A new season in Diablo 4 means a new pool of Nightmare Dungeons for us to farm. As farming Nightmare Dungeons is one of the main endgame activities in the game, it's important to know which ones are going to be more efficient. We will be ranking these dungeons based on how simple or complex their layouts are, how high the mob density is, as well as what kind of objectives you are required to do.
Each Nightmare Dungeon will also be rated based on how fast you can farm your Glyph experience, as well as how efficient they are to level your character in them. Keep in mind that the type of character you play will heavily impact how fast you go through these dungeons, much more than any of the stats we are judging them by. With all that in mind, here is our list of the best and worst Nightmare Dungeons in Diablo 4 Season 3:

S Tier - Best Diablo 4 Nightmare Dungeons in Season 3
These dungeons have streamlined layouts, easy objectives, and high mob density for fast leveling. If you want to be as efficient as possible, in both Glyph Experience and regular leveling, these are the dungeons you will want to run in Season 3:
Uldur’s Cave
A den of murderers and carrion feeders.
- Location: Ragged Coastline, Kehjistan
- Glyph Exp Farming: ππππ
- Leveling: πππππ
Blind Burrows
The spiders here have acquired a taste for flesh.
- Location: Fethis Wetlands, Hawezar
- Glyph Exp Farming: πππππ
- Leveling: ππππ
Deserted Underpass
A threat lurks in caves under the ruined Overlook.
- Location: Southern Expanse, Kehjistan
- Glyph Exp Farming: ππππ
- Leveling: πππππ
Mariner’s Refuge
The Drowned lure shipwrecked sailors to the depths.
- Location: Strand, Scosglen
- Glyph Exp Farming: πππππ
- Leveling:ππππ
Champion’s Demise
Once beautiful homelands now overrun with demons.
- Location: Untamed Scarps, Dry Steppes
- Glyph Exp Farming: ππππ
- Leveling: πππππ
Ghoa Ruins
Once a keep. The swamp reclaims all that mortal hands build.
- Location: Toxic Fens, Hawezar
- Glyph Exp Farming: πππππ
- Leveling: ππππ

A Tier - Good Diablo 4 Nightmare Dungeons in Season 3
These dungeons, while not as efficient as the ones in the S Tier, require very little backtracking and have great mob density. We definitely recommend running them once you run out of the ones in the Tier above:
Guulrahn Canals
A rot that even the cannibal tyrant will not touch is below.
- Location: Jakha Basin, Dry Steppes
- Glyph Exp Farming: ππππ
- Leveling: ππππ
In this corrupted wood, blood runs like sap from the trees.
- Location: The Shrouded Moors, Scosglen
- Glyph Exp Farming: πππππ
- Leveling: πππ
Mercy’s Reach
This crumbling keep was once a way through the mountains.
- Location: Sarkova Pass, Fractured Peaks
- Glyph Exp Farming: ππππ
- Leveling: ππππ
Akkhan’s Grasp
Evil and blood seep through the tomb's ruptured seals.
- Location: Ruins of Rakhat Keep, Hawezar
- Glyph Exp Farming: πππ
- Leveling: πππππ
Charnel House
Bodies are stored here, some still alive. Food for demons.
- Location: Untamed Scarps, Dry Steppes
- Glyph Exp Farming: πππ
- Leveling: πππππ
Dead Man’s Dredge
The predators that dwell in this cave hunt human game.
- Location: Gale Valley, Fractured Peaks
- Glyph Exp Farming: ππππ
- Leveling: ππππ

B Tier - Average Diablo 4 Nightmare Dungeons in Season 3
Dungeons in this Tier start to show some cracks, with the layouts becoming larger and more complex, and some of the more annoying objectives making their appearance. They are still fine to run, but you will definitely feel a difference from this point forward:
Collapsed Vault
In dead hands do these ancient treasures lie.
- Location: Amber Sands, Kehjistan
- Glyph Exp Farming: πππ
- Leveling: ππππ
Komdor Temple
A Triune sect cursed to forever walk Sanctuary as goatmen.
- Location: The Scarred Coast, Dry Steppes
- Glyph Exp Farming: πππ
- Leveling: ππππ
Tomb of the Saints
This barren tomb was once fat with gold.
- Location: Amber Sands, Kehjistan
- Glyph Exp Farming: πππ
- Leveling: ππππ
Ruins deep under Túr Dúlra, its roots thick with rot.
- Location: Túr Dúlra, Scosglen
- Glyph Exp Farming: πππ
- Leveling: ππππ
Yshari Sanctum
Cultists corrupt the ancient Sanctum.
- Location: Caldeum, Kehjistan
- Glyph Exp Farming: πππ
- Leveling: ππππ
Bastion of Faith
Lost and starving, the knights became beasts.
- Location: Umir Plateau, Hawezar
- Glyph Exp Farming: ππππ
- Leveling: ππ

C Tier - Bad Diablo 4 Nightmare Dungeons in Season 3
This is the point where the dungeons start to be really inefficient to run, with quest objectives requiring a ton of backtracking, mediocre mob density, and confusing layouts. We would only recommend running these dungeons if you have no other option or if you are starting to get bored of the usual suspects:
Kor Dragan Barracks
The honored halls have been left for the dead to wander.
- Location: Sarkova Pass, Fractured Peaks
- Glyph Exp Farming: πππ
- Leveling: πππ
Maugan’s Works
A rotting hall for criminals and deserters.
- Location: Fethis Wetlands, Hawezar
- Glyph Exp Farming: ππππ
- Leveling: ππ
Path of the Blind
The bloodstained initiation grounds for Triune aspirants.
- Location: Khargai Crags, Dry Steppes
- Glyph Exp Farming: πππ
- Leveling: ππ
Rimescar Cavern
A cave reclaimed by demons and sickened with their magic.
- Location: Malnok, Fractured Peaks
- Glyph Exp Farming: πππ
- Leveling: ππ
Serpent’s Lair
Once the seat of Mohlon's throne. They want another queen.
- Location: Blightmarsh, Hawezar
- Glyph Exp Farming: πππ
- Leveling: ππ
Howling Warren
A corrupted den of wolves and wargs, hungry for human flesh.
- Location: Northshore, Scosglen
- Glyph Exp Farming: ππ
- Leveling: πππ

F Tier - Nightmare Dungeons to Avoid in Season 3
These are the dungeons you should absolutely avoid in Season 3. They feature some of the most time-consuming objectives in the game, confusing layouts filled with doors and backtracking, and really poor monster density, making them inefficient for both Glyph Experience farming and leveling. We recommend salvaging these dungeons and rolling for new ones.
Light’s Refuge
In a forgotten home lies a nest made of teeth and armor.
- Location: Dismal Foothills, Hawezar
- Glyph Exp Farming: ππ
- Leveling: ππ
Shivta Ruins
The corruption in Alcarnus has bled into these ruins.
- Location: Amber Sands, Kehjistan
- Glyph Exp Farming: π
- Leveling: πππ
Wretched Delve
Demonic plague festers now in the old tombs of Tur Dulra
- Location: Tur Dulra, Scosglen
- Glyph Exp Farming: ππ
- Leveling: ππ
Betrayer’s Row
The twisted remains of a town driven mad by envy.
- Location: The Accursed Wastes, Dry Steppes
- Glyph Exp Farming: π
- Leveling: πππ
Prison of Caldeum
Something wicked stirs in the prison.
- Location: Caldeum, Kehjistan
- Glyph Exp Farming: ππ
- Leveling: ππ
Faceless Shrine
One of Hawezar's less secretive cults. Sinners welcome.
- Location: Forsaken Coast, Hawezar
- Glyph Exp Farming: π
- Leveling: π
That concludes our rankings for the best and worst Nightmare Dungeons to run in Diablo 4 Season 3. Make sure to use the Salvage and Crafting options in the Occultist in order to try and re-roll the worst dungeons into some of the more efficient ones. For more Diablo 4 news and guides, make sure to check out the rest of our website!