Blizzard revealed additional information about Diablo 4's next expansion, Vessel of Hatred, at today's Xbox event. Vessel of Hatred will transport players to Nahantu's jungle, where Spiritborn warriors fight demonic challenges and the scholar, Neyrelle, stands off against the voices of Mephisto, Lord of Hatred.
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Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred Release Date

Blizzard announced that Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred will be released on October 8, 2024, by releasing a quick video.
Vessel of Hatred is also available for pre-order now, with Diablo 4 owners who choose the deluxe edition having immediate access to a snow leopard, tiger, and dog pet, as well as a Nahantu War-Cat Mount, among other currency and cosmetics. There is also a new package available for purchase, which includes both the original game and the planned expansion.
Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred New Class

The new class for Vessel of Hatred will be the Spiritborn, a whole new class concept that is "ranked among the apex predators of the jungle." There isn't much known about them currently, but a livestream on July 18 will reveal a lot more. For the time being, we are told that they are "battle-hardened with mystical synergies" and "embrace the ethereal Spirits entwined with" Nahantu, their forest habitat.
The expansion will update all of Diablo 4's existing classes. There is no information yet on whether Vessel of Hatred will increase the character's level cap.
Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred Story

The Vessel of Hatred expansion will pick up where Diablo 4's story left off, with Neyrelle traveling around Sanctuary while in possession of the soulstone containing the prime evil, Mephisto. Blizzard wants to commemorate Mephisto's history, who hasn't really had his own game, while still delivering a new story.
To experience the story of Vessel of Hatred, new players do not need to complete the original Diablo 4 storyline. There will be a recap of the story preceding the expansion.
Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred New Features

Other new improvements include the reintroduction of mercenaries to the Diablo franchise, which provides you with an NPC companion to fight with as you travel across the realm. Your merc will grow in power alongside you, acquiring unique abilities.
In a first for the series, Vessel of Hatred will also feature a new PvE end-game Co-Op activity that calls for a group of players to enter a dungeon and take down various threats together. This sounds a lot like the team-based raid instances found in massively multiplayer online games.
According to Blizzard, Vessel of Hatred will include changes to the core game, some of which will involve reworking elements that have been available from the launch of Diablo 4.
Stay tuned for more Diablo 4 news, as the new expansion Vessel of Hatred approaches. While you wait you can check out some of our other Diablo 4 news and guides.