Some quests in Dragon’s Dogma 2 don’t tell you exactly what you need to do and can leave you feeling lost. Without any idea what to do or where to go, you can need a little help to figure things out. That’s what we are here for.
Dulled Steel, Cold Forge is one of those quests that starts quite simple but when you try to talk to the one blacksmith who can help, he wants nothing to do with you. You will have had to complete the Seat of the Sovran before you can start this quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2.
How to Start Dulled Steel, Cold Forge in Dragon’s Dogma 2
When you have completed the Seat of the Sovran mission, head to the Royal Quarter of the Vernworth Castle and search for a guard called Ronan. He will ask you to follow him and lead you to the Fountain Garden.

Ronan has the Regalia Sword, the weapon used by the rulers of Vermund for centuries. It is now dull and unusable. He will ask you to help restore it to its former glory. This will begin the Dulled Steel, Cold Forge quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2.
How to Restore the Regalia Sword in Dragon’s Dogma 2
You can take the sword to Roderick’s Smithy in Vernworth but he will tell you that the skill needed to fix such a sword is beyond him. Your next stop should be Bakbattahl in search of a better swordsmith in Dragon's Dogma 2. You may not have access to Battahl depending on when you are attempting this quest but luckily it is not time sensitive so don’t worry just yet.
When you make your way to Bakbattahl, you can resume your progress in Dulled Steel, Cold Forge. Head over to Brokkr’s Smithy and talk with the dwarf running the place. He will tell you that he has retired and will not help.

As you turn to leave, his apprentice will approach you and start to say that she can help but Brokkr will interrupt. You will need to wait until Brokkr leaves and then return to Sara. She will say you need to find some Glimmercoal in the nearby Digger’s Ruins. 15 pieces will be enough.
Follow your map and go to the ruins in the southwest of Battahl. The Glimmercoal glows green faintly so it is best to turn off your lanterns and you will see it better. Be aware that in the cave you will find some powerful monsters. You don’t have to engage with them if you don’t want to.

When you have collected 15 pieces, return to Sara and hand them over. She will agree to work on the sword and this will end the Dulled Steel, Cold Forge quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2. You will have to wait a few in-game days before you can continue the storyline and see the end result in the next quest. At the end of the next mission, Steeled Resolve, Blazing Forge, you will receive the finished sword.
Until then you will gain 2,800 XP and 12,000 gold for your efforts. That’s everything you need to know about the Dulled Steel, Cold Forge quest. I hope this helps. Check out our guides on the Off the Pilfered Path, The Arisen’s Shadow, and Shadowed Prayers quest.