Exotic armor components in Destiny 2 are exclusively available from Master Rahool, the Cryptarch in The Tower, as of The Final Shape.
Rahool's reputation bar resets with each episode, Bungie's updated wording for seasons, which run for four months and receive big changes every six weeks, and you can only unlock your new Exotics after completing the Cryptarch's loyalty program.
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How to Get the New Exotic Armor Pieces from Master Rahool

Once you've reached Rank 16 with Master Rahool and reset his reputation, you'll be able to visit another page of his menu: Tier 3 Focusing. You'll be able to focus on any Exotic armor parts in the game, including those you don't own or have yet to uncover.
When you're ready, choose the new Exotic you desire, whether it's from The Final Shape or another release you may have missed, and spend an Exotic Engram and an Exotic Cipher to obtain your first roll of your preferred Exotic.
You can keep doing this as long as you have Exotic Ciphers and Exotic Engrams since Rahool has no weekly tier 3 focusing cap.
Best Way to Level Up Rahool’s Reputation

After years of duping Guardians in the original Destiny, Master Rahool has launched a new game: his "Engram Ensiders" loyalty scheme. While Rahool may have a charming name, this update simply gives him a reputation track that functions similarly to Banshee, Shaxx, or Zavala.
The main distinction here is that you will only be allowed to focus on new Exotics once you reach Rank 16 and then reset to Rank.
To swiftly reach Rank 16, simply use Rahool's services on a regular basis.
It is ideal to have an inventory full of Exotic or Prime engrams at the beginning of each episode or expansion. If not, you'll have to play the game normally or farm briefly until you have some engrams to turn in.

Bungie claims that in order to truly cap Rahool's reputation, you'll need a bit more than an entire inventory of Exotic Engrams. In other words, in order to be able to tier 3 focus any new Exotic Engrams, you'll need to tier 2 focus 10 to 12 Exotic Engrams.
It was disclosed by Bungie when they made the adjustments that some actions boost Rahool's reputation more than others. In order of least to greatest reputation, these are:
- Precision decryption (tier 2 focusing)
- Advanced decryption (tier 1 focusing)
- Opening an Exotic Engram without focusing
- Opening a Prime engram
Tier 2 and tier 1 focuses are your best options in this situation, albeit they can both be pricey. You can target any armor piece you have already unlocked in your collection with Tier 2 focusing, but it will cost you two Ascendant Shards, 60,000 Glimmer, and an Exotic Engram.
Rahool's reputation system has to be fed with a constant supply of Exotic Engrams. There are several ways for you to farm them: Random drops, playlist activities, and lost sectors.
If you need some more help with Destiny 2, make sure to check out our How to Farm Memory Vestiges guide.