Dragon's Dogma 2 is filled with side-quests that have you running from one side of the map to the other. Half the time you don't know where the quest will lead until it's too late. We are going to take a look at one of these quests.
In the north of the starting town of Melve, you will come across Eini's home. Inside is a young girl named Trysha who wants to learn how to use magic. The rewards make the trouble of helping the little girl worth it because doing so will give you the Maister's Teachings for the Mage and Sorcerer vocations.

The mission seems simple at first. You need to find five grimoires so she can study the arcane arts. However, not only does this quest in Dragon's Dogma 2 not tell you that you will have to travel across half the map, but it doesn't even tell you where to find the grimoires. That's what we are here for.
Fulminous Shield Location in Dragon's Dogma 2
The first grimoire you should pick up is nearby. You can buy Fulminous Shield from Dudley, the merchant by the entrance to Melve. It costs 5000 gold which can be quite expensive early in the game so you may have to save up.

Be aware that as soon as you buy the grimoire from Dudley he will leave this area. If you want to buy any other items from him, it's best to do so before Fulminous Shield otherwise you are going to have to track him down in Vernworth.
Howling Blizzard and Nation's Death Knell Location in Dragon's Dogma 2
The next two grimoires, Howling Blizzard and Nation's Death Knell, are in the same location and are a little trickier to retrieve. You will need to fight a wight boss and they are not easy to take down. Bring a mage that can cast the Empyrean spell because wights are weak against holy.
You will need to progress along the main story in Dragon's Dogma 2 until you can leave the Melve region and then make your way to the Waterfall Cave dungeon. You can find the cave not far from the Borderland Campground campsite. Head inside and make your way to the second floor.

Avoid the chimera on the way as it is extremely difficult and will not affect this quest in any way. If you are coming back to this quest at a higher level, by all means, take out the chimera as you go. On the second floor, you will find an old study filled with scrolls with a chest in the middle of the room. Howling Blizzard and Nation's Death Knell are inside.
Be prepared to fight because opening the chest summons the wight. You can run away if you prefer but the loot from the battle is worth the struggle, considering it drops the Eminent Coat.
Towering Earth Location in Dragon's Dogma 2
Towering Earth is the next grimoire on your list. To obtain this, you will need to progress further in the main story until you reach Vernworth. Head to the Stardrop Inn and talk to Captain Brant. Ask about Magistrate Waldhar to begin the Caged Magistrate quest.

Go and visit Waldhar. He will refuse to leave until you can find him a suitable place to hide and read books. If you talk to him again straight after, he will give you the Towering Earth grimoire while he is still in prison. You are going to have to help him out eventually but it's up to you if you want to focus on the grimoires for now.
Let There Be Light Location in Dragon's Dogma 2
You can find the last grimoire west of Vernworth in the Checkpoint Rest Town. At the top of the hill, you can find Myrrdin's house. This is the home of Trysha's father. He won't talk to you unless you are wearing the Courtly Tunic and Courtly Breeches from the main quest the Stolen Throne.

Don't worry if you don't have the formal clothes. You can gain entry to his house by jumping over his fence and onto his balcony. Head through the glass doors and on the table you can find the Let There Be Light grimoire you need.
How to Save Trysha in Dragon's Dogma 2
Return the spells to Trysha and she will give you the Turquoise Ring. Don't worry because more rewards are coming. Trysha will leave to study. Return in a few days. You can head to the nearby campfire and rest until the morning multiple times.

When you go back, you will come across Trysha attacking her grandparents with magic. To save her, do not attack. Evade her spells and wait for her to tire. When she eventually stops casting, restrain her by picking her up and her grandparents will thank you for helping.
Come back the next day to see how Trysha is doing. She will give you the Conjurer's Jottings, the Maister's Teaching for Sorcerers, and the Cast Stone wand. Talk to Eini before leaving and she will give you the Enchanter's Almanac, the Maister's Teaching for Mages.
The Conjurer's Jottings grants the Meteoron spell, which has massive damage but it does take a long time to cast and you can only do so outside. The Enchanter's Almanac gives you Celestial Paean, a powerful support spell that grants temporary infinite stamina and damage reduction.
That's everything you need to know about the Spellbound quest and the location of all five Grimoires for Trysha. It's not the easiest mission but it is definitely worth the trouble. I hope this was helpful.