Destiny 2 Season 23 brings massive changes to the game. Season of the Wish arrives on November 28th packing major sandbox tuning, ability reworks, new gameplay elements, and the start of the climatic Light and Darkness saga endgame. Let's break down everything about Destiny 2 Season 23 Season of the Wish 7.3.0 patch notes update that will launch soon!
Destiny 2 Season 23: Season of the Wish Release Date
Destiny 2 Season 23 begins on November 28th. It marks the third and final season leading into the 2023 Lightfall expansion, where Guardians confront the cosmic Witness threat. Given the high-stakes storyline developments, Season of the Wish represents Destiny 2’s calm before the storm.
What's New in Destiny 2 Season 23: Season of the Wish?

- Sweeping ability changes for better balance between potency and build diversity
- Ability energy mods and perks scale by cooldown tiers now
- Reductions to dominant survivability exotics and subclass nodes
- Underused and melee exotics get buffs
- Improvements to Aeon Cult armor set perks
- Stasis improvements for reliability and power
Upcoming New Artifact in Destiny 2 Season 23: Season of the Wish
There are new upcoming artifact perks coming to Destiny 2 Season 23. Bungie is focusing on three elements: Solar, Strand, and Stasis. The emphasis is on Rocket Launchers, with new powerful perks related to ignitions and shatter, and some favorite perks are returning.

Destiny 2 Season 23: 7.3.0 Patch Notes

Rebalancing the Ability Economy
Bungie is acting to better link top-tier ability strength and potency to appropriately longer cooldowns, curbing excessive uptime.
- Passive cooldown tiers will now govern ability energy chunks from mods and perks
- At the lowest cooldown tier, energy chunks reduced to 50% for grenades/class abilities, 60% for melee
- Most impacted are spammable abilities like Lightning Grenade (~15s cooldown reduction pre-change, now 7.6s)
- Seeks more build investment for higher regeneration
- Super energy gains remain unchanged for now
Tuned Down Survivability and Healing
Targeted reductions aim to rein in excessive tackiness and sustain high-end PvE content.
- Woven Mail damage resistance lowered from 55% to 45%
- Restoration healing reduced from 40 hp/s to 35 hp/s in PvE
- Restoration in PvP lowered from 20 hp/s to 17.5 hp/s
- Devour healing capped at 100 hp (from full heal) without a Voidwalker perk equipped
- Feed the Void buffed to compensate for the change
Stasis Fragments
- Whisper of Hedrons - Removed -10 Strength penalty
- Whisper of Impetus - Now grants +10 Resilience
- Whisper of Shards - No longer grants +10 Resilience
- Whisper of Hunger - Stat penalty changed to -20 Strength (from -10 Mobility/-10 Intellect)
- Whisper of Bonds - Removed -10 Discipline penalty
Hunter Stasis Abilities
- Withering Blade
- Projectile speed increased by 10%
- Maximum lifetime increased by 10%
- Max bounces increased from 2 to 3
- Tracking consistency improved
- Winter's Shroud
- PvE slow stacks increased from 40 to 60
- PvE slow duration increased from 4s to 8s
- PvE slow detonation radius increased from 8m to 9m
Titan Stasis Abilities
- Shiver Strike
- Now slows players on hit (previously removed)
- Fixed issue with Melee Kickstart mod
- Glacial Quake
- Now freezes nearby players on cast (6m radius, down from 8m)
- Howl of the Storm
- Fixed inconsistency freezing enemies touching Stasis crystals
Warlock Stasis Abilities
- Frostpulse
- Improved consistency vs fast-moving targets
- PvE freeze detonation radius increased 8m to 8.5m
- Penumbral Blast
- Environmental detonation radius increased 1.5m to 2m
- Glacier Grenade
- Cooldown decreased 152s to 121s
Additional Changes
Additional Coldsnap Grenade Changes
- Fixed issue with seeker direction after bounces
- Increased arming shape size from 0.9m to 1.4m
- Tracking strength now ramps down over lifetime rather than turning off at 0.5s
Freeze Changes
- Increased Special weapon bonus damage vs. frozen targets from 5% to 10%
Future Sneak Preview
- New "Frost Armor" Stasis keyword for survivability
- Additional Stasis Fragment tuning changes and reworks
- Enhanced behavior for Harvest Aspects
Upcoming Exotic Armor and Armor Mods Changes in Destiny 2 Season 23: 7.3.0 Patch Notes

Here is the complete list of changes for Exotic armor and armor mods arriving in Season of the Wish, broken down by class:
- Shards of Galanor - Throwing knife kills grant +2.5% to +5% Super, based on enemy
- Ophidia Spathe - Melee kills grant stacking +30%/+60%/+100% knife damage for 5 sec, dodging refreshes
- St0mp-EE5 - Removed requirement of full dodge energy to benefit; reduced air acceleration; added PvE damage resistance while airborne
- Mechaneer's Tricksleeves - Sidearm damage bonus now persists 5 sec after shields start recharging and reloads sidearm on kills
- The Bombardiers - Now applies 40 slow stacks to PvE combatants
- Triton Vice - Surrounded glaive melee bonus increased to +100% in PvE and PvP
- Celestial Nighthawk - Precision kills grant +1.5% to +4.5% Super, based on target
- Severance Enclosure - Increased explosion size, damage, and chaining potential
- Peregrine Greaves - Now requires a brief period of being airborne before bonus damage applies; damaging champions now refunds melee energy
- Wormgod Caress - Reworked to provide stacking melee, glaive, and weapon damage bonuses which decay over time
- Ashen Wake - Fusion grenade impacts now stun Unstoppable champions
- Synthoceps - Removed extended melee range; added improved handling/reload surrounded; increased surrounded glaive bonus to +100%; reduced surrounded melee bonus to +165%
- Precious Scars - Matching weapon and subclass kills now grant Restoration x1 in PvP, x3 in PvE
- Ballidorse Wrathweavers - Casting Frostpulse rift now grants Tier 2 Stasis Surge (+20% stasis weapon damage) and over shield to allies
- Apotheosis Veil - Casting super grants Cure x3 to allies; Super concluding grants 8 sec of greatly improved ability regen
- Felwinter's Helm - Improved weakening effect size and duration across targets
- Karnstein Armlets - Melee kills grant Cure x3, Restoration x1 for 8 sec; finishers grant Cure x3, Restoration x2 for 8 sec
- Aeon Cult Armor - Reworked sect mods to boost team support abilities
Armor Mods
- Heavy Handed, Firepower, Reaper - Now have a 10-sec cooldown before generating Orbs
- Melee Kickstart, Grenade Kickstart, Utility Kickstart - Reduced energy provided; requires charge consumed
- Momentum Transfer, Bolstering Detonation, Impact Induction, Focusing Strike - Reduced energy provided; requires a powered melee attack
- Outreach, Bomber - Reduced stacking levels and energy provided
- Distribution - Reduced ability energy granted significantly
- Energy values are further reduced by 60% for the shortest cooldown class abilities
The Overarching Goals
Based on the changes, Bungie is clearly aiming to accomplish two overarching goals for the Destiny 2 sandbox:
- Improve build diversity for all three classes by bringing up underused Exotics and playstyles
- Reign in ability regeneration from armor mods to better control the game's pace and ability/gunplay balance
If these changes hit their mark, we could see a real shake-up in both PVE and PVP. Season of the Wish may usher in new ability-focused builds enabled by Exotic changes, but players will need to specialize their builds more than ever due to the armor mod nerfs. This push towards greater build diversity - instead of outright speed increases - is likely healthy for Destiny 2 in the long run.