe spawn points available, a spawn flip is more likely to occur.
In Hardpoint, additional spawn points were added to decrease the probability of an unfavorable flip.
By adding additional spawn points, the system has more safe options available, decreasing the chance of a spawn flip.Private Match
Increased maximum player and bot count: 12 > 24.
CoD Zombies Changes
- Fixed the issue preventing Elder Sigils from dropping in the New Season 2 Dark Aether Rift if players had not completed the Season 1 Dark Aether Rift.
- Fixed an issue that would knock back Containment Levels by 1 Tier when exfiling from Dark Aether Rifts.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Containment Levels from knocking back one Tier if a player left a match.