In Dragon's Dogma 2, Fell-Lord Bones are rare crafting materials obtained only from Skeleton Lords, a specific type of enemy. Finding and defeating Skeleton Lords can be difficult, but with the right strategy and knowing where to search, collecting Fell-Lord Bones becomes easier. This guide will show you how to farm Fell-Lord Bones in Dragon's Dogma 2 effectively!
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How to Get Fell-Lord Bones in Dragon's Dogma 2

Fell-Lord Bones are dropped by Skeleton Lords, elite enemies found in specific locations in Dragon's Dogma 2 world. A reliable spot to encounter them is in the hills between Checkpoint Rest Town and Vernworth, south of Mountain Shrine, particularly north of Putrid Cave where Rodge is rescued during the "Prey for the Pack" quest.
In this area, Skeleton Lords spawn near graveyards and outside a stone structure beside a catapult. Remember, they only appear at night, so plan farming expeditions accordingly.
How to Defeat Skeleton Lords

Fighting Skeleton Lords can be tough because of their heavy armor, big swords, and strong shields. They're much tougher than regular skeletons and are good at blocking attacks from players and their Pawns.
A good strategy is to fight Skeleton Lords as a Mystic Spearhand vocation because they can summon magical shields to block attacks and keep up the offense. It's also crucial to focus on defeating the smaller skeletons they summon to prevent getting overwhelmed.
Maximizing Fell-Lord Bone Drops

While defeating a Skeleton Lord is no easy feat, it doesn't guarantee a Fell-Lord Bone drop. To increase the chances of getting this precious resource, players should consider the following tips:
- If the desired item doesn't drop, leave the area and engage in combat with other monsters before returning.
- Rest at inns for several in-game nights to respawn the Skeleton Lords.
- Persist in farming attempts, as the Fell-Lord Bones are a rare drop and may require multiple defeats of Skeleton Lords.
By being determined and strategic in finding and fighting Skeleton Lords, players can gather plenty of Fell-Lord Bones for crafting in Dragon's Dogma 2. So good luck!