Dead by Daylight's 7.6.0 update, titled All Things Wicked, introduces a new original killer called The Unknown, a new survivor named Sable Ward, and a fresh map, Greenville Square. The update also brings balance changes to several existing killers and introduces the Mangled status effect timer. Here are the complete patch notes for the All Things Wicked update.
Table of Contents
Dead by Daylight All Things Wicked Complete Patch Notes
New Killer - The Unknown

- Power: UVX
- Press the Power button to charge UVX. Once ready, press the Attack button to launch UVX, a bouncing projectile that creates a blast area upon impact.
- Survivors become Hindered if touched by UVX while airborne.
- Survivors touching the blast area become Weakened.
- Weakened Survivors lose health states if touched by the blast area.
- Survivors lose Weakened status by successfully staring down The Unknown.
- Special Ability: Hallucinations
- The Unknown intermittently creates up to 4 hallucinations.
- Hallucinations cannot be created while charging UVX, performing interactions, or in proximity to map objects like hooks.
- When Survivors are touched by the blast area or become Weakened, the next hallucination's spawn time decreases by 10 seconds.
- Special Ability: Teleport
- The Unknown can teleport to hallucinations, leaving behind a temporary decoy.
- Survivors can remove hallucinations from the trial with the Dispel ability.
- Weakened Survivors take longer to Dispel.
- If Dispel is not completed, Survivors become Weakened and trigger Killer Instinct.
- Perks
- Unbound: Activates for 24/27/30 seconds after a Survivor becomes injured. After vaulting a window, gain 5% Haste for 10 seconds. Cannot stack with itself.
- Unforeseen: When performing the Break action on a generator, your Terror Radius transfers to the generator for 22/26/30 seconds, and its radius is set to 32 meters. Gain Undetectable for that duration. Goes on cooldown for 30 seconds.
- Undone: When a Survivor misses a healing or repair skill check, gain 3 tokens, up to a maximum of 18/24/30 tokens. When performing the Break action on a generator with tokens, consume all tokens. Each token consumed causes the generator to lose 1% total progress and become blocked for 1 second. Once unblocked, the generator starts regressing. Goes on cooldown for 60 seconds.
New Survivor - Sable Ward
- Perks
- Invocation: Weaving Spiders: When in the basement near the circle, press the ability button to begin the invocation. Invocations take 120 seconds. Other Survivors see your aura and can join, increasing speed by 50% each (100% if they have an Invocation perk). Upon completion, become injured and Broken for the rest of the trial. Reduce the max required generator progress of all remaining generators by 8/9/10 charges. Completing the invocation disables the perk for all Survivors.
- Strength in Shadows: When in the basement, this perk activates. Unlocks the ability to heal without a med-kit at 70% normal healing speed. When finishing a heal in the basement, see the killer's aura for 6/8/10 seconds.
- Wicked: Your self-unhook attempts in the basement always succeed. When unhooked or unhooking yourself, see the killer's aura for 16/18/20 seconds.
New Map - Greenville Square
- A new section of the Withered Isle, featuring a brand new set of tiles and a main building called The Theater.
Mangled Update

- Added a timer to every source of the Mangled status effect, allowing players to choose between healing through it or waiting it out.
- Affected Perks: Blood Echo, Sloppy Butcher, Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain, Vigil
- Affected Add-ons: Multiple add-ons for various killers
Killer Updates
- The Blight
- Compound Thirty-Three: Rush can be performed up to 3 times (was 2). Increases Rush turn rate and duration by 33%.
- The Clown
- Base Kit: Increased Afterpiece Antidote duration to 6 seconds (was 5). Decreased activation delay to 2 seconds (was 2.5). Increased number of bottles to 6 (was 4). Decreased visual effect intensity for Survivors affected by Afterpiece Tonic.
- Redhead's Pinky Finger: Direct hits inflict Exposed until Intoxication ends. Sets maximum carried bottles to 1.
- The Demogorgon
- Decreased Shred successful hit cooldown to 2.7 seconds (was 3).
- Decreased Shred pallet break cooldown to 1.8 seconds (was 2).
- Black Heart: Decreases Shred hit cooldown by 10% (was 15%).
- Barb's Glasses: Decreases Shred pallet break cooldown by 10% (was 15%).
- The Doctor
- Increased Shock Therapy range to 12 meters (was 10.7).
- Decreased Shock Therapy detonation delay to 0.8 seconds (was 1).
- "Discipline" - Class III: Decreases Shock Therapy detonation delay by 15% (was 20%).
- "Discipline" - Carter's Notes: Decreases Shock Therapy detonation delay by 20% (was 30%).
- The Hag
- Increased Phantasm Trap teleport range to 48 meters (was 40).
- Decreased Phantasm Trap setting time to 0.9 seconds (was 1).
- Increased triggered Phantasm Trap duration to 6 seconds (was 5).
- Decreased Phantasm Trap trigger range to 2.7 meters (was 3).
- Increased time to wipe away traps to 4 seconds (was 3.5).
- Add-on changes for multiple add-ons.
- The Huntress
- Increased hatchet count to 7 (was 5).
- Decreased hatchet wind-up speed to 0.9 seconds (was 1).
- The Pig
- Increased Ambush attack duration to 2.3 seconds (was 2).
- Decreased Ambush attack successful hit cooldown to 2.7 seconds (was 3).
- Decreased Ambush attack miss cooldown to 1.5 seconds (was 2).
- Increased movement speed while crouched to 3.8 m/s (was 3.6).
- Decreased time to crouch to 1 second (was 1.3).
- Removed ability to see Jigsaw Boxes.
- Increased Bloodpoints earned for Ambush Dash hits to 850 BP (was 500) and setting Reverse Bear Traps to 1000 BP (was 500).
- Combat Straps: Increases crouching and uncrouching speed by 10% (was 30%).
- Shattered Syringe: Decreases Ambush attack miss cooldown by 10% (was 25%).
- Workshop Grease: Increases Ambush attack charge speed by 50%. Decreases Ambush attack miss cooldown by 10% (was 25%).
- Amanda's Secret: Gain a notification when a Survivor removes a Reverse Bear Trap. Auras of Survivors removing a Reverse Bear Trap are revealed to you for 6 seconds. Disables your ability to see the auras of Jigsaw Boxes (removed functionality, now base kit).
Archives & Events
- The Blood Moon event and tome begin on March 18th at 11:00 am ET.
- Bloodweb Improvements
- Auto-purchase center node unlocked for prestiged characters.
- Level-up pop-ups can be skipped by pressing the controller's A button, mouse's left button, or any keyboard key.
- Added loading wheel animation when data is being loaded.
- Loadout and Perks
- Selecting an empty perk slot no longer resets to the first page of perks.
- Perks can be searched with keywords and short-forms.
- Locked Outfit Discount Tag Removal
- Discount tags no longer shown for outfits that cannot have pieces purchased individually.
Bug Fixes
- Multiple bug fixes for archives, audio, bots, characters, environment/maps, perks, UI, and miscellaneous issues.
Known Issues
- The Unknown's DLC exclusive cosmetic is currently not granted when purchasing the All Things Wicked Chapter (fixed in 7.6.1 Hotfix).
- The Twins are kill switched due to an issue causing Charlotte to be hindered in her navigation.
Note: For complete patch notes of Dead by Daylight visit here.