Diablo 4's latest update, called Season of the Construct, recently dropped, and players have had some time to experience all of the new content that has been added to the game. Patch 1.3 has brought a ton of balance adjustments, new seasonal mechanics, as well as quite a few bugs, and we are not talking about the Seneschal Companion.
Players have run into a few different issues, the biggest one of which has been a bug involving one of the new seasonal quests, called 'Drums of the Vault', which has prevented players from progressing through the game. A new hotfix has just dropped that aims to fix most of the big issues that came with the launch of the season. Here is everything you need to know!

Diablo 4 Patch 1.3 Hotfix 2 Changes
The new hotfix aims to fix a couple of bugs that players have discovered in Season of the Construct. The biggest one of which is the 'Drums of the Vault' seasonal quest not working properly and locking players from progressing through the game. Other fixes include some stability improvements, a Lightning Storm fix, and some adjustments to the Son of Malphas boss fight. Here are the full lists of changes coming with 'Hotfix 2' to Diablo 4 Season 3:
Bug Fixes
- Addressed additional issues with the progression blocker on the quest ‘Drums of the Vault’
- Fixed an issue with Enhanced Lightning Storm passive not preserving stacks correctly.
- Reduced the damage dealt by the open world version of the monster, Son of Malphas.
- Stability and performance updates.
That was the full list of changes coming to Diablo 4 with the new 'Patch 1.3 Hotfix 2' update. Hopefully, these changes are just the beginning, as players have been quite disappointed with the new content added to the game in Season 3. If more changes come to the game, we will make sure to keep you up-to-date!