Dragon's Dogma 2, the action RPG from Capcom, provides players with numerous quests and characters to complete and reveal. Among them is the mysterious Wilhelmina, who emerges as a potential romantic partner for the Arisen. Her quest, Every Rose Has Its Thorn, is crucial for initiating this romance. This comprehensive walkthrough will guide you to complete the Every Rose Has Its Thorn quest in Dragon's Dogma 2.
Table of Contents
Every Rose Has Its Thorn Quest Guide in Dragon's Dogma 2
Before diving into Every Rose Has Its Thorn, players must first complete two main story quests involving Wilhelmina, which are "The Stolen Throne" and "An Unsettling Encounter." These quests introduce the Arisen to the owner of the Rose Chateau Bordelrie in Vernworth and set the stage for romance.
Triggering the Quest: A Nighttime Visit to Rose Chateur Bordelrie

After completing the prerequisites, rest at an inn or house until the next day. Then, visit Wilhelmina at the Rose Chateur Bordelrie during the night. An attendant called Rolf will stop the Arisen, mentioning that Wilhelmina is with another patron.
After this, you can try to go through the double doors to Wilhelmina's room and interact with the painting on the right wall to see into the next room. This will start a cutscene and the quest will start.
Gathering Evidence: Murder and Bribery

Wilhelmina will then ask the Arisen to gather evidence against a man named Allard within three in-game days. The first step you need to do is to visit Sven, the queen regent's son, in his room at Vernworth Castle. Though Sven can't help directly, he recommends finding Patrick, another nobleman, at night.
Locate Patrick's house near the Bordelrie and speak with him after dark. He will offer to lure Allard away, giving the Arisen a chance to search Allard's home for clues. Enter the house next door and examine the painting upstairs to obtain the crucial Murder Report.
Confronting Allard: A Deadly Encounter

After you gather all the evidence, return to Wilhelmina and present the Murder Report to her.
She will ask if the Arisen is willing to help her kill Allard. To progress the romance, agree to continue offering assistance. Wilhelmina will use a disguise and instruct the Arisen to restrain Allard in the next room.
Here you need to press R2/RT to grab him, triggering a cutscene where Wilhelmina reveals her motives and takes her revenge.
The Final Encounter: Romance Blooms

Once the task is complete, Wilhelmina advises fleeing in different directions to evade the alerted guards. Leave through the broken balcony railing and quickly head to Merchant Square. Find shelter in the inn, avoiding fighting if you can, and wait until morning.
With the heat died down, return to Wilhelmina's room in the Bordelrie. This visit will trigger the conclusion of the quest and the long-awaited romance scene.
Every Rose Has Its Thorn Quest Rewards
As a reward for completing Every Rose Has Its Thorn, players will receive:
- 1,200 XP
- 8,500 gold
- Ring of Benevolence
- Wilhelmina Romance
Tips and Tricks for Every Rose Has Its Thorn Quest in Dragon's Dogma 2

These are some quick tips and tricks to complete Every Rose Has Its Thorn Quest easily:
- If the quest doesn't trigger immediately after the prerequisites, try sleeping for an additional day or completing an unrelated quest before returning to the Bordelrie.
- When escaping from Allard's room, prioritize reaching the inn safely. Fighting the guards is not recommended, as it can lead to unwanted consequences.
- The Ring of Benevolence, awarded upon quest completion, is a valuable accessory that provides a helpful boost to the Arisen's abilities.
Starting Every Rose Has Its Thorn quest in Dragon's Dogma 2 not only reveals Wilhelmina's mystery but also allows players to develop a romantic relationship with her.
By following the steps in this guide, Arisen can effectively progress through the quest, assist Wilhelmina in her revenge scheme, and eventually earn her affection. As with all things in Dragon's Dogma 2, the choices made during this quest will shape the Arisen's journey and relationships in meaningful ways.