The newest patch to Dota 2 was called one of the worst updates for the game as Valve developers quickly became a target of ridicule from the players. With barely having any substance and changes, 7.34e seems rushed or not thoroughly thought through.
The players are furious at the low amount of effort that was put into this recent patch, calling out Valve to make up for this lackluster update to Dota 2. Nevertheless, we will review the new changes and provide an analysis of every important aspect, no matter how small the patch notes are. Let's get started.
Dota 2 Patch 7.34e Item Updates

Eternal Shroud
- Magic Resistance bonus increased from +30% to +35%
Although the increase in MR is good, the item is simply not good enough to warrant buying it.

Hand of Midas
Base Charge Restore Time increased from 100s to 110s
A significant nerf to the item, but it has started to lose relevancy in the game overall.

Heart of Tarrasque
- Recipe cost increased from 1300 to 1400. Total cost increased from 5100 to 5200
- Strength bonus decreased from +40 to +35
Although the nerf will lower the impact of the item, it still remains pretty good. Synergizes very well with Blade Mail.

Helm of the Overlord
- Vladmir's Aura Armor increased from 3 to 4
A nice buff to the armor provided by this item, not a game-breaker for sure.

- Protect Cooldown decreased from 18s to 16s
This change will give you more defensive options in the game, so your allies can more frequently benefit from the shield.

Vladmir's Offering
- Vladmir's Aura Armor increased from 3 to 4
Similar to Helm of the Overlord, pretty good buff to the item.
Dota 2 Patch 7.34e Hero Updates

Ancient Apparition

Ice Vortex
Damage per second decreased from 12/20/28/36 to 12/18/24/30

Ice Blast
- Frostbitten Duration decreased from 10/11/12s to 10s
These nerfs do not make the hero irrelevant, but AA will be less of a threat in fights.


Quill Spray
- Max Damage decreased from 550 to 500

- Damage Threshold increased from 225 to 300/275/250/225

- Cast Range decreased from 1500 to 1000
- Cooldown increased from 10s to 13s
Level 20 Talent Quill Spray Stack Damage decreased from +25 to +20
Very significant nerfs that might make the hero fall out of favor and limit his impact in the game overall.

Chaos Knight
Base Damage decreased by 5

Chaos Strike
- Lifesteal penalty against creeps increased from 40% to 70%

Mana Cost increased from 75/125/175 to 100/200/300
This hero struggles with mana problems, so the Phantasm nerf will heavily reduce his overall impact, and the reduced lifesteal might shift Chaos Knight into unfavorable territory in the long run.

Dark Willow

Shadow Realm
Cooldown increased from 20/18/16/14s to 22/20/18/16s
Carry and Support builds will suffer from this nerf, but there still might be some redeeming qualities in playing Dark Willow.


Bad Juju
No longer affects any Blink Dagger's 3s mute period after taking damage
You now cannot blink out of risky situations so you are more vulnerable.

Drow Ranger

Cooldown decreased from 26/24/22/20s to 24/22/20/18s
Good buff, but the hero still needs more changes in order to become viable again.

Earth Spirit

Rolling Boulder
Cooldown now begins when the current roll is completed.
A strong nerf to the hero, making it way harder for him to chase opponents.


Black Hole
Cooldown decreased from 200/180/160s to 180/170/160s
Although a good change, Enigma's ultimate still seems a bit weaker by having such a long cooldown.


Ink Swell
Aghanim's Shard Spell Lifesteal now has a 20% penalty against creeps
A small nerf in comparison to the utility the hero brings to the table.


Rocket Barrage
Rocket Damage increased from 6/12/18/24 to 8/14/20/26
A very significant buff to his damage so he can trade better in lanes and poke enemies.


- Bonus Damage increased from 30/40/50 to 40/45/50
Solid buff to his damage.


Damage Delayed decreased from 45% to 35%

Tidal Wave
Damage decreased from 250 to 180

Torrent Storm
- Duration decreased from 5s to 4s
- Cooldown increased from 70s to 75s
Meaningful nerfs, but the hero will remain pretty strong in casual and competitive play.


Lightning Storm
Slow Duration increased from 0.4/0.6/0.8/1.0s to 0.45/0.7/0.95/1.2s
Good overall buff to his ability.


Earth Spike
Cast Range increased from 575 to 650
A very strong buff to secure kills more consistently.

- Base Agility increased from 16 to 18
- Agility gain increased from 1.4 to 1.8
A decent buff to Lycan's damage.


- Cast Range increased from 700 to 1000
Nothing to write home about, good buff overall.


The Calling
- Duration decreased from 7/8/9/10s to 5/6/7/8s
- Movement Slow decreased from 30% to 15/20/25/30%
A much needed nerf as players have been facing difficulties fighting this hero.


Ghost Shroud
- Mana Cost increased from 50 to 75

Heartstopper Aura
- Regen Duration decreased from 8s to 7s
- Aghanim's Scepter Health Regen to Decay decreased from 60% to 55%

Death Seeker
Cooldown increased from 16s to 19s
These nerfs will not make the champion that much weaker.

Primal Beast

- Mana Cost increased from 90/85/80/75 to 90

Cooldown increased from 36/32/28s to 40/36/32s
Level 25 Talent Pulverize Duration decreased from +100% to +67%
Despite the nerfs, Primal Beast will remain a very dominant hero.

Shadow Shaman

Damage Amplification increased from 5/10/15/20% to 10/15/20/25%
Although Shadow Shaman is fairly decent, he does not shine enough in high MMR games.

Base Armor decreased by 1
Again, nothing to write home about.

Spirit Breaker

Charge of Darkness
- Cooldown increased from 21/18/15/12s to 22/19/16/13s
- Aghanim's Scepter Cooldown increased from 8s to 9s

Greater Bash
- Damage multiplier against creeps decreased from 1.5x to 1.3x
Perhaps the nerfs are unjustified, as Spirit Breaker did not seem that much oppressive.


Whirling Death
Stat Loss Percent increased from 10% to 13%
A huge buff to Timbersaw, making the hero impact the game even more.


- Mana Cost decreased from 120 to 90/100/110/120
This update will help him in the early game as Tiny does have some mana problems before he can scale.

Treant Protector
Base Movement Speed decreased from 285 to 280

Leech Seed
Damage/Heal per second decreased from 25/40/55/70 to 20/35/50/65
These changes will not impact the win rate of the hero that much.


Geminate Attack
Cooldown increased from 7/5.5/4/2.5s to 8.5/6.5/4.5/2.5s
A good change making Weaver less of a bully in lane.

Winter Wyvern

Cold Embrace
Base Heal per second increased from 30/35/40/45 to 40/45/50/55
Winter Wyvern now offers more value as the healing from this ability will be very beneficial both in the early and late game.

Witch Doctor

Paralyzing Cask
Damage multiplier against creeps decreased from 2.0x to 1.5x

Death Ward
Now prioritizes heroes within its attack range over creeps
His farming has been heavily nerfed so this might make the hero less viable.

Wraith King

Vampiric Spirit
Skeleton Damage decreased by 3
Not that big of a nerf, Wraith King still remains a decent hero nonetheless.
Overall, the 7.34e Patch did not bring any exciting changes to Dota 2 as the majority of the community remains disappointed by the lack of interest and attention from Valve developers.
Hopefully, the next patch will include a lot more updates and quality-of-life changes so Valve can redeem itself in the face of the disgruntled player base. If you would like to learn more about Patch 7.34e, you can watch our in-depth analysis, here: