After more than a month since the release of Season of the Construct, the Diablo 4 team has continued their ongoing support for the game by releasing new patches that aim to add new features and tweak the existing balance between the classes. The next major patch, 1.3.3, is going to arrive on March 5th, and not only will it be the debut of the Gauntlet weekly challenge dungeon, but it will also make a ton of changes to different abilities and passives for all of the classes in the game.
These balance adjustments, coupled with a few new additions such as the returning Vampiric Powers, are going to provide players with a lot of new opportunities to tweak their builds or create new characters altogether. In this article, we are going to go over the full list of class changes that are going to arrive with patch 1.3.3 for Diablo 4.

Diablo 4 Patch 1.3.3 - Full List of Class Changes
Diablo 4 Patch 1.3.3 aims to buff many of the underutilized skills and passives, creating even more build diversity before heading into the new Gauntlet dungeon and leaderboard system. Some classes are also receiving adjustments to a few of their Unique items and Legendary Aspects, which might change how some of their abilities synergize. Many buffs are also coming to minion builds, which players have been asking for since the release of the game. Here is the full list of class changes coming to Diablo 4 with patch 1.3.3 on March 5th:
Early game buffs to Basic Skills

Spirit Generation increased from 14 to 16
- Damage increased by 10%
- Wild Wind Shear additional Spirit per enemy hit increased from 3 to 4
- Companion damage buffs for Wolves , Poison Creeper , and Ravens
- Buffs to underused Passives
- Ranks of Wolves increased from 2-3 to 4-5
- Storm Howl damage increased by roughly 180%
Minion Buffs
- Damage increased by 20%
- Health increased by 10%

- Damage bonus increased from 10/20/30% to 15/30/45%

Cult Leader Legendary Node
- Minion Damage bonus increased from 10% to 15% per 20% Attack Speed

- You and your Minions deal 10%[x] increased Physical Damage and you gain 1% Movement Speed for each active Minion
- Fixed an issue with Skeletal Reapers respawning too few Corpses. They now spawn the proper amount.
- More Minion buffs in Season 4
- Core Skill Buffs to Blight, Blood Surge, and Sever
- Buffs and functionality adjustments to underused Passives

- Now grants Thorns and 5/10/15% additional Armor

- Changing from damage to Distant enemies to instead grant 4/8/12% Movement Speed
- Buffs to underused Skills

- Ultimate Cooldown Reduction increased from 1 to 2 seconds

- Fortify amount increased from 15% to 20%

- Bonus damage increased from 10% to 20%
- Ranks of Whirlwind increased from 1-2 to 2-3
- Explosion damage increased from 16-26% to 25-35%
- Heartseeker and Forceful Arrow attack speeds are being increased by 20%

- Damage increased by 10%
- Improved Flurry and Advanced Flurry buffs
- Precision stacks required for bonuses reduced from 6 to 4

Aspect of Branching Volleys Redesign

- Damage increased by 40%
- Enhanced Incinerate damage increased from 25% to 50% of Incinerate's damage
- Destructive Incinerate enemy damage reduced amount from 25% to 30%
- Greater Incinerate Immobilize duration increased from 1 to 1.5 seconds
- Buffs to underused Passives
Paragon Glyphs
- Buffs to underused Paragon Glyphs
That covers the full list of class changes that are coming to Diablo 4 with patch 1.3.3. These changes are mainly buffs to underused skills and passives, aiming to increase the build diversity in the game before the release of Season 4. Hopefully, more balance adjustments also arrive with the patch, and if any new information comes to light, we will do our best to keep you up-to-date!