The Season 3 patch notes for Diablo 4 have been released, and Blizzard has definitely been hard at work for the last few months. Not only is the season going to be filled with new mechanics, such as the Seneschal Companion, and new activities, such as the new Vault Dungeons, Arcane Tremors, and Malphas boss fight, but there have also been a ton of balance changes and adjustments to all of the classes. The most significant changes of this patch are happening to the Rogue class, with many abilities being straight up changed, as well as a ton of adjustments to items, passives, and the Paragon board. Here is everything you need to know about the Rogue changes coming to Diablo 4 Season 3.

Diablo 4 Season 3 Full List of Rogue Changes
A ton of new Rogue changes are going to make their way into Diablo 4 Season 3. Most of these are aimed at the ranged skills and playstyle, adjusting different abilities, as well as many of the bow Uniques in the game. With bow builds being quite popular for Rogues, we hope that these updates bring a lot of quality-of-life changes to make the class a lot more fun and engaging. Here is the full list of Rogue changes coming in Season 3:
New Items
Beastfall Boots
- When you cast an Ultimate skill, your next Core skill consumes all of your energy and deals 0.5–1.5% increased damage per Energy consumed. Using a Cooldown restores 5 energy.
Resistant Assailant's Aspect – Defensive
- Breaking Concealment grants +10% Resistance and Maximum Resist to all elements for 4 seconds. Killing an Elite enemy reduces Concealment's cooldown by 6–10 seconds.

Blade Shift
- Damage increased from 16% to 20%.
- Duration increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds.

Invigorating Strike
Fundamental Invigorating Strike
- Vulnerable now applies while you are below 85% Energy, up from 75% Energy.

Enhanced Caltrops
- Previous: Enemies takes 5%[x] increased damage from you each second they are in Caltrops.
- New: Enemies in Caltrops take 10%[x] increased damage from you, increased by 5%[x] each second.

Rain of Arrows
- Cast time reduced by 15%.
- The first wave of arrows now hits closer to the player.

Cold Imbuement
- Chill amount now increases by 5% per skill rank, up from 2.5%.
Blended Cold Imbuement
- Removed the Critical Strike requirement, and increased the Lucky Hit chance from 20% to 35%.
Mixed Poison Imbuement
- Previous: Lucky Hit: Poison Imbued skills have up to a 30% chance to apply double the amount of Poisoning damage over time.
- New: Lucky Hit: Poison Imbued skills have up to a 30% chance to reduce Poison Imbuement's cooldown by 2 seconds.

Forceful Arrow
- Vulnerable duration increased from 3 to 5 seconds.

Penetrating Shot
Enhanced Penetrating Shot
- Previous: Penetrating Shot deals 10%[x] increased damage per enemy it pierces.
- Now: Penetrating Shot has a 10%[+] increased Critical Strike Chance. If Penetrating Shot damages at least 3 enemies, gain 10%[+] Critical Strike Chance for 5 seconds.
Improved Penetrating Shot
- Previous: If Penetrating Shot damage at least 3 enemies, your next Penetrating Shot has 20%[+] increased Critical Strike Chance.
- New: Penetrating Shot deals an additional 10%[x] increased damage per enemy it hits.

Close Quarters Combat
- Amount of Damage vs Crowd Controlled bonus conversion percent reduced from 40% to 10%.
- Attack Speed per stack increased from 10% to 15%.

- Previous: Critical Strike with Marksman Skills grant you Precision. You gain 4%[x] Critical Strike Damage per stack of Precision, up to a maximum of 20%[x]. When you reach maximum Precision, your next Marksman Skill is guaranteed to Critically Strike, and deals 40%[x] increased Critical Strike Damage, then consumes all stacks of Precision.
- New: Each Marksman skill cast grants 1 stack of Precision, or 2 if it has Critically Struck. When you reach 6 stacks, your next Marksman Core or Ultimate Skill is a guaranteed Critical Strike that deals x50% increased Critical Strike Damage, consuming all stacks of Precision. This damage is further increased by an amount equal to x15% of your Critical Strike Damage bonus.

Chilling Weight
- Previous: Chilled enemies have their Movement speed further reduced by 10/20/30%.
- New: Chilled enemies have their movement speed further reduced by up to 10/20/30%, and you gain 5/10/15%[x] increased Chill effect.

- Previous: After Knocking Back or Knocking Down an enemy, you gain 4% increased Critical Strike Chance against them for 4 seconds.
- New: After Knocking Back or Knocking Down an enemy, you gain 4% increased Critical Strike Chance for 4 seconds.

Leyrana's Instinct
- Previous: When Inner Sight's gauge becomes full, you gain 100%[+] Dodge Chance for 1.5 seconds.
- New: When Inner Sight's gauge becomes full, you gain 100%[+] Dodge Chance for 2 seconds. Your next 3 Core skills deal additional damage equal to 20%[x] of your Core Skill Damage bonus.
Item Updates
Bladedancer's Aspect
- The orbiting blades can now hit each enemy 2 times, reduced from 3.
Developer’s Note: This change was made to properly match the visuals of 2 rotations around the player.
- Previous: Twisting Blades orbit for a short time after they return to you, dealing 10–15% of Twisting Blade's return damage per hit. Based on the distance the blades returning, the orbit damage increases up to 20–30% of the return damage.
- New: Twisting Blades orbit for a short time after they return to you, dealing 20–30% of Twisting Blade's return damage per hit.
Aspect of Stolen Vigor
- Previous: Each stack of Momentum Key Passive Heals you for 0.04–0.08 Life per second.
- New: Each stack of Momentum Key Passive Heals you for 0.04–0.08 Life per second and grants you 5% Damage Reduction.
Icy Alchemist
- Previous: Lucky Hit: Damaging a Chilled or Frozen enemy with a Shadow Imbued Skill has up to a 75% chance to release an explosion that deals 0.3–0.48 Cold damage to the target and surrounding enemies, Chilling them for 25%.
- New: Lucky Hit: Shadow Imbued Skill have up to a 75% chance to release an explosion that deals 0.3–0.48 Cold damage to the target and surrounding enemies, Chilling them for 25%. If they were already Chilled or Frozen, increase this damage by 100%[x].
Toxic Alchemist
- Previous: Lucky Hit: Damaging a Poisoned enemy with a Shadow Imbued Skill has up to a 75% chance to create a toxic explosion that applies 0.15–0.2 Poisoning damage over 5 seconds to the target and surrounding enemies.
- New: Lucky Hit: Shadow Imbued Skills have up to a 75% chance to create a toxic explosion that applies 0.2–0.3 Poisoning damage over 5 seconds to the target and surrounding enemies. If the enemy was already Poisoned, increase this damage by 100%[x].
- Lucky Hit Chance increased from 20%–30% to 30%–40%.
- Inherent affix changed from Damage to Distant Enemies to Critical Strike Damage.
- Critical Strike Damage affix value increased by ~100%. This does not apply to the inherent Critical Strike Damage Affix.
- Effect updated to reflect changes to the Precision Key Passive.
- Previous: The first direct damage you deal to an enemy is a guaranteed Critical Strike. If you had maximum stacks of the Precision Key Passive when you cast the Skill, gain 20–30 energy, this can only happen once per cast.
- New: The first direct damage you deal to an enemy is a guaranteed Critical Strike. When you consume Precision casting a Skill, that Skill gains x10–30% increased Critical Strike Damage and you gain 20–40 Energy.
- Previous: Penetrating Shot has a 30–80% chance to fire an arrow that bounced off walls and scenery. Damaging 5 enemies with Penetrating Shot will cause your next cast to make enemies hit Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
- New: Penetrating Shot makes enemies Vulnerable for 3 seconds. Every 4th cast bounces off walls and scenery and deals 20%–40%[x] bonus damage.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Tibault's Will increased the cap for combo points.
- Fixed an issue where returning Twisting Blades while using the Bladedancer's aspect were applying full Poison Imbue Damage, instead of the expected percentage of damage detailed in the Aspect’s description.
- Fixed an issue where the Paragon Glyph Snare did not benefit Smoke Grenade when it is considered a Trap Skill by the Explosive Verve aspect.
- Fixed an issue where Gorger enemies could still target Rogue players under the effect of Concealment with their stun attack.
That was the full list of Rogue changes coming to Season 3 of Diablo 4. All of these changes to ranged skills, as well as the Unique bows can be considered a rework by itself. A lot of players have been enjoying the ranged Rogue playstyle for a while now and all of these adjustments are sure to make the class a lot more fun and exciting. For more Diablo 4 news and updates, make sure to check out the rest of our website!