In Dragon's Dogma 2, you'll encounter a unique two-part challenge involving the Sphinx, one of the game's optional bosses. This encounter isn't your typical fight; it involves solving a series of riddles followed by a boss battle with a twist. Successfully completing this challenge will reward you with over 100,000 gold and various powerful items, including a potent arrow capable of defeating any enemy with a single shot. This guide will walk you through all the Sphinx's riddles and give you some tips on how to solve them with ease.
Table of Contents

Requirements and Riddle Order
Before we dive into the riddles, it's crucial to understand two key aspects of this challenge:
- There will be two sets of 5 riddles in two different locations. The second set of riddles has a random order, and one of the riddles asks how many riddles you have solved. So, it is very important to keep track of how many riddles you have solved.
- If you fail at any point, the challenge is over for this playthrough, and you can't attempt it again.
First Set of Sphinx Riddle Solutions in Dragon's Dogma 2
In order to start solving riddles, first, you need to locate the Sphinx. Its first location is at the Mountain Shrine, located northeast of the Checkpoint Rest Town. After a journey through the Ancient Battleground and several encounters, including a sleeping cyclops and a rock golem, you'll arrive at the shrine, ready to face the first set of riddles.

Riddle of Eyes Solution
Our eyes are our allies, yet oft do they betray, for eyes tell lies, so I advise, and thence do lead astray. Yet how will your eyes advise you? Venture through yonder door and retrieve that which is of greatest value.
The first trial involves recognizing that not everything is as it appears. Upon entering the designated room, immediately turn around and spot a chest above the entrance. Inside, you'll find a sealing vial, which you need to present to the Sphinx.

Riddle of Madness Solution
Love is as twin to madness, they say. They are bound fast, as night is to day. So bring forth your most beloved to me, that I might gauge the depth of your insanity.
This riddle tests your definition of 'beloved.' Rather than fetching a specific NPC with whom you have the strongest bond and bringing them to the shrine, the easiest way to solve this is to place all three of your pawns on the pedestal.

Riddle of Wisdom Solution
The parent knows the child, yet the reverse is far from true. The child knows not the parent; such is the parent’s due. I am a lost child, for kinship do I yearn. So bring to me my parent, that I may learn.
To complete this challenge, you will need to fetch a specific Capcom pawn. It will either be the SphinxParent, the SphinxMother, or the SphinxFather. You can find one of these pawns in Havre Village at the Riftstone of Fellowship. You will need to recruit that pawn and have them in your party. Check the image below for the exact location.

Riddle of Conviction Solution
Life is an enigma–a lender of mortal debt. Yet lighter pack makes fleeter foot and challenge nimbly met. So grant to me what you most prize, and hence elude your ponderous demise.
The riddle suggests that you need to give up your most valuable item. Any item you offer will work. However, once you relinquish the item, not only will you get it back, it will actually be duplicated, and you will receive two of them. You can offer any high-value or even unique item you desire.
Riddle of Rumination Solution
You know of Seeker’s Tokens, I trust? Those keepsakes of a fondly remembered journey? Yet where it was that you found your first? Retrace your steps, if you can–you might make a new discovery.
You have seven in-game days to solve this riddle. The Sphinx directs you to the location where you found your first Seeker Token. Once you go there, instead of a Seeker Token, you will now find a Finder's Token. Bring it back to the Sphinx to complete this challenge.
Important Note: This is the final riddle at this location. You have two options here. You can either open the fifth chest and run to her next location, or the easier way is to leave your final reward for later and jump on the Sphinx's back. She will fly you to the next location.

Second Set of Sphinx Riddle Solutions in Dragon's Dogma 2
The second location is the Frontier Shrine, located west of the Checkpoint Rest Town. Whether you walk here or fly on her back, it doesn't matter.

We suggest placing a Portcrystal at this location because it will assist you with two of the upcoming riddles. At the end of these riddles, you will have to fight the Sphinx. If you attack her incorrectly, she will fly away, and you will not be able to receive your final reward. One of the riddle rewards is an Unmaking Arrow, which allows for an instant kill. Therefore, if you bring a pawn who can switch to a bow, you can use that arrow if the fight doesn't go as planned.
Riddle of Reunion Solution
The sixth riddle is automatically completed once you find the Sphinx's second location. Simply loot the chest behind her to complete it. From here forward, the riddles will appear in a random order, so read the names carefully and keep track of how many riddles you have solved.
Riddle of Recollection Solution
My memory fails me, you see. Remind me, and make it plain. Let yonder statues be your means. For every question aptly answered, bring one here before me.
This is the riddle where the Sphinx asks you how many riddles you have solved. To complete it, you need to pick up statues on the left and place them in front of her. Remember, the number of statues represents the number of riddles you have solved. If this is your seventh riddle, you need to place six statues in front of her. If this is your eighth riddle, you should put seven statues, and so on.

Riddle of Contest Solution
In this challenge, you will be equipped with a ring that lowers your damage. The Sphinx spawns an enemy, and you have to defeat it. Instead of slowly fighting, the best way to complete this challenge is to grab the enemy and throw them off the cliff.

Riddle of Futility Solution
Here I have an amphora destined for Ser Maurits in Battahl. Deliver it to him, but beware; it’s rather fragile.
During this riddle, the Sphinx will give you a vase to carry to a specific NPC, marked on your map, in the city of Bakbattahl. If the vase breaks, the challenge will fail. The easiest way to complete this challenge is to bring the NPC, Maurits, to the vase instead of carrying the vase to the NPC. Go to Maurits, grab him, and while holding him, use a Ferrystone to teleport to your Portcrystal. You will teleport with him and can then place him next to the vase.

Riddle of Differentiation Solution
I seek this man. If men are so distinct, I’m sure you’ll meet him in a trice.
In this riddle, you will be shown an image of an NPC whom you are meant to find and bring back to the Sphinx. The catch here is that there are two NPCs, Dante and Vergil, who look almost identical. The only differences are their hairstyles and the shapes of their scars. Make a screenshot of the NPC she shows you, so you can compare it to the correct person. One of them is located in Checkpoint Rest Town, while the other is in Bakbattahl. Simply bring the right person to her, and that's it.

And those are the solutions to all the riddles. After you complete them, you will notice that there is one big chest that remains locked, and the Sphinx has the key around her neck. To open that chest, you will need to attack the Sphinx before she flies away. The trick here is to target only her back legs and the area where the tail is. Attacking her anywhere else will cause the challenge to fail, and she will fly away.

Once you deal enough damage, the Sphinx will disappear and give you the key. If you attack her in the wrong spot, or if you don't want to waste your time, you can use the Unmaking Arrow to instantly kill her and obtain the key for the final chest.
And that concludes our guide to all the Sphinx riddle solutions in Dragon's Dogma 2. Remember, if you fail any riddle, the challenge will end, and you won't have another chance to attempt it in this playthrough. For more Dragon's Dogma 2 guides, check the rest of our website.