The third major patch in Diablo 4 Season of the Construct has finally arrived, and it will definitely bring a second wind to the season, with new additions and balance changes galore. The Gauntlet weekly challenge dungeon was sadly delayed a few times, but it is finally arriving, providing players with a battleground to compete against each other, with the best of the best being immortalized on the new leaderboard system. Along with this new feature, new build opportunities are going to arise as Vampiric Powers are going to make their return in the form of Legendary Aspects.
All of this coupled with class, item, and mechanics changes is going to breathe life into the season, giving players a reason to jump back into the action in the world of Sanctuary. In this article, we are going to provide you with the full list of patch notes for the 1.3.3 update of Diablo 4, which arrives on March 5th.
- Vampiric Powers
- Balance Updates
- [Barbarian] [Druid] [Necromancer] [Sorcerer] [Rogue]
- Seneschal Companion
- User Interface and User Experience

Diablo 4 Update 1.3.3 Full Patch Notes
The patch notes for update 1.3.3 are quite massive, with tons of changes coming to every class in the game, as well as many new additions in the form of Vampiric Powers and reworks. Some of the highlights of this patch in terms of balance changes are the minion buffs to the Druid and Necromancer. Summoner builds have always been weak in Diablo 4, and players have been begging Blizzard to make them viable. We will know soon whether or not this patch will be enough to make this happen, but players are undoubtedly excited to try them out.
New content in the form of Vampiric Powers and the Gauntlet are also coming to the game, giving players some new content and activities to do before the end of the season. With all of that said, here is the full list of changes that are coming to Diablo 4 with Patch 1.3.3:
Vampiric Powers
Developer's Note: Select Vampiric Powers from Season of Blood have returned with some tweaks to make their power level fit into Season of the Construct. These powers will be available as Legendary Aspects in all World Tiers and in both the Eternal and Seasonal Realms.
Offensive Aspect of Accursed Touch
- Lucky Hit: Up to a [20.0 - 35.0]% chance for your skills to inflict Vampiric Curse on enemies. Enemies afflicted with Vampiric Curse are also Vulnerable.
- Vampiric Curse's stored souls deal [20.0 - 50.0]% increased damage.
Blood Boiling Offensive Aspect
- When your Core Skills Overpower an enemy, you spawn 3 Volatile Blood Drops. Collecting a Volatile Blood Drop causes it to explode, dealing [3,447 - 6,895] Physical damage around you.
- Every 20 seconds, your next Skill is guaranteed to Overpower.
Undying Defensive Aspect
- When you cast a Skill, you heal for [0.5 - 2]% Life. Double this bonus while below 50% Life.
Mobility Aspect of Metamorphosis
- When you Evade you turn into a cloud of bats, becoming Unstoppable for 2.5 seconds. Enemies along your path take 13,789 Physical damage and are inflicted with Vampiric Curse. Evade's cooldown is increased by [10.0 - 5.0] seconds.
Offensive Aspect of the Moonrise
- Damaging an Enemy with a Basic Skill grants you 4.0% Attack Speed for 10 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. Upon reaching maximum stacks, you enter a Vampiric Bloodrage, gaining [40.0 - 80.0]% Basic Skill damage and 15.0% Movement Speed for 10 seconds.
Hectic Utility Aspect
- After casting 5 Basic Skills, one of your active Cooldowns is reduced by [2.0 - 4.0] seconds.
Balance Updates

Unique Items
- Now shows a buff on the bar while active.
- Damage to Chilled enemies increased from 7-10% to 12-15%.
- Maximum Resistance increased from 6-10% to 8-12%.
- Resource refund increased from 20-40% to 30-50%.
Legendary Aspects

- Damage maximum increased from 30% to 40%.

- Stun chance increased from 8% to 10%.
- Damage to Stunned enemies increased from 10-20% to 15-25%.

- Amount of Life Healed needed for Resource gain changed from 25% to 20%.


- Damage increased by 10%.
- Fury gain increased from 13 to 15.

- Additional Fury increased from 3 to 5.
- Additional Fury with 2-handed weapons increased from 4 to 10.

- Damage increased by 10%.

- Damage increased by 10%.
- Fury gain increased from 13 to 15.

- Vulnerable duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds.

- Ultimate Cooldown Reduction increased from 1 to 2 seconds

- Fortify amount increased from 15% to 20%

- Bonus damage increased from 10% to 20%

- Fury gain increased from 7/14/21% to 10/20/30%.

Executioner Glyph
- Previous: While wielding a Polearm, you deal 10%[x] damage to Healthy or Injured Enemies.
- New: While wielding a Polearm, you deal 10%[x] increased damage.
Legendary Aspects

- Damage reduction increased from 18-28% to 25-35%.
Unique Items
- Ranks of Whirlwind increased from 1-2 to 2-3
- Explosion damage increased from 16-26% to 25-35%


- Spirit Generation increased from 13 to 16.
- Damage increased by 10%
- Enhanced Earth Spike Chance to Stun increased from 10% to 15%.
- Fierce Earth Spike Fortify amount increased from 8% to 12% maximum Life.

- Spirit Generation increased from 14 to 16.
- Damage increased by 10%.
- Wild Wind Shear Additional Spirit per enemy hit increased from 3 to 4.

- Spirit Generation increased from 12 to 15.
- Damage increased by 15%.
- Fierce Claw Damage increased by 30%.

- Spirit Generation increased from 17 to 20.
- Damage increased by 10%.
- Enhanced Maul Fortify amount increased from 3% to 5% max Life.
- Wild Maul Knockdown duration increased from 1.5 to 2 seconds.

- Passive damage increased by 30%.
- Active damage increased by 45%.

- Passive damage increased by 30%.
- Active damage increased by 40%.

- Passive damage increased by 30%.
- Active damage increased by 20%.

- Damage bonus increased from 5/10/15% to 7/14/21%.

Bestial Rampage
- Damage bonus while in Werebear form increased from 30% to 50%.

Ursine Strength
- Damage and Overpower damage bonuses increased from 25% to 30%.

Perfect Storm
- Damage bonus increased from 15% to 20%.
Legendary Aspects

Seismic-shift Aspect
- Previous: Earth Spike launches spikes in a line and has a 2-1 second cooldown.
New: Earth Spike gains 35-50% bonus damage, launches spikes in a line, and has a 2–1 second Cooldown.
Unique Items
- Ranks of Wolves increased from 2-3 to 4-5
- Storm Howl damage increased by roughly 180%

Book of the Dead
Skeleton Warrior
- Damage increased by 30%.
- Life increased by 10%.
Skeleton Reaper
- Damage increased by 20%.
- Life increased by 10%.
Skeleton Frost Mage
- Damage increased by 20%.
- Life increased by 10%.
Skeleton Shadow Mage
- Damage increased by 20%.
- Life increased by 10%.
Skeleton Sacrifice Mage
- Damage increased by 20%.
- Life increased by 10%.
- Basic Attack Damage increased by 30%.
- Life increased by 20%.

- Damage bonus per enemy drained reduced from x10% to x5%.
- Nova damage increased by 40%.
- Supernatural Blood Surge Damage bonus increased from [x]20% to [x]30%.
Developer's Note: The goals of this change are to reduce the opportunity cost of using Blood Surge against fewer numbers of enemies as well as increasing its overall power, even in scenarios of hitting multiple enemies.

- Outgoing Damage increased by 6.5%.
- Returning damage increased by 20%.
- Enhanced Sever Damage increased from 40% to 75% of Sever's initial damage.
- Paranormal Sever Vulnerable duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds.

- Impact damage increased by 33.3%.
- Damage over time increased by 10.5%.
- Paranormal Blight Immobilize duration increased from 1.5 to 2.5 seconds.
- Supernatural Blight Damage bonus increased from [x]15% to [x]20%.

- Damage increased by 21.5%.
- Plagued Corpse Explosion Damage bonus increased from 8% to 10%.

- Previous: Enemies inside Bone Prison are Vulnerable.
New: Enemies inside of Bone Prison when cast are made Vulnerable for 8 seconds.

- Damage increased by 25%.

- Previous: You deal 4%[x] increased damage to Distant enemies.
- New: Gain 4/8/12% Movement Speed.

- Previous: Gain .1/.2/.3 Thorns.
- New: Gain 0.1/0.2/0.3 Thorns and 5/10/15% additional Armor.

- Damage Reduction from Close enemies increased from 3/6/9% to 4/8/12%.

- Damage bonus increased from 10/20/30% to 15/30/45%

- Previous: Lucky Hit: Darkness Skills have up to a 15% chance to Stun for 1 Second.
- New: Lucky Hit: Darkness Skills have up to a 15% chance to Stun enemies for 1/2/3 seconds and deal .2 Shadow damage to them.

Cult Leader Legendary Node
- Minion Damage bonus increased from 10% to 15% per 20% Attack Speed

- You and your Minions deal 10%[x] increased Physical Damage and you gain 1% Movement Speed for each active Minion
Legendary Aspects

- Damage reduction also applies to the player in addition to their Minions.

- Damage of Blood Surge echoes changed from 60-50% less damage to 10-30% less damage.


- Damage increased by 40%.
- Enhanced Incinerate: Damage of Burn radius increased from 25% to 50%.
- Destructive Incinerate: Enemy damage reduced amount increased from 25% to 30%.
- Greater Incinerate: Immobilize duration increased from 1 to 1.5 seconds.

- Damage increased by 15%.

- Damage increased by 10%.

- Barrier duration increased from 5% to 8%.

- Lucky Hit chance increased from 3% to 5%.

- Previous: After Standing still for 1.5 Seconds, your Pyromancy Skills cost 5/10/15% less mana.
- New: Your Pyromancy Skills cost 4% less Mana and deal 2% increased damage. Double these bonuses after standing still for 2 seconds.

- Damage increased from 40% to 45%.

- Damage increased by 33%.

- Damage Reduction increased from 13% to 15%.

- Critical Strike Chance increased from 10% to 20%.

- Damage per 5 Intelligence purchased in range increased from +1.3% to +2%, maxing out at +10%.

- Damage Reduction stacks increased from 12% to 15%.

- Damage per 5 Intelligence purchased in range increased from +2.6% to +3%, maxing out at +15%.

- Damage and Mana Regeneration increased from 6.7% to 7%.
Legendary Aspects

- Mana cost reduced from 100-200 to 75-125.

Aspect of Overwhelming Currents
- Chance increased from 10-20% to 15-30%.


- Attack Speed increased by 20%.
- Dev Note: Lower the Power interrupt frames from 20 to 16.

- Attack Speed increased by 20%.
- Dev Note: Lower the Power interrupt frames from 20 to 16.

- Damage increased by 10%.
- Improved Flurry:
Previous: If Flurry hits any Vulnerable enemy, it will make all enemies hit by that cast Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
New: Flurry deals x20% increased damage to Vulnerable enemies. If
Flurry hits any Vulnerable enemy it will make all enemies hit by that cast Vulnerable for 3 seconds. - Advanced Flurry:
Previous: Evading through an enemy will cause your next Flurry
to Stun enemies for 2.5 seconds.
New: Evading through an enemy will cause your next Flurry to deal x30% increased damage and Stun enemies for 2.5 seconds.

- Damage increased by 10%.

- Damage increased by 10%.

- Stacks required for bonuses reduced from 6 to 4.

- Cooldown reduction increased from .5 seconds to 1 second.
Legendary Aspects

- Damage bonus increased from 8-15% to 15-22%.

- Damage increased from 80-100% base damage to 200-300%.
Unique Items
- Damage bonus increased from 20-40% to 40-60%.
- Death Trap bonus damage increased from 30-50% to 50-70%.
- Cooldown to summon a Shadow Decoy reduced from 12 to 10 seconds.
- Shadow Decoy damage increased by 20%.
Seneschal Companion

Developer's Note: We want the Seneschal to feel strong, but there are certain powers that are overperforming. Additionally, there are a couple of unintended interactions that are being addressed.
Poison Support
- Poison Support no longer reapplies the Construct's damage bonuses when it spreads, matching the functionality of the other damage over time Tuning Stones.
Bleeding Support
- Bonus Bleeding damage from 20% to 10%.
Burning Support
- Bonus Critical Strike damage from 20% to 10%.
- Bonus Critical Strike damage per Skill Rank from 2% to 1%.
- Tempest no longer gains bonus damage and duration when its reapplied or when it spreads.
User Interface and User Experience

- Players' equipped skills are now displayed in their profile.
- Equipped Emblems are now displayed in the header of player Profiles.
- The applied cosmetic name and where it was earned from are displayed in the tooltips of items that have been transmogged.
- From Edit profile, Players can select seals from those they earned during the current week to display on their profile header and social card.
- The current character's time played is displayed at the bottom of the profile.
- The cost to craft Uber Unique items has been reduced from 5 Resplendent Sparks to 4.
Bug Fixes

- Fixed an issue where the Seneschal gained double the benefit from skills that benefit allies, such as Barbarian's War Cry or Druid's Blood Howl.
- Fixed an issue where an attack that swaps from melee to Crossbow would double the bonuses from the Precision and Weapon Mastery Rogue passives.
- Fixed an issue where some interactable objects associated with various quests, such as Lyndon's Stash during the Discretionary Spending quest, could not be interacted with while mounted.
- Fixed an issue where the camera would not reset if the player died during the Echo of Lilith encounter while the camera was zoomed out.
- Fixed an issue where the Juggernaut's Aspect didn't apply armor while the player was mounted.
- Fixed an issue where the Guaranteed Overpower granted by the Druid's Enhanced Pulverize did not apply immediately after acquiring 12 stacks.
- Fixed an issue where the Necromancer's Skeleton Reapers' chance to create a corpse was based on Lucky Hit instead of a flat percentage.
- Fixed an issue where Bone Splinters cast from the Shattered Spirit's Aspect didn't receive the Vulnerable effect granted by Initiate's Bone Splinters.
- Fixed an issue where Thorns was not consistent when applying Lucky Hit. (Ex: Thorns could trigger Abhorrent Decrepify but not Hewed Flesh).
- Fixed an issue where the Cult Leader Legendary Paragon Node didn't properly give bonus damage based on bonus minion Attack Speed.
- Fixed an issue where the Rotting Aspect wouldn't spawn additional corpses.
- Fixed an issue where Sorcerer's Frigid Fate and Elemental Summoner Legendary Paragon effects did not work properly with the Aspect of Elements.
- Fixed an issue where the Fiery Surge Passive was not granting as much mana regeneration as it should.
- Fixed an issue where bonus damage from Enhanced Caltrops could apply more often than intended when stacking multiple casts of Caltrops on the same enemy.
- Fixed an issue where Enhanced Caltrops was dealing less damage than expected to bosses.
Developer's Note: Some items, Legendary Aspects, Passives, Paragon bonuses, and Skills displayed bugs that allowed players to gain more power than intended when you equipped and then unequipped them. We believe these interactions lead to a worse experience for all players, as it creates a stigma that these bugs must be exploited to reach new levels of power. The bug fixes below address all known instances of this issue.
- Fixed an issue with multiple Legendary Aspects where equipping duplicate Aspects would always apply the effect of the first equipped Aspect, ignoring the rule of applying only the strongest equipped Aspect.
- Fixed an issue where unlearning Vyr's Mastery with the Mage-Lord's Aspect equipped would cause the effect of Vyr's Mastery to remain active.
- Fixed an issue where a power that grants a bonus Stat based on another Stat would not re-adjust after the temporary bonus wore off.
User Interface and User Experience
- Fixed an issue where editing your profile could also trigger the prompt for adding a friend.
- Fixed an issue where the description for Enhanced Caltrops was missing the damage cap.
- Fixed an issue where Heddam, the quest giver NPC for Guardians of the Pit, would disappear while Helltide was active in the area.
- Various performance, UI, visual, and stability improvements.
That covers the entire Patch 1.3.3 patch notes that are coming to Diablo 4 on March 5th. While all of these changes by themselves might not mean much, the full scope of the patch is definitely going to make waves in the current meta of the game. Hopefully, more changes also arrive before the huge rework to itemization that is coming to the game in Season 4. For more Diablo 4 content, check out the rest of our resources on the website!