Welcome to the ultimate guide for all you aspiring Dota 2 rank climbers! If you're tired of the MMR rollercoaster and seeking the heroes that can genuinely elevate your game, you've come to the right place. In this article, we're spilling the beans on the top 5 carries that'll skyrocket you through those ranks like never before. Whether you're aiming for that shiny new medal or simply looking to dominate your pub matches, these heroes are your ticket to success.
Honorable Mentions:

Naga Siren and Phantom Lancer
Naga and PL are honorable mentions. If you can play illusion-based heroes well, they dominate games with a lack of AOE control or clear. Radiance, Mjolnir, and Shiva's changes have impacted them, but they still shine against certain lineups, making them valuable last picks.
Top 5 Carries For Patch 7.34:

#5 - Chaos Knight
CK is the fifth-best carry with a 54% win rate. Recent patch buffs have improved his stun and overall viability. He's a reliable, stable laner who scales well, making him a strong pub hero. His versatility allows him to take on different roles as the game progresses, whether it's chasing down enemy cores or tanking through the frontline. Recommended build: Bracer, Wand, Treads, and Armlet. Echo Sabre is common, and items like Blink or Heart can be situationally valuable.

#4 - Gyrocopter
Gyro is at number four, with a 50% win rate but has potential. His recent buffs make him an excellent farmer with a strong teamfight presence. The recent buffs to his Crystalys and Aghanim's Scepter have made him an even more fearsome force, turning teamfights in his favor.Utilize Homing Missile for lane control. The build often includes Falcon Blade, Crystalys, and Aghanim's Scepter for great farming and teamfight capabilities.

#3 - Wraith King
WK takes the third spot, with a 52% win rate. His skeletons are game-changers, dealing bonus damage to heroes and improving his farming. His revamped skeleton talents allow him to push lanes, secure objectives, and pressure enemies in unique ways. He's a solid carry but can struggle if shut down early. Recommended talent choices make him a formidable force with items like Desolator and Abyssal Blade.

#2 - Phantom Assassin
PA is surprisingly strong in patch 7.34, with a 57.55% win rate. Her crit buffs, especially the higher crit chance, make her a solid 1v9 hero. However, she can struggle if her laning phase goes poorly. She thrives on snowballing and can swiftly transition from an early-game ganker to a late-game juggernaut. As your farm accelerates, her itemization options become critical. A typical build includes Wraith Bands, Treads, Diffusal, Manta, and more. Consider high-tempo builds for kills or Battle-Fury for later game dominance.

#1 - Riki
The last hero is Riki, who always manages to climb to the top of the win rate charts. Currently, he's in the top two percent, just behind Sand King, which is pretty amusing. I initially thought the changes weren't a big deal, but his agility gain increase is quite impressive. This hero now boasts significantly more attack speed, even though the ultimate wasn't technically nerfed. The changes seem comparable, if not better, especially with the buff to the agility gain. Riki's win rate sits at 57.55, although it tends to drop off at higher MMRs, where players read his tactics better. He's become a killing machine, and the recommended build includes Wraith Bands for the armor, sometimes a Magic Wand for the lane, Treads, Diffusal, and Manta.