Diablo 4 is full of different mechanics, skills and status effects and the game often lacks a way to check what they actually do. Effects such as Vulnerable, Overpower and Stagger are new additions to the series and could prove to be confusing to both new and old Diablo players. In this guide are going ot go over all of these effects, what they do and show you how they look in-game:
- Vulnerable
- Unstoppable
- Overpower
- Lucky Hit
- Immune
- Fortify
- Injured & Healthy
- Stagger
- Chilled & Frozen

A Vulnerable character or NPC takes 20% extra damage during the effect's duration. This status, visible on the health globe and monsters' status bars with a purple tint, is one of the strongest debuffs in the game. A lot of the skills and items in the game can have effects that synergize with this debuff, creating builds that can deal immense damage.

Unstoppable characters are immune to all crowd control effects. This can both be used proactively and reactively, being able to use these skills while stunned and disabled. A lot of skills, items and aspects can create other beneficial effects while being Unstoppable.

Overpower in Diablo 4 deals bonus damage based on the sum of your current Life and Fortified Life. Every class in the game has a 3% chance to trigger Overpower when damaging enemies. Some classes can use Overpower better than others - Barbarian, Druid, and Necromancer - possess special skills that can create entire builds around this effect.

Lucky Hit:
Lucky Hit, often referred to as a proc coefficient, is the inherent chance within offensive skills to trigger additional effects. Unlike a critical hit, Lucky Hits occur when specific conditions align with your ability. There are many ways to build your characters around the Lucky Hit chance, with different skills, aspects and items being able to synergize with this effect.

Immunity renders characters or NPCs impervious to damage and shields them from negative effects. Some skills like Ice Block provide players with a way to immune damage and some bosses like Varshan have an immunity phase.

Fortify provides a 10% reduction in damage, a critical defense mechanism. Exclusive to Barbarians, Druids, and Necromancers, Fortify skills offer damage reduction, but understanding its nuances is crucial. You can find a visual cue for when you are Fortified (It looks like a second health globe filling up on top of yours), adding an extra layer to your defensive strategy.

Injured & Healthy:
Your well-being in Diablo 4 is categorized as Healthy (above 80% health) or Injured (below 35% health). These states influence damage dynamics, with some skills and gear amplifying damage against opponents in specific health ranges. Every class in the game has some way to play around being Healthy or Injured.

The stagger bar is one of the newest additions to the Diablo franchise. This serves as a second bar under enemies, which gets filled up by using different crowd control abilities. Once this bar is filled up, the enemy is considered crowd controlled by every source in the game, so any bonuses you have will work and increase your damage.

Chilled & Frozen:
Chilled and Frozen are the chilling effects of Cold damage. When Chilled, movement slows down, and accumulating multiple Chill effects results in a Freeze, immobilizing characters or mobs. Unstoppable, a crucial skill, can break the grip of Chill or Frozen, offering a strategic escape from these frosty predicaments.

That is everything you need to know about status buffs and debuffs in Diablo 4. Whether you're freezing foes with Chilled effects, fortifying your defenses, or unleashing Lucky Hits, your understanding of these mechanics transforms you into a tactical powerhouse. Hopefully this guide has given you a better understanding of these mechanics and if you are interested in more guides and news for Diablo 4, check out the rest of our website!