With the bumpy start to Capcom's release of Dragon's Dogma 2, it seems they are playing it safe before creating DLCs. A plethora of microtransactions and performance issues that still need fixing have created mixed feelings about the action RPG. While the game itself is a beautiful work of art, there is still a sour taste in many gamers' mouths when it comes to Dragon's Dogma 2.

Capcom decided that they wanted to hear what the players of the game thought about Dragon's Dogma 2. It's not a bad way of getting feedback before planning any further projects.
Dragon's Dogma 2 DLC Survey Questions
As with most surveys, Capcom asks what you thought of the game so far. They question how you heard about the game. Would you recommend Dragon's Dogma 2 to your friends? Did you enjoy it? This is nothing unusual but they did also ask if you would be willing to buy a DLC if one became available.

Maybe it was the controversial beginning of Dragon's Dogma 2 that has them hesitant but it's not the most confident start to the potential project. It seems a little early for players who are still upset about the microtransactions on the release date. It might have been best to wait a little longer for fans to calm down before asking them if they would be willing to spend more money.
Another question that the survey asks is how much money we would want to spend on the DLC if they release one. This is a good idea to see if producing extra content is worth it. The last thing Dragon's Dogma 2 fans need is another high price tag on something they don't need.
Most gamers who have seen the survey have said that they think it is a good idea and are encouraging others to participate, especially those with issues. Only time will tell if the developers behind Dragon's Dogma 2 will listen to people's thoughts and act accordingly.

There have been some players complaining about the survey, saying Capcom should fix Dragon's Dogma 2's main game before asking us to think about a DLC. We can only hope these people have taken the survey and told Capcom their thoughts.
If you have played Dragon's Dogma 2 and have a few ideas about where Capcom can improve, you can find the survey here. It is available until April 21. I hope this was helpful and I hope you take the time to give Capcom your feedback on the game.