Season of the Construct has arrived in Diablo 4, and it's time to explore all of the new mechanics that have been introduced in the game. The highlights of the season are undoubtedly the new Seneschal Companion follower, as well as the new endgame activities, such as Vaults, Arcane Tremors, and the unique Malphas boss encounter.
One of the main ways to interact with the mechanics of the season is through a new resource called 'Pearls of Warding'. If you truly want to be able to experience all of the new activities in the game, then it's crucial to understand the use of these Pearls and where you can farm more of them. In this article, we are going to do just that - explain what 'Pearls of Warding' do and how you can find more of them in Season 3.

What Are Pearls of Warding in Diablo 4?
Pearls of Warding are going to be the main resource you will be using in Diablo 4's Season of the Construct. These Pearls have two different uses, which are central to all of the new mechanics of the season:
Zoltun's Warding: You can use Pearls of Warding at the statues of Zoltun Kulle at the beginning of the new Vault dungeons. Exchanging 1 Pearl of Warding will provide you with 10 stacks of Zoltun's Warding, which is a new buff introduced in Season 3. Each time you get hit by one of the many traps or hazards inside the Vaults, you will lose one stack of the buff, but upon completing the dungeon, you will be presented with a few chests that you can open based on the amount of stacks you have remaining.
Uber Malphas: The second use for Pearls of Warding is similar to Vaults, but it applies to the Uber Malphas dungeon that can be found in the Vault of the Loom. There will be Zoltun Kulle statue which will provide you with stacks needed to open the chests after defeating Malphas. Uber Malphas is going to be the only way you can obtain the new Genesis and Evernight Unique Tuning Stones, which are the most powerful abilities for your Seneschal Companion.

How to Get More Pearls of Warding in Diablo 4
Here are the two methods we have found for farming Pearls of Warding in Season of the Construct:
Arcane Tremor Braziers
The first method of obtaining more Pearls of Warding is by traveling to a zone that is influenced by Arcane Tremors and interacting with one of the Braziers you can find on the map. As with all seasonal mechanics in Diablo 4, zones with Arcane Tremors will be indicated on the world map by a green leaf.

Once you find a Brazier, you will be able to summon a Herald of Malphas mini-boss at the cost of 3 Elemental Cores and 50 Shattered Stones. If you are interested in more information on how you can find any of these resources, check out our guide here. Upon activating the Brazier, you will have to fight your way through a few waves of enemies, culminating in the Herald of Malphas mini-boss. This mini-boss will drop some Governing or Tuning Stones, as well as some Pearls of Warding.

Vault Dungeon Chests
The second method for getting more Pearls of Warding is by doing the new Vault dungeons that were introduced in Season of the Construct. These dungeons are filled with different traps and hazards and will be one of the main activities you will be doing in Season 3. You can enter these Vaults either through one of the zones that are influenced by Arcane Tremors, through Vault Sigils that start to drop in World Tier 3, or directly through your home base in Gatehall.

Once you finish the Vault dungeon, you will be able to find a chest that will reward you with Gold, Items, and Pearls of Warding. Keep in mind that you do not need to interact with the Zoltun's Warding/Trap mechanics at all, and you can just run to the end of the dungeon and collect your Pearls from the ordinary chest.

That is everything you need to know about Pearls of Warding and where to get more of them in Diablo 4 Season 3. Hopefully, this guide has helped you farm a ton of Pearls, so you can increase your odds of opening multiple chests at the end of your Vault runs, or if you just want to grind the new Uber Malphas boss fight. For more Diablo 4 guides, check out the rest of our resources on the website!