Uber Uniques are exceedingly rare and very powerful drops in Diablo 4. Season 2 introduced Duriel, King of Maggots, and Season 4 brought Echo of Andariel, allowing you to target-farm these items. While they can still be obtained through world drops, they are extremely rare.
Diablo 4 Getting a Guaranteed Uber Unique
You’ll have the opportunity to receive your first guaranteed Resplendent Spark in Diablo 4 from killing any of the boss ladder bosses in their Tormented version for the first time. You should definitely consider doing it at least once, maybe with a well-geared party.
Your second Resplendent Spark will come from the Echo of Lillith fight, but keep in mind that there is a bug that can cause the Resplendent Spark to not drop for some players.

The third one will come from the end of the reputation track for the Call of the Wolf seasonal activity. Keep in mind that this track is unique to every character, meaning that, in theory, you can infinitely farm this across multiple characters. Resplendent Sparks are shared across all of your characters, so you can trade them in with any character, including your main.
For the fourth one, you’ll want a second character that maxes out the Call of the Wolf reputation and you’ll have yourself a guaranteed Uber Unique. This is also the best way to get more Stygian Stones which are required in order for you to be able to farm the Tormented bosses.
Fast Ways to Max Out Your 'Call of the Wolf' Reputation
Somewhere around level 35 or once you’re strong enough, you’ll want to start using Profane Mind Cages. They’ll boost the XP you gain, but more importantly, they’ll increase the number of Aberrant Cinders that drop. This way, you’ll be able to open a lot more chests and gain reputation faster.
If you only care about reputation, you should avoid opening Amulet, Light Weapon, and Living Steel chests, as they don’t give you more reputation even though they cost more. For more information on how to increase your Wolf's Honor rank check out our guide.

Diablo 4: Tormented Bosses and the Best Way to Farm Uber Uniques
The best way to farm Uber Uniques in Diablo 4 involves doing some of the hardest content in the game, namely Duriel and Andariel. Both of these Uber bosses have the highest Uber Unique drop rate in the game. It’s worth noting that the Uber Unique drop rate has been buffed overall this season, but these two bosses still have the highest rate.
If you have to choose between fighting Duriel or Andariel, we’d recommend going for Duriel, as he is an easier boss to fight for the same rewards. He has more health but easier mechanics and fewer movement requirements.

Tormented bosses have special telegraphed moves that apply Tormented stacks to the player. These stacks increase the damage you take and stack exponentially each time you are hit. It’s best if you have enough damage to kill them as fast as possible before they manage to debuff you too much.
Make sure to check out our guides on how to find and summon the Uber bosses, as well as the boss drop tables below:
Diablo 4 Season 4: Uber Duriel Location & Loot Table
Diablo 4 Season 4: Uber Andariel Location & Loot Table