Capcom will be launching Dragon's Dogma 2 on March 22. Fans are eagerly awaiting the sequel to the action RPG game that came out in 2012.
After twelve years of waiting, players anticipate great things, given the advancements in technical innovation and the time the developers have had to build an amazing world and storyline. Capcom will release Dragon's Dogma 2 on PC, Xbox Series X/S, and PlayStation 5.
So, how long does it take to complete Dragon's Dogma 2? This article has your back. Some players prefer to run through the campaign and nothing more but we will also be having a glance at how long it will take to complete everything the game has to offer.

Dragon's Dogma 2: How Long to Beat the Campaign?
During an interview with Director Hideaki Itsuno, he didn't give us an exact number of hours to expect. Instead, he announced that the game's main story will have a duration similar to the first Dragon's Dogma. For those who don't know, it takes players an average of 37 hours to complete the 2012 RPG. This is only for the adventurers that do not divert from the main quests.
Dragon's Dogma 2: How Long to Complete the Whole Game?
Things are different for players who want to see everything Dragon's Dogma 2 has to offer.
For the people that want to do everything, that see many things and are like, 'Oh, I want to do this thing, oh that looks interesting,' well, we put a lot of effort into adding as many elements as possible for this. There's many things that could catch players' attention and for those people, they will probably find their playtime significantly longer.
-Hideaki Itsuno
If we consider that the first game in the Dragon's Dogma series has an average completionist time of 102 hours, I don't think it's a stretch to say the sequel will be the same or, if anything, longer.
It seems we will have hours of gameplay to enjoy, filled with side quests, new vocations, and skills. Dragon's Dogma 2 will be adding limitations to the fast travel system, likely expanding the playtime even further. Developers have reacted to our worries by saying that traveling in an open world is only boring if the game itself is boring. We can only hope that won't be the case.

That covers everything we know about how long it will take to beat Dragon's Dogma 2. The release on March 22 can't get here any sooner! Make sure you have your hero ready with Capcom's Character Creation tool and are up to date on all the available editions and pre-ordering bonuses.