The patch notes for Diablo 4 Season 3 have finally arrived, and a ton of changes and new content are coming to the game. Season of the Construct is set to feature a new and customizable Seneschal Companion, which will aid you in battle, as well as a lot of new end-game activities in the form of Arcane Tremors, Vault Dungeons, and the debut of the Malphas boss fight.
While new content is always amazing, it's also important to keep balancing and adjusting the different classes for more build opportunities and fun interactions within the game. In this article, we are going to go over all of the changes happening to the Barbarian class in Diablo 4 Season 3.

Diablo 4 Season 3 Full List of Barbarian Changes
Many changes to the Barbarian class are coming with Season of the Construct. A new item, new aspect and buffs to the Charge and Leap skill are among the highlights in this patch. Many adjustments to passives, items and aspects are also present, which are definitely going to open up possibilities for new builds and interactions for Season 3. Here is the full list of changes coming to the Barbarian class with Season 3:
New Items
Ring of the Ravenous
- Rend’s duration is increased by 2.0–4.0 seconds. Damaging enemies with Brawling Skills applies 2 stacks of Rend's Bleed. This effect can only occur once every 4 seconds per enemy.
Aspect of Sundered Ground – Offensive
- Every 25 seconds, Upheaval is guaranteed to Overpower and deals 10–20% increased damage. This timer is reduced by 4 seconds when Upheaval Overpowers a Boss or an Elite enemy.

- Base damage increased by 900%, from 0.25 to 2.50.
- Enhanced Charge terrain impact damage increased by 150%, from 0.6 to 1.5.
- Power Charge no longer requires a terrain impact to reduce the cooldown of Charge, and now charging a boss will reduce the cooldown by 6 seconds.

- Base damage increased by 30%.

Brute Force
- Overpower damage decreased from 15% to 8% per rank.

Walking Arsenal
- Duration of each weapon bonus increased from 8 to 10 seconds.
- Additional damage from having all bonuses increased from 15% to 20%.
- Having all bonuses now also increases attack speed by 20%.

- Berserking damage bonus increased from 60% to 100%.

Gushing Wounds
- Bonus bleed amount increased from 115% to 140%.
- Overpower explosion damage increased from 70% to 85%.

Weapon Expertise
- Expertise leveling has been cut by 50%.
Paragon Board

Marshal Glyph
- Now reduces the cooldown of every non-Shout skill by 4 seconds, instead of every other Shout skill by 1.2 seconds.
Item Updates
Resource Aspect of Echoing Fury
- You now generate 6–10 Fury per second while any Shout skill is active, instead of 2–4 Fury per second for each Shout skill active.
Offensive Aspect of Limitless Rage
- Damage bonus now has a 5-second duration to be used.
Veteran Brawler’s Offensive Aspect
- Reduced bonus damage per stack from 15%–20% to 6%–8%, up to a reduced maximum bonus of 225%–300% to 30%–40%.
Offensive Aspect of Ancestral Charge
- Reduced bonus damage from 75%–125% to 20%–30%.
Offensive Aspect of Encroaching Wrath
- Reduced bonus Weapon Mastery damage from 82–100% to 40–60%.
- Damage bonus now has a 5-second duration to be used.
Ring of Red Furor
- Damage bonus now has a 5-second duration to be used.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the Bone Breaker legendary paragon node didn't have a buff indicator.
- Fixed an issue where the guaranteed overpower from the Earthstriker aspect could trigger on Basic attacks.
- Fixed an issue where Charge cast by Ancients spawned by the Aspect of Ancestral Charge did not trigger explosions from the Brawler's aspect.
- Fixed an issue where Hammer of the Ancients was dealing more damage than intended due to the bonus from the Violent upgrade also being applied even if the Furious upgrade was chosen.
That was the full list of Barbarian changes coming to Diablo 4 Season 3. Skills like Charge and Leap are now going to be much more effective and with the many changes to items and aspects, there are going to be much more viable options for the class. We hope to see many more Barbarians during Season of the Construct and if you are looking for future build guides and news, make sure to stick around!